Content for Registered User on Joomla 2.5 - joomla

I am working with Joomla 2.5 and I need to set a page each language to be visible only to registered users.
Now that's what I have done already:
I created 5 new pages with restricted access (Registered), one each language
Created 5 new menu items, linking to single articles with restricted access (Registered)
Created a module to display the above menu with restricted access (Registered)
Everything works fine, so the menu items link to the correct pages, except that I get the module also for Public users.
Where am I wrong?

You need to create a guest usergroup which is not a part of the registered user group. Then you should set your default usergroup for not-logged in users as guest instead of public. You can do that in the options of the user manager page. That should do the trick.


Toolbar buttons not visible for new usergroup in Joomla 2.5

I created a new usergroup (Partners) and a new viewing access level (Partners) in joomla.
The idea is that that usergroup has access to only a single component and only specific modules (all of this in the administrator interface).
This all works fine except for the fact that the user cannot create nor edit anything in any component. Create is set to Allowed, yet no toolbar buttons are visible. I tried setting everything to Allowed in the component. I tried different components to no avail.
The Partners usergroup is the sole group with viewing access Partners.
I would also like to note that the component name is NOT visible in the toolbar area
Settings for component:
viewing access level:

Joomla 3.2 Guest user group

I'm working on a website based on Joomla 3.2.
I created menu module with a menu item called login and I want that this menu item only is shown to guest users. The item is suppose to disappear as soon the user is logged in.
To achieve that I gave that menu item, the access level guest. In the past I have done something like that on Joomla 2.5 already and it worked but now it doesn't work at all.
The only hint I could get was to change the default user groupe for guest users from public to guest, but still no success.
I hope someone can help me to figure out this problem.
In Joomla 3 you have Public and Guest user groups. Public is what you want for all pages and items that anyone can see.
For items that just non logged in users see you need to assign them to Guest. Which a user will not then see.
This how to for 3.1 is quite good
When you perform all steps, and it's still not working. Then logout, clear browser cache/session data etc and then try again, this worked for me

Joomla 3.1 Front end editing - Deleting and article

I have set up user group called "Article Editor" with a parent of Administrator. Within that group I have a user of "Agent" and assigned them to the "Article Editor" User group.
I have a blog page in which when they are logged in they can create an article (only with a particular category called blog) and they can edit all articles, however, I cannot get any option anywhere to enable them to delete any article they have created within the "blog" category. I have gone into the article manage and made sure the permissions are set to enable Edit, Delete and Create.
Any ideas how I allow the user to log into the front end and have the option to delete? Ive tried everything I can think of an am going around in circles now.
The Delete permission should be given only to trusted administrators (with intended access to the back-end) and can be performed in the back-end.
From your description, you don't want this group of users to have access in the back-end and even more have delete permissions, as these users if they log-in to the backend they will be able to delete many things.
These users should be able to edit state (publish/unpublish) their own articles.
So, concluding:
Give this group only front-end access, with permissions similar to the author (core joomla group) with the addition of edit state.
So they will be able to create and publish/unpublish (**addition- or trashing) their articles.

Joomla ACL: Only allow access to custom component in the backend?

I'm building a component for the backend. I don't want the users who will access it to access ANYTHING else in the backend except for this component.
I tried following these two instructions:!1.6_-_Part_14#Describing_the_ACL
I made a new User Group with a parent of public and allow admin login (which would lock them out of everything) and then tried adding the ACL code from those links above with permissions to create and edit but I just get a blank screen (not even a logout link). The "Debug Permissions Report" showed the correct permissions but nothing's showing up.
Any ideas? My next step is to manually go through every component and not allow access to that new User Group but it seems like there's an easier way.
In Joomla! 2.5 we regularly create "Content" only backend users that have access only to the 'com_content' component.
Going back through our steps the only thing you haven't specified is adding the new user group to a View Access Level. If you're using the standard sample content installed when setting up a Joomla! website you can add your new user group to the "Special" view access (although any will do).
If a new group has 'admin login' privileges it can login but without a View Access level it can't see anything.. it's a subtle difference but it's the way Joomla! works.

Joomla custom user groups

I have a Joomla website and there are two sections to the site. One section is for the public and the other is for retailers which have to be approved. What I need is to create a group of users which are the only ones who can access the retailer section of the site. These users don't get any editing/publishing/administrator roles; they're just registered users with special access. I've tried several extensions but had no luck with it. Does anyone know how this can be done?
You don't need groups: you just have to make sure to disable the "self registration" option (from admin control panel: Global Configuration -> system -> Allow User Registration = No)
Also, you'll have to configure each article/menu to have Access Level "public"/"registered".
You can register new users from the admin control panel and only they will be able to view "registered" content.
Read this :-
Search about access control list.
