Toolkit Autocompletebox popup postition - windows-phone-7

I'm having some troubles with the position of the Autocompletebox. It's working as it should, displaying the popup above the textbox when using the app. But if I use a task like Microsoft.Phone.Tasks.EmailComposeTask and then click on the back button, the position of the popup goes to to the "middle", not below or over the textbox, but right over it. Does anybody have a clue on what I need to do here? I know that the app is deactivated and activated again when i use Microsoft.Phone.Tasks.EmailComposeTask. But I don't understand why the popup of the toolkit:Autocompletebox is the only thing that's affected by this.
I've read this thread: WP7 AutoCompleteBox Popup position, but is there still no way of "fixing" this issue? Any tips?


Custom button not displaying in Today Extension

I have some custom buttons in my host app that I'd like to use in the Today Extension.
They work just fine in the app but do not display in the widget.
The button on the left is my custom button class, the one on the right is a UIButton. If I change it to my custom class it too disappears.
Any thoughts why this might be happening?
Well, somehow I managed to get it to display but sometimes it's not drawing the whole button and sometimes it's drawing the button incorrectly.
Any help would be appreciated! Thanks

How to check if tapped region falls inside a PopUp Control

I am using tap event listener from wp toolkit. In my app I show a pop up screen. I have defined the gesturelister to work on the Grid. In capturing the Tap gesture event, I get the screen coordinates (i.e X and Y) where it happened.
Now i want to know if the Tap happened inside the PopUp control or outside it. How can i achieve this on wp8. I have tried many solutions but none seems to work. Please help on this.
Is the Grid under or over the PopUp Control?
If yes, the solution is pretty simple.
When the click is on the Popup the Grid will not receive it.
When the click is not on the Popup the Grid will receive it.

adopt popup from blend and to visual studio windows phone 8

We are trying to implement a popup window.
This we are doing by making a popup in Blend, which we interpret as a style ? Because of its variable name in visual studio. We have tried to give = blendPopupStyle;
But when displaying it the style is lost.
Can somebody explain a mock up of how to do this?
Furthermore the popup should scale out the background so as not to make people able to click anything else than the UI on the popup.
An example is here but it is only working for windows 8. And when trying to port I have not been able to find a way. But this still leaves the blend issue.
Hope somebody have an example / tutorial, or some pointers :)
The error is in where you in blend position your popup model. it should be where the other elements are as a popup element. Then you can simply by NAME.isopen = true;.
If you want a background that is not accesible in the meantime of popup and you do not want a hugh popup. simply open a popup with an appropriate opacity &/| colour. And then open your blend model done :)
Stands in the question. Rewritten:
The error is in where you in blend position your popup model. it should be where the other elements are as a popup element. Then you can simply by NAME.isopen = true;.
If you want a background that is not accesible in the meantime of popup and you do not want a hugh popup. simply open a popup with an appropriate opacity &/| colour. And then open your blend model done :)

Scrolling issues with SIP (keyboard) open on wp7

I am developing an application for WP7 platform (actually WP7.1 sdk). I have a page with an image and couple textboxes in a Grid encapsulated in scrollviwer, that supports both portrait and landscape orientation. I am facing some odd behaviors that rised my two questions:
Is there a solution or at least explanation why in Portrait mode when I focus on any textbox and SIP comes up I cannot scroll through the page in the rest of viewable area? When I try to scroll it with SIP up it always bounces back to the focused textbox so to select another textbox I have to tap elswere to hide the SIP and select another textbox. (its annoying and user unfriendly) In a landscape mode though, I can scroll through the page easily (without bouncing) and select whatever I want with SIP up. I think it has to do something with a fact that in portrait mode without sip you can see all elements and in landscape you have to scroll down to see some textboxes. But if I look into some system apps I see similar pages and it doesnt bounce to focused textbox with the keyboard up, so I dunno what am I doing wrong.
Is there any workaround to correctly position dropdown from autocompletebox control from toolkit while it is declared inside of scrollviewer? Its position is always messed up, most of the time I tried to solve this it showed up over the textbox itself hiding it.
Thanks for your time.
I already did some research but didnt solve anything :-/
Could you please try my solution ?
I would recommend you to read Alex's article on the subject. I think it should answer your problem just fine.
Not really. And you shouldn't have a AutoCompleteBox in a ScrollViewer.

scroll tip in list control

In Windows 7, the explorer shows a scroll tip in detailed view like this:
alt text,VS.85%29.jpg
This image is taken from this MSDN page, but there's no information there on how to activate this for a plain list control.
I'd like to get my list controls to do the same, but I can't figure out how to do this.
There's the LVN_BEGINSCROLL and the LVN_ENDSCROLL notification message, but no LVN_SCROLL message which is sent while scrolling so I could implement my own scroll tip and updating it while scrolling.
I haven't found any window styles or settings for the list control to activate this feature either.
But since Windows 7 can do this, it must be possible somehow. Anyone got an idea how I could implement/activate this feature?
You could probably subclass the listview and catch WM_VSCROLL
A somewhat related article in MSJ implemented "scroll tips" and deferred scrolling
