adopt popup from blend and to visual studio windows phone 8 - user-interface

We are trying to implement a popup window.
This we are doing by making a popup in Blend, which we interpret as a style ? Because of its variable name in visual studio. We have tried to give = blendPopupStyle;
But when displaying it the style is lost.
Can somebody explain a mock up of how to do this?
Furthermore the popup should scale out the background so as not to make people able to click anything else than the UI on the popup.
An example is here but it is only working for windows 8. And when trying to port I have not been able to find a way. But this still leaves the blend issue.
Hope somebody have an example / tutorial, or some pointers :)
The error is in where you in blend position your popup model. it should be where the other elements are as a popup element. Then you can simply by NAME.isopen = true;.
If you want a background that is not accesible in the meantime of popup and you do not want a hugh popup. simply open a popup with an appropriate opacity &/| colour. And then open your blend model done :)

Stands in the question. Rewritten:
The error is in where you in blend position your popup model. it should be where the other elements are as a popup element. Then you can simply by NAME.isopen = true;.
If you want a background that is not accesible in the meantime of popup and you do not want a hugh popup. simply open a popup with an appropriate opacity &/| colour. And then open your blend model done :)


JavaFX 2.0 custom Window frame buttons

I want to add a button to my applications window frame. At the moment I have the regular windows look: "minimize, maximize and close". I were thinking that I should make a whole new window frame with my own buttons, but what I really need is just an additional button that has the functionality of "Log out". Kinda like Skype:
I have been searching the web for some pointers and hints, but I've gotten no longer.
So if anybody has any comments or code that would help me, it would be greatly appreciated!
The JavaFX Ensemble Sample application demonstrates custom buttons for "minimize, maximize and close", you can get it's source code here.

Toolkit Autocompletebox popup postition

I'm having some troubles with the position of the Autocompletebox. It's working as it should, displaying the popup above the textbox when using the app. But if I use a task like Microsoft.Phone.Tasks.EmailComposeTask and then click on the back button, the position of the popup goes to to the "middle", not below or over the textbox, but right over it. Does anybody have a clue on what I need to do here? I know that the app is deactivated and activated again when i use Microsoft.Phone.Tasks.EmailComposeTask. But I don't understand why the popup of the toolkit:Autocompletebox is the only thing that's affected by this.
I've read this thread: WP7 AutoCompleteBox Popup position, but is there still no way of "fixing" this issue? Any tips?

Custom CommonDialog/PrintDialog Newbie Question

I am trying to create my first custom Print Dialog in C#. I found some samples online that I'm working with to do this.
What I want to do is to put a button underneath the Properties button in the upper right corner. The code samples I have seen so far put new controls on the bottom of the Dialog relative to the position of the OK and Cancel buttons. Those code samples allow one to retrieve the handle of the OK or Cancel buttons because they're universal constants in Dialog controls. Fair enough, but how would I go about getting the handle on the Properties button so I could insert my button underneath?
You can use SPY++ to figure out the control Id of any control, those ids a solid across Windows versions. You can read here (old but still relevant) on how to use SPY++ to obtain control Ids.

Windows Mobile Custom Textbox

I'm trying to replicate the input box shown in the image on windows mobile 5+
but i'm struggling for ideas!
So far the only things I have come up with (I haven't managed to make either work) were to either;
inherit TextBox and paint the textbox
background manually by overriding
make the textbox background
transparent and position the
textbox over an image that looked
like the one in the screen shot
Has anybody done this or know of how this could be acheived?
Thanks in advance
I gave up on this as I have moved away from windows mobile but found that it wasn't possible, due to restrictions in the compact framework, to do this with the existing textbox, you would need to create your own texbox control from scratch!

Is there an easy way to recreate the WinForms layout experience at runtime for user positioning of controls

When laying out a WinForm in Visual Studio you get the ability to resize and align your controls very easily with drag handles and border alignment hints.
I'd like to do the same with a runtime control to enable the user to position an image on a page.
For example, if the user has a photo and they want to place it as a background on the desktop I'd like the control to help them move and size the photo thumbnail in a mini desktop visual.
I can do all of this, but my real question is, does anyone know of a way to inherit from the standard WinForms layout editor so that I can choose to use the nice docking, alignment hints and control resizing without coding it all again?
Thanks in advance
I don't know about easy, but you can host the actual winforms designer in your own applications without too many problems.. See here.
