joomla add view into another view - model-view-controller

Im using joomla MVC and I want to build a form that has different tabs which are different sections of the form with inputs in it. There are some tabs that are common to other forms that I need to include.
I would like to be able to load this common content from a separate file or view so i dont have duplicate code, plus is easier when I need to do a change to the form so I dont have to do it in all the forms. It's like displaying a view inside another view.
Is there a way to accomplish this?

A Joomla! provides the loadTemplate method to views.
So if you're currently in a tmpl file loaded for layout edit (ie. tmpl/edit.php ) you can call $this->loadTemplate('tab1'); and Joomla! will load the tmpl/edit_tab1.php file in the same view as your edit.php.
In that same view if you wanted to include say tmpl/other_tab1.php you would have to temporarily set the layout to other, eg. in one of our components during the Run template we need a tab from the Edit template, so we use:
<?php $this->setLayout('edit'); // This is ugly
echo $this->loadTemplate('plan');
$this->setLayout('run'); ?>
To load a template from another view alltogether, I think you would have to temporarily over-ride the view value, load the template then restore the view. eg.
$jinput = JFactory::getApplication()->input;
$jinput->set('view', 'other');
$jinput->set('view', 'original');
NB: this last bit I haven't had time to test but it should work.

You can load a different template file for a different view manually, by simply requiring it. The following is for a view called "nameofotherview" with the layout "layoutname". If this is for an admin view use JPATH_COMPONENT_ADMINSTRATOR instead.
require(JPATH_COMPONENT_SITE . '/views/nameofotherview/tmpl/layoutname.php');
Remember that the data set up in the view class needs to be compatible with the main layout as well as the layout you're loading from elsewhere.
A side effect of doing this is that template overrides won't work. The loadTemplate function is doing a require but it checks the template paths for overrides first.

You can use vews in other views as described in Joomla documentation: Sharing layouts across views or extensions with JLayout


How to include hooks in CMS pages?

I've created a custom hook, so that I can include my custom module in any .tpl file by a single line: {hook h='calcSubstrate'}.
However, I can't use it in CMS page, at least not by using the admin panel - including smarty code in a CMS page won't render, the code would appear just as it is, as a text: {hook h='calcSubstrate'}.
Alternatively, if that would be easier/faster - how can I choose on which pages my module would appear?
The editor for CMS page won't recognize any Smarty code. To include hooks in chosen articles/pages, I can think of two options:
Include the hook in the template (cms.tpl), and check for the id of the current page to conditionally display the module. The list of the page ids can be made as the module's configuration.
Build a module to add functionality similar to Wordpress's shortcode to the CMS content. I do this with module instead of overriding the CmsController class, hence I have to display the content with {$cms->content|module}. You can look at the simplified code here for inspiration: Of course you can make it more generic like Wordpress, by having only one Smarty modifier do_shortcode that does everything (just like Wordpress's do_shortcode function).
Last time I did this it was because my client want to put slideshows in some CMS pages, and I chose the second approach because it gives a lot of flexibility about when the module is displayed and where it is displayed between the content. For something else, for example Contact Form, or Map, this would be overkill and the first approach is better.

Joomla 2.5.8. How to display only article or module content in modal box popup.

I want to put login module in to modal popup. But when I use class="modal" whole page gets loaded in to modal. Can you show me the way to put only module.
This stands also for displaying articles in modal.
here is the link with problem
I do this fairly often and there are two tricks that can help make this work better. First you will likely want to add tmpl=component to your url. This causes Joomla to only display the article instead of the entire template (as long as your template supports this, most do).
This should do pretty well. If you want to get even more selective, you can do one of two things:
Add CSS to hide pieces
.modal-body .other-selector {
Use Javascript to select only the piece that you want
$('#myModal').on('show', function () {
// selects a piece of the current modal body and sets it as the only content of the modal
$('#myModal .modal-body').html($('#myModal .modal-body').find('.other-selector).html());
The way you can only display the component is to add an extra parameter tmpl=component in the url.If you'll see the component.php inside your template folder that has mainly <jdoc:include type="component" /> with no module position.So it'll load only component.
I did not try for module but you can try similar for module.So you can try it by just giving the position of the module in whole template like create a new page called modules.php in your template folder and put the module position inside this page.And you call it in a similar way just like component like tmpl=modules
I hope this will work.
It was problem with my templates component.php file. I just added inside and now it works fine. Thanks guys

How to use style sheet within a controller

I am having an application, in which I m showing some tabs through some xyz view.
if anyone click on any of the tab it will call one of the function within a controller.
This called controller function will then display some values based on the id passed through the tab.
So I want to display those values through controller as well as to apply some style to generated output using some style.css file.
Now my application is generating the output but I am unable to apply styles on it. Specially .hover style is not working.
You can include your style files into your application. For this, it is recommended to have an header.php file, and after including all needed style sheets into this file, you can load and use it.

Orchard CMS Render module view in homepage

I'm trying to render a view, defined in a module, in the main site homepage (~/) as it's main content. If the user is not authenticated, i need to show a login/register view instead.
The logged-in view lives in one module (Product Module) and the login/register view lives in another (Account Module). The logged-in view requires a service call to fetch data based on the user's products. I'm currently using standard mvc to render these views and fetch the data they require in their controllers.
Can this be accomplished by treating these views as shape templates? If so, are there any examples of pulling in views to the homepage like this? Or is there a better way of achieving this?
I have tried implmenting IHomePageProvider to return my own homepage ViewResult within the Product module, but without any success.
First, you might want to look into widgets and layers. You could define a layer for authenticaed users, and one for anonymous users, and attach widgets to those layers to achieve what you want. That might be the best way for you to accomplish this. Look in the Orchard docs for examples on how to do this.
I have done a similar thing before using custom controller and a lot of custom logic. Because of my specific requirements widgets and layers would not work for this. All the content on the page needed to change depending on some inputs, and widgets and layers were not going to be well suited for this. What I did was create a custom controller, and a corresponding Route with a high priority (so the Route takes precedence over any others that want to be the home page). I didn't mess with IHomePageProvider at all.
In the controller action I pulled the data necessary, and created the shapes I wanted, and then returned a result like this: return new ShapeResult(this, homePageShape);
homePageShape is constructed like this, right before the return statement:
// Create personalized home page shape:
var homeShape = _orchardServices.New.CustomHome(
SomeShape1: someShape1
, SomeShape2: someShape2
, SomeModel1: someModel1
This creates a shape called CustomHome, and orchard will automatically look for a template called CustomHome.cshtml in the views folder of your module.
I created several shapes (all the "someShapeX" vars you see above). Mostly they are created from content parts via the BuildDisplay() method. The content parts are queried using IContentManager, and the shapes are created like this (this example is for a slide show shape):
dynamic sliderShape = _contentManager.BuildDisplay(sliderPart, "Detail");
You can put logic in the controller to build the shapes you want depending on whether or not the user is logged in. In CustomHome.cshtml you would render a shape like this:

Question on using content from other cshtml pages in razor

I've read a couple of articles on using mvc3 razor (which I am fairly new to). I have a couple of .cshmtl pages which are like shared content (e.g. header). They are basically just html pages with one or two divs etc.
To embed this in my main page, do I just use #renderPage("page address"). Do I also need a call to #renderbody? Do I need to specify the/a page in the layout property?
I would put the common elements in a layout (or perhaps a partial view rendered by the base layout). In fact, that's what I did in an application I am now building and it works quite nicely. The one issue is whether or not you need View Model data populated by the controller and passed to that partial view. I did, so I used a base controller and populated the common elements in the view model (all of those also inherited from a base class that had the common properties) and used sections and then in the sections renderered the partial view or not, depending on the view's need.
You can create a Partial View for each of these and call:
Or you can use sections, or this article on sections might help too.
As you may or may not know, ASP.NET accepts HTML tagging.
So why not include your .aspx file with the HTML include tag?
Here's how:
<!-- #include virtual="path to file/include-file.html" -->
<!--#include virtual="header.aspx"-->
I do this all of the time when writing an ASP.NET website.
Just place it wherever you want the code, from the included page, to show up.
