How to include hooks in CMS pages? - smarty

I've created a custom hook, so that I can include my custom module in any .tpl file by a single line: {hook h='calcSubstrate'}.
However, I can't use it in CMS page, at least not by using the admin panel - including smarty code in a CMS page won't render, the code would appear just as it is, as a text: {hook h='calcSubstrate'}.
Alternatively, if that would be easier/faster - how can I choose on which pages my module would appear?

The editor for CMS page won't recognize any Smarty code. To include hooks in chosen articles/pages, I can think of two options:
Include the hook in the template (cms.tpl), and check for the id of the current page to conditionally display the module. The list of the page ids can be made as the module's configuration.
Build a module to add functionality similar to Wordpress's shortcode to the CMS content. I do this with module instead of overriding the CmsController class, hence I have to display the content with {$cms->content|module}. You can look at the simplified code here for inspiration: Of course you can make it more generic like Wordpress, by having only one Smarty modifier do_shortcode that does everything (just like Wordpress's do_shortcode function).
Last time I did this it was because my client want to put slideshows in some CMS pages, and I chose the second approach because it gives a lot of flexibility about when the module is displayed and where it is displayed between the content. For something else, for example Contact Form, or Map, this would be overkill and the first approach is better.


PyroCMS: How to include one page inside another

I have a site with an "About us" page which is divided into multiple sections.
About Us
+The Company
+Our services
+Future plans
I want to have a floated block on the right hand side of each of these pages which contains links to every other page.
Ideally, what I would like is to create a page titled AboutUsSidebar, and then be able to include this page in all of the about sections through some kind of tag, ie..
Is there anything like this in PyroCMS? Or perhaps a better way to do it?
You should use view partials.
Create your sidebar with it's HTML and save it into addons/shared_addons/themes/yourtheme/views/partials/sidebar.html and then you can include it in your layouts as so:
{{ theme:partial name="sidebar" }}
It looks like page types are the way to go, I didn't see the page types button at the top of the page before.
In the end what I was able to achieve the desired result by using a page type.
I have a page type called "About" which contains the sidebar html, then I use pages on top of that page type for each of the sections.
Worked very nicely.

create dynamic template for joomla 1.5

there are tutorials on the web about gow to create index.html, css file and template.xml that contain placeholders. ok, i got it, it's simple. but i need a template that has some different views. for example:
-all pages have a topmenu, header, left sidebar, mainarea and a footer but:
-first page has no header .topmenu after which sidebar, mainarea and footer comes.
-second page has sidebar moved from left to right
-third page has four blocks (blocks for special offers) instead of mainarea.
as far as i can see, i need to create three standalone templates with unique set of placeholders for each template. because i can't see the way to change laarge mainarea placeholder with four placeholders for offers blocks on some pages. dynamically.
is there if-statements in joomla templates to simply determine a document id to view four placeholders instead of mainarea. or to not show header on the main page (f.e. doc. id="mainpage")
but i want it to be selectable like:
-this page has first case of that template (index_1.php)
-and that page has a second case of the same template (index_2.php)
like a selectbox.
is that possible?
I will make this an answer as opposed to a comment since I believe it will do what you are looking for.
Once your articles are setup and your links to them are established (the site has the info on it you're looking for), you can create the modules containing the data that you want shown from time to time.
Go to the module manager - on the right you should see 'module assignment' or something along the lines of 'display this module on the following pages'; you can then pick which pages you want the module to show on. You can specify all pages, none, specific pages, however you want.
This will enable you to show them only where needed however you like.
You can ALSO do this programatically inside the module (if you do custom HTML and use an extension like Sourcerer to add PHP to the module) with PHP should you want a little more flexibility, but just choosing the pages to show on should work for what you're doing.

Joomla 2.5.8. How to display only article or module content in modal box popup.

I want to put login module in to modal popup. But when I use class="modal" whole page gets loaded in to modal. Can you show me the way to put only module.
This stands also for displaying articles in modal.
here is the link with problem
I do this fairly often and there are two tricks that can help make this work better. First you will likely want to add tmpl=component to your url. This causes Joomla to only display the article instead of the entire template (as long as your template supports this, most do).
This should do pretty well. If you want to get even more selective, you can do one of two things:
Add CSS to hide pieces
.modal-body .other-selector {
Use Javascript to select only the piece that you want
$('#myModal').on('show', function () {
// selects a piece of the current modal body and sets it as the only content of the modal
$('#myModal .modal-body').html($('#myModal .modal-body').find('.other-selector).html());
The way you can only display the component is to add an extra parameter tmpl=component in the url.If you'll see the component.php inside your template folder that has mainly <jdoc:include type="component" /> with no module position.So it'll load only component.
I did not try for module but you can try similar for module.So you can try it by just giving the position of the module in whole template like create a new page called modules.php in your template folder and put the module position inside this page.And you call it in a similar way just like component like tmpl=modules
I hope this will work.
It was problem with my templates component.php file. I just added inside and now it works fine. Thanks guys

joomla add view into another view

Im using joomla MVC and I want to build a form that has different tabs which are different sections of the form with inputs in it. There are some tabs that are common to other forms that I need to include.
I would like to be able to load this common content from a separate file or view so i dont have duplicate code, plus is easier when I need to do a change to the form so I dont have to do it in all the forms. It's like displaying a view inside another view.
Is there a way to accomplish this?
A Joomla! provides the loadTemplate method to views.
So if you're currently in a tmpl file loaded for layout edit (ie. tmpl/edit.php ) you can call $this->loadTemplate('tab1'); and Joomla! will load the tmpl/edit_tab1.php file in the same view as your edit.php.
In that same view if you wanted to include say tmpl/other_tab1.php you would have to temporarily set the layout to other, eg. in one of our components during the Run template we need a tab from the Edit template, so we use:
<?php $this->setLayout('edit'); // This is ugly
echo $this->loadTemplate('plan');
$this->setLayout('run'); ?>
To load a template from another view alltogether, I think you would have to temporarily over-ride the view value, load the template then restore the view. eg.
$jinput = JFactory::getApplication()->input;
$jinput->set('view', 'other');
$jinput->set('view', 'original');
NB: this last bit I haven't had time to test but it should work.
You can load a different template file for a different view manually, by simply requiring it. The following is for a view called "nameofotherview" with the layout "layoutname". If this is for an admin view use JPATH_COMPONENT_ADMINSTRATOR instead.
require(JPATH_COMPONENT_SITE . '/views/nameofotherview/tmpl/layoutname.php');
Remember that the data set up in the view class needs to be compatible with the main layout as well as the layout you're loading from elsewhere.
A side effect of doing this is that template overrides won't work. The loadTemplate function is doing a require but it checks the template paths for overrides first.
You can use vews in other views as described in Joomla documentation: Sharing layouts across views or extensions with JLayout

Custom section/category viewing in Joomla

I have written some modules to have it look nicely. What I need now is to re-order Joomla's standard viewing of the content. I have looked into com_content, and my first idea was to write my own component for it. But now I realized it would be about 90% a copy of com_content.
The problem is: When you open a link to a section, com_content views a list of the categories. But I want a list of the articles in category News of each viewed, and a link to every article in category Infos on the menu to the left. And of course, view each on click.
Is there a way to achieve that without writing an own component? Or would it be advisable to customise com_content to my needs? I want this done with a minimum of fuss and complexity.
You can override components view-templates in your theme.
In your case, for articles: Articles are part of the content component. components/com_content/views/article/tmpl/default.php is the default view of an article.
To override it copy the file to templates\<yourtheme>\html\com_content\article/default.php.
As an example, see the default theme ja_purity or beez, which also override it.
That way, you will only change the layout and only for your theme. The component will stay in tact and updates will not be as complicated as otherwise.
The visible components on your website are called modules. See the modules section in the admin section. The category-view is one of the default modules. There is also a module to display a list of categories (AFAIK). That is what you want, right? The modules listed in the module section are not all available ones, but all that are created. You can create a new one and set its type to the category-list for example, and define in what block of the theme it should display.
If you want to do your own Module, do so. Code it, then add it in your admin section and you’re done.
