Question on using content from other cshtml pages in razor -

I've read a couple of articles on using mvc3 razor (which I am fairly new to). I have a couple of .cshmtl pages which are like shared content (e.g. header). They are basically just html pages with one or two divs etc.
To embed this in my main page, do I just use #renderPage("page address"). Do I also need a call to #renderbody? Do I need to specify the/a page in the layout property?

I would put the common elements in a layout (or perhaps a partial view rendered by the base layout). In fact, that's what I did in an application I am now building and it works quite nicely. The one issue is whether or not you need View Model data populated by the controller and passed to that partial view. I did, so I used a base controller and populated the common elements in the view model (all of those also inherited from a base class that had the common properties) and used sections and then in the sections renderered the partial view or not, depending on the view's need.

You can create a Partial View for each of these and call:
Or you can use sections, or this article on sections might help too.

As you may or may not know, ASP.NET accepts HTML tagging.
So why not include your .aspx file with the HTML include tag?
Here's how:
<!-- #include virtual="path to file/include-file.html" -->
<!--#include virtual="header.aspx"-->
I do this all of the time when writing an ASP.NET website.
Just place it wherever you want the code, from the included page, to show up.


how to apply css class on body tag using c# files

I'm using ASP.NET MVC3 with razor engine.I want to apply css class on body tag according to page call.
I want to add class name in child page and it will affect on layout page which has body tag.
and don't want to use jquery because it execute after page render.
How can i do this?
While you may have full control of the HTML a solution was what was needed so here is one ;-)
In the _layout.cshtml page
<body class="#RenderSection("BodyClass", false)">
This will look for a section in all the child pages but says don't worry if it can't find one
Then in your child views just do this
#section BodyClass {productList}
Keep it on one line and then the outputted HTML will look fine, also you can then build up the class names as well.
#section BodyClass {productList generic}
This idea goes perfect with DOM-Ready page specific code, why not checkout
Or my extended version here
My way lets you do page specific code, but allows you to keep all of the Javascript in separate pages so each page becomes easily manageable. The final step would be to concatenate and minify all the JS into 1 file ;-)
Aaron's answer above works great for MVC 3, but I found that MVC 4 chokes on the single line section statement:
#section BodyClass {productList}
Instead, you need to use:
#section BodyClass {#("productList")}
First of all jQuery's .ready function executes after the DOM is available so it's the optimal moment to start interaction with your page's elements. ( ) If you experience a behavior that results in styles 'flicker' you may wan't to apply display:none to body element, and removing it after you css class has been applied.
but if you really don't want to use jQuery you should consider either making a variable to hold your css class name as a part of a viewmodel your controller will be sending to Views, or going with ViewBag.CssClass that should be declared in each of your controller's actions (or in base controller's OnActionExecuting method.
Thing to consider here is understanding and following MVC pattern, where View and Business Logic should be separated. So in my opinion you should rather avoid involving controllers in view building process.
It's much easier to simply put the following in your main layout
<body class="#ViewBag.BodyClass">
Then in the content pages put:
ViewBag.BodyClass = "myClass";
Problem solved!

joomla add view into another view

Im using joomla MVC and I want to build a form that has different tabs which are different sections of the form with inputs in it. There are some tabs that are common to other forms that I need to include.
I would like to be able to load this common content from a separate file or view so i dont have duplicate code, plus is easier when I need to do a change to the form so I dont have to do it in all the forms. It's like displaying a view inside another view.
Is there a way to accomplish this?
A Joomla! provides the loadTemplate method to views.
So if you're currently in a tmpl file loaded for layout edit (ie. tmpl/edit.php ) you can call $this->loadTemplate('tab1'); and Joomla! will load the tmpl/edit_tab1.php file in the same view as your edit.php.
In that same view if you wanted to include say tmpl/other_tab1.php you would have to temporarily set the layout to other, eg. in one of our components during the Run template we need a tab from the Edit template, so we use:
<?php $this->setLayout('edit'); // This is ugly
echo $this->loadTemplate('plan');
$this->setLayout('run'); ?>
To load a template from another view alltogether, I think you would have to temporarily over-ride the view value, load the template then restore the view. eg.
$jinput = JFactory::getApplication()->input;
$jinput->set('view', 'other');
$jinput->set('view', 'original');
NB: this last bit I haven't had time to test but it should work.
You can load a different template file for a different view manually, by simply requiring it. The following is for a view called "nameofotherview" with the layout "layoutname". If this is for an admin view use JPATH_COMPONENT_ADMINSTRATOR instead.
require(JPATH_COMPONENT_SITE . '/views/nameofotherview/tmpl/layoutname.php');
Remember that the data set up in the view class needs to be compatible with the main layout as well as the layout you're loading from elsewhere.
A side effect of doing this is that template overrides won't work. The loadTemplate function is doing a require but it checks the template paths for overrides first.
You can use vews in other views as described in Joomla documentation: Sharing layouts across views or extensions with JLayout

Razor- MVC - ASP.NET master pages - Method to somehow map multiple Razor Sections to multiple masterpage content blocks?

I have Razor working minimally with master-pages using the following technique:
This works almost perfectly (Calling RenderPartial from the MasterPage on the RazorView.) The only short coming is I have 3 content blocks (controls) in my master page. Conceptually this maps nicely to a Razor Layout with 3 sections by the same names.
The only problem is I can;t figure out how to pull each section of a razor layout individually to Render it into the masterpage sections.
I tried setting the ViewBag.Layout in each masterpage section and the having 3 Razor layouts rendering the 3 razor-layout based sections [footer, header, and body]. The problem is Razor doesn't let me Render a razor view implementing multiple sections through a layout only rendering just one section. (It forces me to render all 3.)
My other attempt was to have the razor layout render the master page control markup along with the razor views. This seems elegant, but the I get an error that the masterpage control collection is read only.
Is there any way that allows me to develop Razor views to a Razor layout and have multiple layout sections map to a master pages equivalent multiple (one works perfectly) content blocks/sections?
Edit: Updated Link to the MasterPage/MVC integration article.
Layouts and Master Pagers are two different things. You can't mix and match them in the same pages. You're going to have to recreate the sections of master pages in layouts if you want to convert. Over time, you can get rid of the duplication by getting rid of the master pages.
What you could do, is extract the relevant part of both master pages into a single partial page, then inject that into both Layout and Master pages using a partial. So your content section and razor section would both just contain a single Html.Partial() that injects the common code into both.

With regards to Html helpers, does data access code go into the helper class too?

I am writing a helper class to query my Zenfolio feed, return and display the images. Right now this code is split between a viewmodel and code in my controller. I want to pack it up into a helper class. Would all the code go into the helper or do i still split the code among different class with the helper only responible for generating the html? I have googled but not found an answer to my question.
Within the MVC pattern there is a clear separation between Model (data), View (html) and Controller (what gives the Model to the View).
To answer your question, No. Load your models in your Controller. Display them in your View. Html Helpers should only generate html for your view.
You may want to consider using a DisplayTemplate, which allows you use the same View template for every model of a particular type.
I wouldn't do any data access from the view. This sounds like a good use case for an action, and reusing code via the RenderAction method. You can mark the action as a child action using the [ChildActionOnly] attribute, which ensures it can't be invoked directly from the HTTP request, and return a PartialView result.
HTML helpers should really be used to generate HTML tags from data taken from the ViewData or Model (i.e. your view model in this case).
Data access in an HtmlHelper is only pain.
I've had the misfortune to inherit a project that had ad-hoc SQL placed into the HtmlHelpers by the 2nd developer on a project. The HtmlHelpers were beautifully written by the first developer, and the ad-hoc SQL pretty much nullified all of the time and effort put into having an service oriented architecture, having an ORM (the 2nd level cache became worthless), the unit of work pattern(transactions, worthless), and every aspect of design. Eventually, this 2nd developer had to make larger and larger HtmlHelpers so that different elements could share access to the data.
This was originally done for a display mode, and editing was accomplished through a pile of ugly custom javascript. All told, when the page rendered, it made 600 synchronous calls to the database.

dynamically render partial view on _layout.cshtml mvc 3

I want to display different navigation links based on the page that is loaded in my _layout.cshtml file.
I thought about checking the url and just calling Html.RenderPartial within an if block but that seems clunky.
Is there a way to control this with a controller?
If you truly need different navigation links on different pages then I think you should specify different layouts pages on these separate pages. These different layouts should then specify your _layout as their layout, making it the master layout
Layout = "_layout"
#section navlinks
#*create navlinks specific to current page*#
Then in your _layout page you can put #RenderSection("navlinks", false) where you want the navigation links to go.
But, if for some reason you need a distinct set of navigation links for every single page, then putting navigation links in your layout might not make sense. Might be better off having all your models inherit a base model with a list of items containing navigation link data. Then call a partial view that processes this data into the correct links in your views.
