Windows Mobile Device Emulator - Create Device with custom resolution - visual-studio

I am currently developing an application for a windows ce 6.0 device with Visual Studio 2008 and the Compact Framework 3.5.
The device itself has a resolution of 800x480 pixels.
Currently I am developing the app on the device itself which works great.
However on the long run I can't ensure I have always access to the hardware (like today, I am working from home office) and I want to be able to use the device emulator.
I am usin a "Windows Mobile 5.0 R2" image which ships with the Microsoft Device emulator.
Most of my forms are independent from the resolution and work out of the box on the 240x320px screen of the emulator.
However, there is one form that has a fixed resolution of 800x480 but I can't figure out how to modify or create an emulator (windows mobile or windows ce, it doesn't matter) with a predefined resolution.
Any help would be appreciated

Open up Visual Studio, ensure the emulator is not running and then follow this "path"
Menu Tools->Options
Open Options Tree to DeviceTools -> Devices
Select your Emulator Device from the Devices list
Click 'Save As' and give it a name (e.g. NewRes)
Select your newly created device in the list
Click 'Properties'
Click 'Emulator Options'
Select the 'Display' tab
Change the Video settings to your desired resolution
Click 'OK' 3 times
Change your target device in your project to the new device

You can customizing device emulator machine configuration, by editing the associated decfg files.
To create decfg file in device emulator manager:
Select desired device configuration from Datastore (for example Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC Emulator).
Connect to it (Right Click - Connect)
When device started, save machine configuration (Right Click - Save-As)
Give any name to the file (for example test.decfg), and save at the default location ("%USERPROFILE%\Documents\My Device Emulators")
At this point stop the emulator (Right click - Shutdown). Now you can edit the saved decfg file, contained all the emulated device parameters (memory, resolution, etc.).
You can start the new custom emulator from the Device Emulator Manager under the My Device Emulators section (see screen bellow).
Example decfg file content:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<DeviceEmulator xmlns="">
<CpuCore Reconfigurable="false">ARMv4</CpuCore>
<CpuOptions Reconfigurable="false">TDI</CpuOptions>
<VFP Reconfigurable="false">false</VFP>
<OSImage Reconfigurable="false" Address="0">C:\Program Files\Windows CE Tools\wce500\Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK\DeviceEmulation\0409\PPC_USA.bin</OSImage>
<MemSize Reconfigurable="false">128</MemSize>
<DefaultSave Reconfigurable="false">true</DefaultSave>
<FuncKey Reconfigurable="true">193</FuncKey>
<HostKey Reconfigurable="true">Right-Alt</HostKey>
<Language Reconfigurable="false">1033</Language>
<VMID Reconfigurable="false">{812DA9C7-D9F2-4C57-85CD-29A7ED08C20B}</VMID>
<Video Reconfigurable="false" Width="400" Height="234" BitsPerPixel="16"/>
<SerialPort Reconfigurable="true" UARTNumber="0">none</SerialPort>
<SerialPort Reconfigurable="true" UARTNumber="1">none</SerialPort>
<SerialPort Reconfigurable="true" UARTNumber="2">none</SerialPort>
<Platform>Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK</Platform>


Cannot view mobile app for tab development

I am trying to create a layout for our teams channel tab app but when running the app locally and inspecting it as a mobile device, teams throws an error that the browser is not supported.
Can anyone point me in the correct direction to develop my app for mobile use or how I can view the mobile app from the VS Code Teams Toolkit debugging tools?
I have tried to run the app in chrome and in MS Edge browsers and use the inspector device emulators in both but get the same error. I have also tried connecting via my local machine's IP /the FE port 53000 and also have had no luck there.
I used directly my mobile device (android) with Teams App installed for debugging teams custom tab (both phone and tablet worked fine). Connect your android device to your laptop/desktop (using USB), and then on the phone:
Enable USB debugging
Enable "Developer Preview" in Teams options
In the desktop chrome, navigate to chrome://inspect/devices and you should see your device there in the list available for inspection/debugging. You could probably also connect using local WIFI (?), but I have not tried that. Also never tried that with Edge, so not sure if it works.
It's not possible to debug a Teams tab on iOS using Windows (or Mac). Using Dev Tools, we can debug Teams tab in desktop and Android clients.
Ref Document:

Xamarin Device Manager only shows Google play images in device manager screen

I have observed the following in the new Xamarin Device Manager for VS 2017 (15.6.4).
If i try to create a new device i can only choose between system images for sdk versions where the Google Play image has been installed.
But if i edit the device profile that was the default and created with the google api's not the play ones, i can without any issue choose all the system images installed. So it seems the Xamarin Device manager only looks for Google play system images and not for the google apis ones.
So a workaorund for now would be to copy the "existing" 7.1 device profile and edit that.
Can someone confirm this issue ?
Image shows that only Android 7.0 and 8.0 can be selected and are installed
SDk Manager shows that several system images are installed not just the ones we are able to choose in the create new dialog.
If editing device profile that was based on Google APIs not Play all images can be used
You can switch Google Play/Google APIs/Default images via property in the editor.

How to run DayDream Controller from Unity Editor?

I am developing a DayDream app and working with a Pixel XL and real DayDream Controller (on a MacBook Pro). I would really like to be able to test with the DayDream Controller when running the app from Unity Editor. Currently, I am forced to make a build for every little change and its killing me (slow).
I believe that I can do this by connecting my Pixel XL via USB cable to my Mac and then using adb to configure it. But, all attempts have failed so far.
I don't know about real Daydream Controller, but you can try using your phone as DayDream Controller Emulator.
As it said here, you should download emulator APK from here, install it and run on phone connected to WiFi.
In your Unity project find GvrControllerMain and change Emulator Connection Mode to Wi-Fi. Also find Assets/GoogleVR/Scripts/Controller/Internal/Emulator/EmulatorConfig.cs and change line to IP address displayed on daydream controller emulator app on phone.
// IP address of the phone, when connected to the PC via WiFi.
public static readonly string WIFI_SERVER_IP = "";//"";
Click "Play" in Unity, it should work.
In addition to diesersamat's answer, I would like to add two things:
You could run the controller emulator via USB by choosing "USB" from the Emulator Connection property of the GvrController script that is attached to the GvrControllerMain component. For the USB connection to be made, you have to make sure that %AndroidSDKHome%/platform-tools is added to your PATH variable.
You could use the real controller via Emulator: Open the Controller Emulator app --> open the Emulator's overflow menu --> select Switch to Real Controller. For this to work, the phone that runs the emulator has to be Daydream ready. I usually use the same phone that I use for Daydream VR as a controller emulator.
At Google I/O 2017, the Daydream team announced instant-preview which supports a "headless" controller-only mode.
The repo is on github:
The moment in the Daydream keynote where it is mentioned is here:
I had the same problem trying to get the emulator to work. The solution for me was to set up the player settings to android and click the VR supported tab with the daydream SDK selected in the VR SDKs dropdown BEFORE importing any daydream/google VR packages.
Took a lot of trial and error for me to figure that out. Hope that helps.

Why does RDC eat my keystrokes?

I'm trying to use Microsoft's Remote Display Control (version 2.03, copyright 2000) to view my Windows CE device on the desktop (not only is it nice for my "regular" handheld device, because it makes the display easier to see, especially in zoom mode, but it is even more important for the other devices I have to test, whose screen is too dim for me to make out exactly what's on the screen (it's like the vision test from h311) - which is necessary for debugging, of course) but for some reason I am not able to enter key strokes on the device while it's connected to the desktop. I can enter them neither on the desktop/in RDC nor on the handheld device itself while connected via RDC.
This, of course, is untenable (no pun intended).
The .exe is created in XP Mode, copied to a "holding tank" in Windows Explorer on the Windows 7 machine, then copied from there to the handheld device.
Then I connect from the handheld device by selecting Start > Programs > cerdisp > selecting OK in the "Remote Display Control" dialog, then Connect, then OK (and I do connect), then run the app on the desktop in the "WindowsCE" window that RDC supplies. It allows me to select menu items, but the keyboard is broken/mute...???
Is this a known bug? Is there a workaround? The desktop is a Windows 7 machine.
Doing a "cold boot" of the handheld device caused it to come back to responsiveness, keyboard-wise. These devices are betimes more peckish than a put-upon puddle of Platypi.

how to pin an application to start in windows phone emulator?

I am new to windows phone. I have developed a sample windows phone app. Its running fine in emulator . My problem is that I cant find any option to pin the application to start in windows phone emulator?
You can pin an application by viewing it in the application list (scroll to the right) and then clicking and holding and selecting the Pin To Start menu option that appears.
