Why does RDC eat my keystrokes? - windows-7

I'm trying to use Microsoft's Remote Display Control (version 2.03, copyright 2000) to view my Windows CE device on the desktop (not only is it nice for my "regular" handheld device, because it makes the display easier to see, especially in zoom mode, but it is even more important for the other devices I have to test, whose screen is too dim for me to make out exactly what's on the screen (it's like the vision test from h311) - which is necessary for debugging, of course) but for some reason I am not able to enter key strokes on the device while it's connected to the desktop. I can enter them neither on the desktop/in RDC nor on the handheld device itself while connected via RDC.
This, of course, is untenable (no pun intended).
The .exe is created in XP Mode, copied to a "holding tank" in Windows Explorer on the Windows 7 machine, then copied from there to the handheld device.
Then I connect from the handheld device by selecting Start > Programs > cerdisp > selecting OK in the "Remote Display Control" dialog, then Connect, then OK (and I do connect), then run the app on the desktop in the "WindowsCE" window that RDC supplies. It allows me to select menu items, but the keyboard is broken/mute...???
Is this a known bug? Is there a workaround? The desktop is a Windows 7 machine.

Doing a "cold boot" of the handheld device caused it to come back to responsiveness, keyboard-wise. These devices are betimes more peckish than a put-upon puddle of Platypi.


Prevent disconnected display from merging windows into the active one

I've got a personal laptop (running Windows 10) which I use at work where I connect it to an external display using extended display mode. I keep all my personal icons and windows on my laptop display and store all the work-related windows on the external display. Whenever I unplug it, all the windows and icons from that display are merged into my laptop screen. I want to programmatically prevent changing anything on my primary screen when the secondary is disconnected. I'm currently writing a utility app for a variety of small productivity improving features and would like to add such feature in it. I can think of two ways to achieve this:
by tricking the system to think that the external display hasn't been
or take all the opened windows and icons on disconnected screen and put them on separate virtual desktop.
I was looking into Windows GDI Device Context Functions but haven't found anything about display connection/disconnection events. How can I detect display disconnection (and get that display's opened windows and icons)? Anything that can be done using C#, C++ or PowerShell scripts would be much appreciated!

Wi-Fi Direct in Windows 10 (Desktop)

I have recently started to have a deeper look into Wi-Fi Direct under Windows 10 (desktop version) and had a look into the API descriptions
from Microsoft => https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/dn457945(v=vs.85).aspx
One of the described methods there (WFDStartOpenSession) states that a previous pairing through the "Windows Pairing experience" (WPS ?) is required.
So i started to play a little bit with the pairing stuff by using a Windows 10 (Build 1607, Desktop) together with an Android-based smartphone (version 6.0.1) and
made the following observations:
When i initiate the connection from my PC to the phone, it "basically" works i.e. the pairing dialog shows up on the phone's display and i can connect to it.
Although it works, it's not really stable in my opinion - on my side it works 1 out of 3 times.
After ~ 30 seconds, Windows disconnects from the phone (in the "Devices and printers" view) while the phone itself stays connected a little longer (then it also disconnects).
When i initiate the connection from my phone to the Windows PC, nothing happens - no message box, no pop-up window :-(
Has anybody else seen this or similiar behavior ?
I tried it with 2 different USB adapters, one with a RTL8723BU chipset from Realtek and the other one with a RT5572 chipset from Mediatek Ralink - both show
exactly the same behavior.
In addition, i noticed that the "Realtek Wireless Lan Utility" to control and configure the USB adapter is not working anymore in Windows 10 (1607) when switching
from client to Access Point mode. I think it's somehow related to ICS, missing hosted network support ... don't know yet.
However, actually you don't need the tool from Realtek as you can for example use the mobile hotspot feature of Windows 10 to share your internet connection with your devices.
But without the Realtek tool i have not found any possibility to switch WiFi channels - does anybody have the same problem ? is there are solution available for that ?

Kiosk mode AIR desktop application

I am developing a photo capturing kiosk application on AIR as3 for Windows Desktop.
I have set the stage display to FULL_SCREEN_INTERACTIVE and that works fine. (I have also hid the Start Menu and Task Bar)
The problem is if there is any pop-up like Windows Update or Team Viewer connection etc. it comes to the top in front of my application and then people are able to minimize my application and breach into my windows computer.
Can I do anything to make sure that my application ALWAYS STAYS ON TOP of all other messages, programs and applications ?

Windows Mobile Device Emulator - Create Device with custom resolution

I am currently developing an application for a windows ce 6.0 device with Visual Studio 2008 and the Compact Framework 3.5.
The device itself has a resolution of 800x480 pixels.
Currently I am developing the app on the device itself which works great.
However on the long run I can't ensure I have always access to the hardware (like today, I am working from home office) and I want to be able to use the device emulator.
I am usin a "Windows Mobile 5.0 R2" image which ships with the Microsoft Device emulator.
Most of my forms are independent from the resolution and work out of the box on the 240x320px screen of the emulator.
However, there is one form that has a fixed resolution of 800x480 but I can't figure out how to modify or create an emulator (windows mobile or windows ce, it doesn't matter) with a predefined resolution.
Any help would be appreciated
Open up Visual Studio, ensure the emulator is not running and then follow this "path"
Menu Tools->Options
Open Options Tree to DeviceTools -> Devices
Select your Emulator Device from the Devices list
Click 'Save As' and give it a name (e.g. NewRes)
Select your newly created device in the list
Click 'Properties'
Click 'Emulator Options'
Select the 'Display' tab
Change the Video settings to your desired resolution
Click 'OK' 3 times
Change your target device in your project to the new device
You can customizing device emulator machine configuration, by editing the associated decfg files.
To create decfg file in device emulator manager:
Select desired device configuration from Datastore (for example Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC Emulator).
Connect to it (Right Click - Connect)
When device started, save machine configuration (Right Click - Save-As)
Give any name to the file (for example test.decfg), and save at the default location ("%USERPROFILE%\Documents\My Device Emulators")
At this point stop the emulator (Right click - Shutdown). Now you can edit the saved decfg file, contained all the emulated device parameters (memory, resolution, etc.).
You can start the new custom emulator from the Device Emulator Manager under the My Device Emulators section (see screen bellow).
Example decfg file content:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<DeviceEmulator xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/DeviceEmulator/2006/01/DeCfg">
<CpuCore Reconfigurable="false">ARMv4</CpuCore>
<CpuOptions Reconfigurable="false">TDI</CpuOptions>
<VFP Reconfigurable="false">false</VFP>
<OSImage Reconfigurable="false" Address="0">C:\Program Files\Windows CE Tools\wce500\Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK\DeviceEmulation\0409\PPC_USA.bin</OSImage>
<MemSize Reconfigurable="false">128</MemSize>
<DefaultSave Reconfigurable="false">true</DefaultSave>
<FuncKey Reconfigurable="true">193</FuncKey>
<HostKey Reconfigurable="true">Right-Alt</HostKey>
<Language Reconfigurable="false">1033</Language>
<VMID Reconfigurable="false">{812DA9C7-D9F2-4C57-85CD-29A7ED08C20B}</VMID>
<Video Reconfigurable="false" Width="400" Height="234" BitsPerPixel="16"/>
<SerialPort Reconfigurable="true" UARTNumber="0">none</SerialPort>
<SerialPort Reconfigurable="true" UARTNumber="1">none</SerialPort>
<SerialPort Reconfigurable="true" UARTNumber="2">none</SerialPort>
<Platform>Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK</Platform>

Is it possible to remotely control PC/powerpoint slide from bluetooth-enabled phone without having a PC server program?

It looks like most existing remote PC solution using bluetooth-enabled smartphone needs PC side software (especially Java..)
I'm wondering if remote PC control is possible without PC side software at all?
Yes, it is. I once tried Bluetooth remote control with a Sony Ericsson K770i and it worked really great! All you need is a Bluetooth receiver installed on the PC and you need to pair your PC with your mobile phone. Then you can set the phone to control the PC and voila.
I tried this on Windows Vista x86. Worked really great. It was a pleasure to be able to control the PC from my bed when I was sick. Plus, I could bind shortcuts like "Ctrl+C", "Ctrl+V" to certain keys on the mobile phone. The K770i had it all.
