Magento Service Temporarily Unavailable Error - magento

I have installed magento- on my system. I have also installed some free Magento themes from Magento Connect. After some time suddenly I get following error:
"Service Temporarily Unavailable The server is temporarily unable to service your request due to maintenance downtime or capacity problems. Please try again later."
And from that event my Magento is stoped working. even it is not redirecting to other pages. So, anybody has the solution for above problem, please reply.

delete maintenance.flag file form your installation root.


Predis: Error while reading line from the server. [tcp://]

I've been trying to deploy a Laravel application using Forge for a while now, but I always get stuck on Predis giving me the following error:
Error while reading line from the server. [tcp://]
And everywhere I look the fix appears to be read_write_timeout to -1 or 0 in config/database.php, however this doesn't fix the issue for me. I've cleared all caches (manually and via Artisan) but the error remains.
So basically whatever fix I try and apply, the error remains.
If you have Kaspersky installed, disable Network Attack Blocker will fix it.
I've tried both Predis and PhpRedis but still error:
read error on connection to or Error while reading line from the server. [tcp://]
The only way is disable Network Attack Blocker (Kaspersky doesn't even show any events in report, but it blocks redis somehow)
Can you check if Redis is installed on your server ?

Magento Admin Login Error

Please Help. Have been stuck for days.
I've been trying to connect to Magento Admin. The website itself is working fine. I've tried logging in and each time I'd get this message:
Network Error (tcp_error)
A communication error occurred: "Operation timed out"
The Web Server may be down, too busy, or experiencing other problems preventing it from responding to requests. You may wish to try again at a later time.
For assistance, contact your network support team.
I've tried the following:
Deleted all the files inside /var/cache folder.
Sudo reboot
I read that I need to also delete maintenance.flag file in my root folder. I can't find this file anywhere.
Please help.
Thanks a bunch!!

Magento - Sage Pay System error

Recently we moved hosting providers and our Sage Pay module started throwing an error, once you try to submit a payment.
Sage pay error log contains:
The error details are: 2003 : An ERROR has occurred on the Sage Pay System.
Has anyone experienced this error before?
[Magento ver.]
You've changed host so your site is now on a new IP - the IP for the old server is the one which is listed in the MySagePay panel, so you need to login to Sage and change it to the IP for your new server. That's my guess anyway.

Magento site down 403 forbidden/ hacked

You don't have permission to access /index.php on this server.
Additionally, a 403 Forbidden error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.
The file permissions for index.php has been changed to 0000 and if I change it to 0755 or even delete the file, index.php gets recreated by itself.
Error log does not show anything. is unable to run malware scans on the website as the website returns 403 Forbidden.
Please guide
Found the cause it is shared hosting and the service provider has disabled index.php because it is causing too much load on the server. Maybe I'll have to enable cache and disable logging to improve performance.
Your hosting provider has found Magento to be too intense a load on their server and has removed the ability to run it. Magento does not play well with others and hates sharing resources with others. Small sites can only be run on shared hosting if you have a hosting service provider that optimizes their servers for use with Magento and vastly limits the number of sites per server.
It's time for you to find a hosting provider that understands hosting Magento.

The Local SharePoint Server Is Not Available With A Twist

I am trying to deploy a web part on to our local Sharepoint Server. I am doing this through a remote login to the same server that our SharePoint site collection is on. However, I am getting "Error occurred in deployment step 'Recycle IIS Application Pool': Check that the local SharePoint server is not available." This is universal on any code I try to deploy to the Server.
Normally it would just be an issue of making me a DB_Owner on the content database. However, the other developers are not db_owners and they can deploy just fine.
I checked the log and found a entries that might be a clue to what is going on.
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Login failed for user 'domain\username'
CanUpgrade [SPConfigurationDatabase] failed.
IsBackwardsCompatible [SPConfigurationDatabase] failed.
I apologize for not posting the entire log, but company policy will not let me post the entire log.
So, does anyone know the cause of the error and how to fix it?
