Magento site down 403 forbidden/ hacked - magento

You don't have permission to access /index.php on this server.
Additionally, a 403 Forbidden error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.
The file permissions for index.php has been changed to 0000 and if I change it to 0755 or even delete the file, index.php gets recreated by itself.
Error log does not show anything. is unable to run malware scans on the website as the website returns 403 Forbidden.
Please guide

Found the cause it is shared hosting and the service provider has disabled index.php because it is causing too much load on the server. Maybe I'll have to enable cache and disable logging to improve performance.
Your hosting provider has found Magento to be too intense a load on their server and has removed the ability to run it. Magento does not play well with others and hates sharing resources with others. Small sites can only be run on shared hosting if you have a hosting service provider that optimizes their servers for use with Magento and vastly limits the number of sites per server.
It's time for you to find a hosting provider that understands hosting Magento.


On Windows with an IIS site what is giving a http error 403

I am trying to figure out what is giving me a 403 error.
I cannot find the call in the IIS logs.
Windows Defender Firewall is turned off
If I run Message Analyzer on the system I can see the call coming in and can see that it is sending out 403.
If I run Process Monitor I can see that the process "System" does a "TCP Receive" that is probably my call (the number of bytes in it seem to be correct).
It is an App in IIS off of the Default Website
How can tell Where it is being given a 403?
Is there another place to log or another thing I can look at to figure out what is blocking it?
To figure out the root cause of 403 error, you need to find the sub-status code first. If the request was not logged in IIS log, you could try to force IIS to return detailed error message.
<httpErrors errorMode="Detailed" />
Besides, did you bind host name for your website? If the domain is pointing to the wrong place. Then your IIS would probably not log the request.
Since 403 error is returned from remote server, trace the IIS pipeline with Failed request tracing would be more helpful.
In addition, Please ensure application pool identity (IIS Apppool\) and IUSR have read permission to access the root folder of your web application.
Please also remember to check whether unrequired URL rewrite or IP address deny rule was created in Site/Server node.
Finally, remember to clean cache before trying to access the website again.

Vbulletin Authentication Issues Constantly losing session

I have a Vbulletin forum which somewhat randomly seems to be losing session authentication information somehow. I log into the site directly from home page as admin and navigate to another page, and all appears like i never logged in, the login information is missing. Has anyone else experienced this problem with vbulletin. Im running VB5 Connect.
I believe after a long time of trial and error that there must be an issue with the way the my Elastic Load Balancer was configured. I had been hosting the vbulletin service on EC2 behind an ELB. I now have the site setup directly by the server IP without load balancing and seems to be working ok. Unfortunately I was not able to get any information from the people at vbulletin so i've now beefed up the server and left it without load balancing. Perhaps something for someone else if they encounter this.

Switching back to old cPanel on another hosting package

I have a HostGator hosting package and recently decided to move to a new hosting package with SimpleServers.
The move was completed successfully, however I have decided to move back to HostGator, for reasons I won't disclose here.
So - here's the situation: I have a cPanel with SimpleServers now and I also have a cPanel for HostGator. The files/directories are present on both servers.
To get my site pointing back to HostGator, do I simply change the nameservers for my domain to HostGator's nameservers? Is there anything else I need to do?
Yes, You are right. You will have to change only nameserver, If your accounts is present on HostGator server and that account files has a updated site contents.
If your account files are old then first you will have to upload your updated site content to HostGator server and then change your Name-server.

FTP Error - Permission issue?

I was doing a complete redesign of a website for a client and everything was going fine until I went to ftp it. The login and password that he gave me works fine, but when I try to upload the files an error message pops up saying:
An FTP error occurred - cannot create new folder. Access denied. The file may not exist or there could be a permission problem. Make sure you have proper authorization on the server and the server is properly configured.
I can see the files that are already on the server, so I know I'm connected fine, but how do I get this website online? Do I contact the previous coder of the website to make the files writable? Or is the problem elsewhere?
Any help would be appreciated!
A hosting service may require you to place all files to /www for example and deny access to anything else. You may try to reset user rights via that webhost's web interface. If the service allows for some ssh access, you can try using that to see where your problem is. If SFTP works, even better, you can use just that instead.

Symfony2 Assetic files and Missing routes in Windows

I have a Linux machine, and a Windows 7 machine, each of which is using the exact same code (they are both using the same git repo). I am running the Symfony2 code on both servers in the dev environment.
The website loads and runs just great on the Linux server. On the Windows 7 server (my local laptop) the server seems to be missing all the routes it needs to render the site correctly. For example:
None of the CSS and JS files are loading on the site. They are throwing a 404 page not found error.
If I attempt to navigate to any other pages from the home or landing page, a 404 error is always thrown: The requested URL was not found on the server.
I've cleared the cache, and run through the app/check.php on the windows box, but to no avail. I'm wondering if the Windows server setup needs to be modified in some way so the routing works as expected? I'm thinking that the problem is the routing on the Windows server, as the requested URLs can't ever be found.
Any ideas on where I can go to find a solution or any tests I can perform to track down the issue?
In the httpd.conf file, you must be sure that:
LoadModule rewrite_module modules/
is active. In my windows distribution of apache 2.2, it was commented out. I'll suggest to Symfony2 that they add this module to their check.php file for future developers. I'm guessing they just assume that it will always be enabled in the apache distributions.
