How to provide gift card code automatically to user who likes product on the magento based ecommerce site - magento

Is there any way to link face-book like feature with the magento gift card code. Like if any user/visitor likes any product on the site then store administrator want to sent gift code automatically to that user. This should happen automatically without involvement of any manual process.

Rather than sending a gift card code, you should generate a one time use coupon code and send them that.
In terms of tracking the Facebook like, you can use Facebook's FB.Event.subscribe method which is a part of their JavaScript SDK. A simple snippet will allow you to listen for a "like" event, the SDK will then provide you with a callback containing the URL liked (the current page). You can pretty much do whatever you want from there.
Everything you need should be here: Facebook JS SDK


Validating PayPal Pay Now and other cut and paste payment buttons as legitimate code

We have a site where we allow members to sell items they have made.
The items are displayed in a container including a name, description, images and price. The container also contains space for a Purchase button.
The content of each container is controlled by the member in an editor. Part of the editor is a text area where they can cut and paste a PayPal Pay-Now (or similar from other service) button code.
We already have all of this working; when the container is displayed the Pay Now button is shown and is functional.
My question is: How best to validate the code the member pastes into the editor as legitimate pay button code and not something malicious before it’s saved to DB.
I’ve set up a dropdown where the member selects the source of the code (PayPal, Stripe, etc) which would allow validation based on the selected source.
What I need is a resource for the validation code itself. Has someone done anything like this, some regex out there or maybe a service?
This is a net 5.0 site using razor pages.
Sites builders either allow an arbitrary HTML/JS widget, or provide their own payment service integrations that implement payment buttons.
You will not find anyone validating button code, it's not done.
For PayPal Checkout, see the documentation on the payee object for sending funds to another account:
This payee object can be used in a client-side integration with no server, if you don't want to implement a backend; see for an example

MVC3 - How to check if user clicked on the link you sent through e-mail in .net?

I'm running an e-commerce website and I send my customers regular newsletters.
I'm using nopcommerce v2.40.
I just see who all are subscribed. I want to develop a detailed newsletter management system, something like MailChimp.
I want a report on how many users actually clicked on the link that I sent them via e-mail.
Can anyone tell me how to do that??
This is a pretty generalized question but I'm new at this and I have no idea how to do it.
Thank you !
You can do this sort of thing quite simply with Google Analytics.
Here are some links worth looking at.
Google Analytics Email Tracking
Setting up campaign tracking in Google Analytics
in your email newsletter add params you need to collect.
click to view
Everytime someone would click on the above link, they would be taken to your default controller that collects clicks and other parameters you want. You would then save that data and redirect to an actual page you want them to see via "redirect" parameter provided in the url.

Google Ecommerce Tracking for Magento

I am having some difficulty in getting google's eCommerce tracking working consistently for Magento. I have set the UA code in the google api section of the admin and eCommerce tracking is switched on. When I go to the success page the code is there. Some orders are being sent but not all. I have installed google chromes analytics tester and the beacon is being sent. Take yesterdays orders for example, 1 from sagepay is in analytics however another sagepay order is not which rules out payment gateway. I have re-set the permissions on the success page and tidied up a couple of warnings in the console but nothing is working i'm pretty stumped.
I have also installed Jiraffe real-time analytics and am having the same problem with that tracking orders, it didn't track a single order yesterday but is tracking cart data fine.
Does anyone have any suggestions?
First of all not every user who uses payment gateway is comming back to your success page as some of them are just leaving the transaction at thank you page on third party services - then you won't see such transaction in GA. Second of all not every user let you to track him (adblock is preventing its users to be tracked).As for now please just reply if you are sure that users got back to Magento's success page.To get a much better overview of yours customer behaviour I would recommend you to install this extension Fooman Google Analytics Plus and set up proper funnels (you'll find brief instruction at extensions page)
I would suggest that you check the formating of data passed to GA :
prices should be formated as "1200000.00" : no separator for thousands, dot as decimal separator, no currency
text values should be escaped properly quotes contained in them: 'That\s it'
The Fooman extension is a good start since the basic GA implementation in Magento is a shame of non sense, while not perfect.
Google tracking in Magento :
Open the Magento Admin area and navigate to System->Configuration->Sales->Google API.
Expand the Google Analytics section.
Pick the Yes option from the Enable drop-down menu. Enter the Google Analytics account number in the Account number field. Click on the Save Config button.

Paypal - How to buy audio using PayPal and download the file immediately after

Perhaps someone using PayPal can advise me on the best way to implement the following situation.
I'm developing a website for a non-profit organization and right now we are already setup w/ PayPal and have a "Donate" button on the main page. The website has audio samples and we would like to provide the option for the user to buy the full audio via PayPay. This is nontraditional (at least to me) in the sense that we are providing the purchased audio files for download immediately after payment.
Also, note that there is a lot of Audio files and, if not too difficult, we would like to keep track of sales on each item purchased.
How should I design/implement this situation, while using PayPal.
(On a separate note, in the future I would like to keep track of Users and "who purchases which items", so that in case something "bad" happened during the audio download, the user would have the chance to re-retrieve the downloaded item.)
Technology: ASP.NET 4 (MVC 3)
You may want to look into Paypal Express Checkout that verifies using Paypal's IPN.
This is a long answer and it is best that I point you in the direction of the above and ask that you look up the documentation itself.
Things to keep in mind:
There are more checkout methods aside from Paypal's Express Checkout, don't get these mixed up when you are looking through the documentation.
Some of the Paypal ASP.NET code examples were out of date when I last implemented this (about 3 weeks ago)
This tutorial was quite valuable when I was going through this process.
See this post in reference to the check-out process workflow. The main idea is that you will need to verify values using Paypal's IPN. Here is the documentation.
In it's simplest form::
You're going to need to assign order id's of some sort to each transaction.
If the payment for the order is not-confirmed (your default state), do not allow download of the mp3.
If the payment for the order is confirmed, allow download of the mp3.
Keep track of all this information and more in your database and create an Admin section of your app that allows you to view / edit details of all orders.

Getting visitors email ids in Joomla

How to let visitors of the website provide their email ids, optionally, for further future communication with them. Its not specifically a newsletter subscription or anything (but could as well be) but just a polite pop-up on visiting a page, asking them to provide their email address, if they wish to be contacted sometime in future.
this is to run on a Joomla based website.
just a simple form (can be a pop-up) that asks for user email ids and then stores it in the database.
Not a Mailing List subscription or anything like it (so no auto-responder subscription needed)
This should be very easy for the people that know !
I don't think there is a ready-made extension available for this, but there are some extensions that you can use as examples to put together something yourself. You could look at newsletter subscription components and modules to see how they make a form for receiving a name and email address, and how they save it to the database. You could also look into extensions that use Squeezebox, the built-in Lightbox look-alike, or you could check one of the login modules that popup.
However, I think you would be ready most quickly if you would just install a newsletter component, change the text of the subscription module (and possibly corresponding changes to front-end component output), and then you simply don't send newsletters. In this way you would start building a database table with names and email adresses as you seem to want.
I beleive sm2email can do it:
