Getting visitors email ids in Joomla - joomla

How to let visitors of the website provide their email ids, optionally, for further future communication with them. Its not specifically a newsletter subscription or anything (but could as well be) but just a polite pop-up on visiting a page, asking them to provide their email address, if they wish to be contacted sometime in future.
this is to run on a Joomla based website.
just a simple form (can be a pop-up) that asks for user email ids and then stores it in the database.
Not a Mailing List subscription or anything like it (so no auto-responder subscription needed)
This should be very easy for the people that know !

I don't think there is a ready-made extension available for this, but there are some extensions that you can use as examples to put together something yourself. You could look at newsletter subscription components and modules to see how they make a form for receiving a name and email address, and how they save it to the database. You could also look into extensions that use Squeezebox, the built-in Lightbox look-alike, or you could check one of the login modules that popup.
However, I think you would be ready most quickly if you would just install a newsletter component, change the text of the subscription module (and possibly corresponding changes to front-end component output), and then you simply don't send newsletters. In this way you would start building a database table with names and email adresses as you seem to want.

I beleive sm2email can do it:


Mailchimp Dynamic Content: add customized link in subscribe email

We want to start a service with Mailchimp where every subscriber will get a customized link in the email she receives. The Subscription Form will be on a wordpress website (not my decision).
There is a pool of thousand of links with a unique parameter, which we have stored on our webserver, like these examples
Every code parameter should only be used once and should be kept as secret as possible. So I don't think it is a good idea to send the code from the form to mailchimp in a hidden field.
I don't know, if this is possible. Is Mailchimp even the right tool to do this?
I'm not sure, where to start the journey.
I don't think webhooks will help me here, as those are only one-way communication without a backwards channel, as far as I understand.
I checked the Mailchimp API documentation, but I might be too foolish to understand, which of the multiple options I need to use.
I found this answer here:, but I don't know, if this will suit my needs. As I understand it, this will chhange the mail template in Mailchimp UI with an API request and store it. The successive emails will all use this changed template until I change the template again. This seems not to be the correct way.
So, here are the two workflows that might be possible, but I don't know if they are.
Have a form created in Wordpress (not the embedded Mailchimp form), and create a custom form handler with admin-post.php like described here. Then use the API to send the email through the Mailchimp service with my dynamic link in it. But how. Every tuorial I found sends campaigns via the API, not individual mails to single recepients
Somehow manage Mailchimp to get the dynamic content via some sort of webhooks or the likes.
Is any of these workflows suitable to do this?
If yes, who should I set these up?
Is there anything else I might have missed?
Or do I need to use Mailchimp Transactional Email service (former called Mandrill)?

Send form from Lotus Notes to Outlook

I have a Lotus Notes database design that I'm working on in which a user will request a data change that requires manager approval.
My concept is to automatically email the relevant manager with the details of the request using the NotesDocument.Send(True) to attach the form. This form displays the relevant information and has two buttons, to either approve or refuse the request without having to open the original document in the front-end. This is all fine and doesn't present any problems.
However, I've recently been told that the users will soon be switching to Outlook. Is there a way of doing the same. The users will still be using Notes for all our bespoke systems, just not for mail or calendar, so I can potentially add links to the document.
One thought I had was to supply two links to the document, with different parent views, and then have the QueryOpen code use NotesDocument.ParentView to ascertain what action to take. The downside to this is that the UI focus will switch to Notes.
Any other suggestions, such as links/buttons that will email back to a mail-in database with a subject like "REF 0012345 APPROVE" or "REF 0012345 REFUSE"? Can that be written in a Notes email doc to go to outlook?
You can create an HTML email including two (or more) buttons. On click you call an agent by Url and have the action and the target as parameter.
Look for the following command in the designer help:
For sure the http task has to run on the domino server.
I'd go with the approach of two links going to an agent, with one link ending in ?OpenAgent&Approve&Ref=xxxxxxxx and the other ending in ?OpenAgent&Refuse&Ref=yyyyyyy.
Here's why...
I'm not saying this will happen in your organization, but in a lot of organizations the move to Outlook for email has been the prelude to reducing the number of Notes clients that are installed. The Domino servers live on for years, but there are fewer and fewer clients. It gets to the point where it is only installed for users who need the client for business-critical applications. As time goes on, fewer and fewer people have Notes clients and eventually, the question will come up about why all managers need to have the Notes client. Since you're designing this now, you might as well take that into consideration and provide for the day when most managers will not necessarily need a Notes client.

MVC3 - How to check if user clicked on the link you sent through e-mail in .net?

I'm running an e-commerce website and I send my customers regular newsletters.
I'm using nopcommerce v2.40.
I just see who all are subscribed. I want to develop a detailed newsletter management system, something like MailChimp.
I want a report on how many users actually clicked on the link that I sent them via e-mail.
Can anyone tell me how to do that??
This is a pretty generalized question but I'm new at this and I have no idea how to do it.
Thank you !
You can do this sort of thing quite simply with Google Analytics.
Here are some links worth looking at.
Google Analytics Email Tracking
Setting up campaign tracking in Google Analytics
in your email newsletter add params you need to collect.
click to view
Everytime someone would click on the above link, they would be taken to your default controller that collects clicks and other parameters you want. You would then save that data and redirect to an actual page you want them to see via "redirect" parameter provided in the url.

How to provide gift card code automatically to user who likes product on the magento based ecommerce site

Is there any way to link face-book like feature with the magento gift card code. Like if any user/visitor likes any product on the site then store administrator want to sent gift code automatically to that user. This should happen automatically without involvement of any manual process.
Rather than sending a gift card code, you should generate a one time use coupon code and send them that.
In terms of tracking the Facebook like, you can use Facebook's FB.Event.subscribe method which is a part of their JavaScript SDK. A simple snippet will allow you to listen for a "like" event, the SDK will then provide you with a callback containing the URL liked (the current page). You can pretty much do whatever you want from there.
Everything you need should be here: Facebook JS SDK

Simple Mailing-List (not Newsletter) for Joomla?

Is there a way I can make joomla do the following:
I have several mail accounts that should act as a discussion mailing-list. The administrator (and only the adminstrator) maintains a list of customer email adresses that belong a particular discussion group mail adress. Whenever a Mail is sent to e.g. specialinterestdiscussion(at), the mail will automatically be forwarded to all customers that belong to that list. If the sender is part of that mailling-list it will not be forwarded to him again. The sender does not necessarily have to be part of the maintained list.
So basically it is a simle mailing list.
Actually there is a way - by integrating a Plugin that runs on site refreshes in the background and checks for mails.
I can recommend Mailster which is a free and Open Source mailing list component for Joomla. It does exactly the job you need it to do, from the feature list:
Usable with any POP3/IMAP email account
Recipients are managed by the admin in the backend
Users can (un)subscribe with frontend plugin (optional)
All Joomla users can be chosen as recipients, additional users can be
Users can be organized in groups Single users or whole groups can be
added as recipients of a mailing list
Replies to mailing list posts can be forwarded to all recipients
Backend mail archive for browsing the mails
Full attachment support
[... more...]
I am using Mailster on my own webpage with a GMail account and it works like a charm.
I have not found a good fully integrated solution for this myself, but there is a basic MailMan integration that you could search for.
Since Joomla is a php based engine it is simply not not possible. Joomla itself can not run a service in the background which would be required for a mailing list.
I agree, Joomla itself can not run a service in the background.
But the way plugins like Mailster or LazyBackup2 work enables a service-like behavior. If your site has not enough visits you have to take care of that. E.g. by using a cron job that simply opens the webpage via wget every X minutes.
I just started to use Mailster and contacted the developer regarding the same question and he responded with the cron job advice and also said that he plans to add a specific PHP file for cronjobs. When this will be ready you don't even need to have the plugin anymore while still being able to manage everything inside Joomla.
