How do I add a css class to particular rows in slickGrid? - slickgrid

I've searched everywhere to find out how to add a class to a particular row in slickgrid. It looks like there used to be a rowCssClasses property but it's gone now. Any help on this would be extremely appreciated.
Update: I figured it out using the before you render, you have to do something like this:
dataView.getItemMetadata = function (row) {
if (this.getItem(row).compareThis > 1) {
return {
'cssClasses': 'row-class'
That will inject that 'row-class' into the row that matches the if statement. It seems that this getItemMetadata function doesn't exist until you put it there and slickGrid checks to see if there's anything in there. It makes it kind of difficult to figure out it's options but if you search for getItemMetadata in the slick.grid.js file you should find some hidden treasures! I hope this helps someone!
If there's a better way of doing this, please let me know.

In newer versions of SlickGrid, DataView brings its own getItemMetadata to provide formatting for group headers and totals. It is easy to chain that with your own implementation though. For example,
function row_metadata(old_metadata_provider) {
return function(row) {
var item = this.getItem(row),
ret = old_metadata_provider(row);
if (item && item._dirty) {
ret = ret || {};
ret.cssClasses = (ret.cssClasses || '') + ' dirty';
return ret;
dataView.getItemMetadata = row_metadata(dataView.getItemMetadata);

myDataView.getItemMetadata = function(index)
var item = myDataView.getItem(index);
if(item.isParent === true) {
return { cssClasses: 'parentRow' };
else {
return { cssClasses: 'childRow' };
//In my CSS
.parentRow {
background-color: #eeeeee;
.childRow {
background-color: #ffffff;

You could use the setCellCssStyles function:
grid.setCellCssStyles(key, hash)
key - A string key. Will overwrite any data already associated with
this key.
hash - A hash of additional cell CSS classes keyed by row number and
then by column id. Multiple CSS classes can be specified and separated
by space.
0: {
"number_column": "cell-bold",
"title_column": "cell-title cell-highlighted"
4: {
"percent_column": "cell-highlighted"
} }
I used that to highlight edited fields in my grid. I didn't like the getItemMetadata method.


Cypress automation: multiple cy.get elements in one function

I have a function:
checkWebElemAndAssert(...elements) {
for (const element of elements) {
and i use it within another function:
checkRegisterValues = () => {
let maleCheckBox = cy.get('input[value=Male]');
let femaleCheckBox = cy.get('input[value=FeMale]');
let cricketCheckBox = cy.get('#checkbox1');
let registerElemList = [maleCheckBox, femaleCheckBox, cricketCheckBox];
return this;
The problem is that when i use checkRegisterValues() it uses for each action the last element: cricketCheckBox. Any hints on what is wrong? i would expect that the action is made for each element and not the last one.
Have you tried passing in the array like this?
You can also print out
checkWebElemAndAssert(...elements) {
for (const element of elements) {
and see what you are passing in
ok so i read a bit more and made this:
checkWebElemAndAssert2(elements) {
cy.get(elements).each(($list) => {
cy.get($list).click({ multiple: true }).should('be.checked')
Basically in elements when i call checkWebElemAndAssert2 i will give the list identifier. Seems to work but not sure meets the standard.
checkRegisterValues = () => {
let myList = 'input[type=radio]';
return this;

Trouble w/ Meteor Sorting

I'm trying to add a simple drop down control above a list such that I can sort it by "created" or "title".
The list template is called posts_list.html. In it's helper .js file I have:
posts: function () {
var sortCriteria = Session.get("sortCriteria") || {};
return Posts.find({},{sort: {sortCriteria: 1}});
Then, I have abstracted the list into another template. From here I have the following click event tracker in the helper.js
"click": function () {
// console.log(;
// Router.go('history');
Here I can confirm that the right Sort criteria is written to the session. However, I can't make the page refresh. The collection on the visible page never re-sorts.
Frustrating. Any thoughts?
You can't use variables as keys in an object literal. Give this a try:
posts: function() {
var sortCriteria = Session.get('sortCriteria');
var options = {};
if (sortCriteria) {
options.sort = {};
options.sort[sortCriteria] = 1;
return Posts.find({}, options);
Also see the "Variables as keys" section of common mistakes.
thanks so much for that. Note I've left commented out code below to show what I pulled out. If I required a truly dynamic option, versus the simply binary below, I would have stuck w/ the "var options" approach. What I ended up going with was:
posts: function () {
//var options = {};
if (Session.get("post-list-sort")) {
/*options.sort = {};
if (Session.get("post-list-sort") == "Asc") {
options.sort['created'] = 1;
} else {
options.sort['created'] = -1;
//return hunts.find({}, options);}
if (Session.get("hunt-list-sort") == "Asc") {
return Hunts.find({}, {sort: {title: 1}});
else {
return Hunts.find({}, {sort: {title: -1}});

Creating a new kendo binding for "associative arrays"

I'll start off by stating that I don't know if this is possible at all, but I'm reading over the Kendo UI documentation and trying to figure out how to at least try it, but I'm running into a lot of difficulties with making a custom binding. This is a followup to another question I am still working on, which is posted here. If this is not an appropriate question, please kindly let me know, and I will close it or rephrase it. I'm just really lost and confused at this point.
As I understand it, based on what I've been told and tried, Kendo cannot bind to an Associative Array not because the data isn't good, but because it is an array of objects, each as a separate individual entity - under normal circumstances, an array would be a bit different and contain a length property, as well as some other functions in the array prototype that make iteration through it possible.
So I was trying to conjecture how to get around this. I succeeded in getting what I think was a workaround to function. I preface that with "think" because I'm still too inexperienced with Javascript to truly know the ramifications of doing it this way (performance, stability, etc)
Here is what I did;
kendo template
<script type="text/x-kendo-template" id="display-items-many">
# for(var key in data) { #
# if (data.hasOwnProperty(key) && data[key].hasOwnProperty("Id")) { #
<strong>#= data[key].Id #</strong>
<td class="text-right">
<code>#= data[key].Total #</code>
# } #
# } #
<table class="table borderless table-hover table-condensed" data-bind="source: Associative data-template="display-items-many">
Now to me, immediately off hand, this gave me the illusion of functioning. So I got to thinking a bit more on how to fix this ...
I want to create a new binding called repeat. The goal of this binding is as follows;
repeat the template for each instance of an object within the given root object that meets a given criteria
In my head, this would function like this;
<div data-template="repeater-sample" data-bind="repeat: Associative"></div>
<script type="text/x-kendo-template" id="repeater-sample">
<div> ${ data.Id }</div>
And the criteria would be a property simply called _associationKey. So the following would, in theory, work.
// get data from server and such.
// simple reference to the 'associative array' for easier to read code
var associative = results.AssociativeArray;
// this is a trait that everything in the 'associative array' should have to match
// this is purely, purely an example. Obviously you would use a more robust property
var match = "Id";
// go through the results and wire up the associative array objects
for(var key in associative ) {
if(associative.hasOwnProperty(key) && associative[key].hasOwnProperty(match)) {
associative[key]._associationKey = 10; // obviously an example value
// a watered down example implementation, obviously a real use would be more verbose
viewModel = kendo.observable({
// property =
// property =
associativeArray = associative
kendo.bind('body', viewModel);
So far this actually seems to work pretty well, but I have to hard code the logic in the template using inline scripting. That's kind of what I want to avoid.
The big issue is that I'm vastly confused on telerik's documentation for custom bindings (available here). I do have their examples to draw from, yes - but it's a bit confusing to me how it interacts with the object. I'll try to explain, but I'm so lost that it may be difficult.
This is what telerik gives for an example custom binding, and I've pruned it a bit for space concerns;
<script> ={
init: function(element, bindings, options) {
//call the base constructor, element, bindings, options);
var that = this;
// how do we interact with the data that was bound?
So essentially that's where I am lost. I'm having a big disconnect figuring out how to interact with the actual "associative array" that is bound using data-bind="repeat: associativeArray"
So ..
I need to interact with the bound data (the entire 'associative array')
I need to be able to tell it to render the target template for each instance that matches
Further Updates
I have been digging through the kendo source code, and this is what I have so far - by taking the source binding as an example... but I'm still not getting the right results. Unfortunately this poses a few problems;
some of the functions are internal to kendo, I'm not sure how to get access to them without re-writing them. While I have the source and can do that, I'd prefer to make version agnostic code so that it can "plug in" to newer releases
I'm totally lost about what a lot of this does. I basically made a copy of the source binding and replaced it with my own syntax where possible, since the concept is fundamentally the same. I cannot figure out where to do the test for qualification to be rendered, if that makes sense.
I'm having a big logic disconnect here - there should ideally be some place where I can basically say ... If the current item that kendo is attempting to render in a template matches a criteria, render it. If not, pass it over and then another place where I tell it to iterate over every object in the 'associative array' so as to get to the point where I test it.
I feel just forcing a for loop in here will actually make this fire too many times, and I am getting pretty lost. Any help is greatly appreciated. ={
init: function(element, bindings, options) {, element, bindings, options);
var source = this.bindings.repeat.get();
if (source instanceof && options.autoBind !== false) {
refresh: function(e) {
var that = this,
source = that.bindings.repeat.get();
if (source instanceof|| source instanceof {
e = e || {};
if (e.action == "add") {
that.add(e.index, e.items);
} else if (e.action == "remove") {
that.remove(e.index, e.items);
} else if (e.action != "itemchange") {
} else {
container: function() {
var element = this.element;
if (element.nodeName.toLowerCase() == "table") {
if (!element.tBodies[0]) {
element = element.tBodies[0];
return element;
template: function() {
var options = this.options,
template = options.template,
nodeName = this.container().nodeName.toLowerCase();
if (!template) {
if (nodeName == "select") {
if (options.valueField || options.textField) {
template = kendo.format('<option value="#:{0}#">#:{1}#</option>',
options.valueField || options.textField, options.textField || options.valueField);
} else {
template = "<option>#:data#</option>";
} else if (nodeName == "tbody") {
template = "<tr><td>#:data#</td></tr>";
} else if (nodeName == "ul" || nodeName == "ol") {
template = "<li>#:data#</li>";
} else {
template = "#:data#";
template = kendo.template(template);
return template;
add: function(index, items) {
var element = this.container(),
clone = element.cloneNode(false),
reference = element.children[index];
$(clone).html(kendo.render(this.template(), items));
if (clone.children.length) {
parents = this.bindings.repeat._parents();
for (idx = 0, length = items.length; idx < length; idx++) {
child = clone.children[0];
element.insertBefore(child, reference || null);
bindElement(child, items[idx], this.options.roles, [items[idx]].concat(parents));
remove: function(index, items) {
var idx, element = this.container();
for (idx = 0; idx < items.length; idx++) {
var child = element.children[index];
render: function() {
var source = this.bindings.repeat.get(),
element = this.container(),
template = this.template();
if (source instanceof {
source = source.view();
if (!(source instanceof && !== "[object Array]") {
source = [source];
if (this.bindings.template) {
if (element.children.length) {
parents = this.bindings.repeat._parents();
for (idx = 0, length = source.length; idx < length; idx++) {
bindElement(element.children[idx], source[idx], this.options.roles, [source[idx]].concat(parents));
else {
$(element).html(kendo.render(template, source));
I would propose as a simpler solution transform transmitted associative array in an array. This is pretty simple and (for most cases) can solve your problem.
Lets say that you get the following associative array received from the server:
"One" : { Name: "One", Id: "id/one" },
"Two" : { Name: "Two", Id: "id/two" },
"Three" : { Name: "Three", Id: "id/three" }
That is store in a variable called input. Transform it from associative to no associative is as easy as:
var output = [];
$.each(input, function(idx, elem) {
elem.index = idx;
Now, you have in output an equivalent array where I saved the index field into a field called index for each element of the associative array.
Now you can use out-of-the-box code for displaying the data received from the server.
See it in action here :
You can even use KendoUI DataSource for retrieving and transforming the data by using DataSource.schema.parse method as:
var dataSource = new{
transport: {
read: ...
schema : {
parse: function (response) {
var output = [];
$.each(response, function(idx, elem) {
elem.index = idx;
return output;
and your model would be:
var viewModel = new{
Id: "test/id",
Associative: dataSource
You can see it in action here:

Do not automatically expand all subgrid rows when clicking grouping column's expand icon

After grouping, is there a way for expand/collapse icon of current row not automatically expand/collapse all of the subgrid's rows? Just leave it alone as it was.
var parmColumnName = 'Model';
groupCollapse: true,
groupField: ['name']
//Original setup after playing around with it. (See X5 under BMW)
//Collapse the grouped Make
//Then Expand the grouped Make (All of the model are expanded by default, I do not want it to change and I want it to look like the original snapshot above)
I find your question very interesting, but the solution for the problem is not easy. In my opinion the source code of two jqGrid methods groupingRender and especially groupingToggle should be changed. The solution which I suggest you can see on the demo. The demo overwrites the original code of groupingRender and groupingToggle methods. More full description of my suggestions you will find below.
First of all I want to describe the problem in my words. You used the words "the subgrid's rows" in the text of your question which bring misunderstanding. What you use is multilevel grouping. The first problem in my opinion is the behavior of groupCollapse: true option. In case of multilevel grouping jqGrid collapse currently only data instead of all grouping headers till the top level. The demo uses 3-level grouping and the option groupCollapse: true. It dysplays
instead of intuitively expected
Another problem which you formulate in your question is the current behavior of expending. The problem is that if the user have collapsed the nodes to that all looks compact, like on the last picture which I posted, end then the user expand some node jqGrid expand all children grouping headers of the node till the data. So if one expand for example only "test1" node then all its children nodes will be expanded instead of expending only the next grouping level.
To fix the first problem (opened sub-grouping headers in spite of groupCollapse: true) I changed one line of groupingRender method from
str += "<tr id=\""+hid+"\" role=\"row\" class= \"ui-widget-content jqgroup ui-row-"+$t.p.direction+" "+clid+"\"><td style=\"padding-left:"+(n.idx * 12) + "px;"+"\" colspan=\""+colspans+"\">"+icon+$.jgrid.template(grp.groupText[n.idx], gv, n.cnt, n.summary)+"</td></tr>";
str += "<tr id=\""+hid+"\"" +(grp.groupCollapse && n.idx>0 ? " style=\"display:none;\" " : " ") + "role=\"row\" class= \"ui-widget-content jqgroup ui-row-"+$t.p.direction+" "+clid+"\"><td style=\"padding-left:"+(n.idx * 12) + "px;"+"\" colspan=\""+colspans+"\">"+icon+$.jgrid.template(grp.groupText[n.idx], gv, n.cnt, n.summary)+"</td></tr>";
The main problem which you asked was a little more difficult. Below you can find the fixed version of
groupingToggle : function(hid){
var $t = this,
grp = $t.p.groupingView,
strpos = hid.split('_'),
//uid = hid.substring(0,strpos+1),
num = parseInt(strpos[strpos.length-2], 10);
var uid = strpos.join("_"),
minus = grp.minusicon,
plus = grp.plusicon,
tar = $("#"+$.jgrid.jqID(hid)),
r = tar.length ? tar[0].nextSibling : null,
tarspan = $("#"+$.jgrid.jqID(hid)+" span."+"tree-wrap-"+$t.p.direction),
getGroupingLevelFromClass = function (className) {
var nums = $.map(className.split(" "), function (item) {
if (item.substring(0, uid.length + 1) === uid + "_") {
return parseInt(item.substring(uid.length + 1), 10);
return nums.length > 0 ? nums[0] : undefined;
collapsed = false, tspan;
if( tarspan.hasClass(minus) ) {
if(grp.showSummaryOnHide) {
while(r) {
if($(r).hasClass('jqfoot') ) {
var lv = parseInt($(r).attr("jqfootlevel"),10);
if( lv <= num) {
r = r.nextSibling;
} else {
while(r) {
itemGroupingLevel = getGroupingLevelFromClass(r.className);
if (itemGroupingLevel !== undefined && itemGroupingLevel <= num) {
r = r.nextSibling;
collapsed = true;
} else {
var showData = undefined;
while(r) {
itemGroupingLevel = getGroupingLevelFromClass(r.className);
if (showData === undefined) {
showData = itemGroupingLevel === undefined; // if the first row after the opening group is data row then show the data rows
if (itemGroupingLevel !== undefined) {
if (itemGroupingLevel <= num) {
break;// next item of the same lever are found
} else if (itemGroupingLevel === num + 1) {
} else if (showData) {
r = r.nextSibling;
$($t).triggerHandler("jqGridGroupingClickGroup", [hid , collapsed]);
if( $.isFunction($t.p.onClickGroup)) { $$t, hid , collapsed); }
return false;
The demo demonstrates the results of all changes which I suggest. I'll post the changes as pull request to trirand. I hope that the changes will be included in the main code of jqGrid.
UPDATED: I posted the pull request with the changes which I suggested above.
UPDATED 2: My pull request was merged with the main code of jqGrid. The new 4.5.4 version of jqGrid published today includes the changed. The new demo uses jqGrid 4.5.4 and it works like you expect. So to fix the problem which you described in your question you need just update jqGrid.

How to get a jqGrid cell value when editing

How to get a jqGrid cell value when in-line editing (getcell and getRowData returns the cell content and not the actuall value of the input element).
General function to get value of cell with given row id and cell id
Create in your js code function:
function getCellValue(rowId, cellId) {
var cell = jQuery('#' + rowId + '_' + cellId);
var val = cell.val();
return val;
Example of use:
var clientId = getCellValue(15, 'clientId');
Dodgy, but works.
Here is an example of basic solution with a user function.
ondblClickRow: function(rowid) {
var cont = $('#grid').getCell(rowid, 'MyCol');
var val = getCellValue(cont);
function getCellValue(content) {
var k1 = content.indexOf(' value=', 0);
var k2 = content.indexOf(' name=', k1);
var val = '';
if (k1 > 0) {
val = content.substr(k1 + 7, k2 - k1 - 6);
return val;
After many hours grief I found this to be the simplest solution. Call this before fetching the row data:
$('#yourgrid').jqGrid("editCell", 0, 0, false);
It will save any current edit and will not throw if there are no rows in the grid.
As you stated, according to the jqGrid documentation for getCell and getRowData:
Do not use this method when you editing the row or cell. This will return the cell content and not the actual value of the input element
Since neither of these methods will return your data directly, you would have to use them to return the cell content itself and then parse it, perhaps using jQuery. It would be nice if a future version of jqGrid could provide a means to do some of this parsing itself, and/or provide an API to make it more straightforward. But on the other hand is this really a use case that comes up that often?
Alternatively, if you can explain your original problem in more detail there may be other options.
Try this, it will give you particular column's value
onSelectRow: function(id) {
var rowData = jQuery(this).getRowData(id);
var temp= rowData['name'];//replace name with you column
Basically, you have to save the row before you access the cell contents.
If you do, then you get the value for the cell instead of the markup that comes when the cell is in edit mode.
jQuery.each(selectedRows, function(index, foodId) {
// save the row on the grid in 'client array', I.E. without a server post
$("#favoritesTable").saveRow(foodId, false, 'clientArray');
// longhand, get grid row based on the id
var gridRow = $("#favoritesTable").getRowData(foodId);
// reference the value from the editable cell
foodData += foodId + ":" + gridRow['ServingsConsumed'] + ',';
Hi, I met this problem too. Finally I solved this problem by jQuery. But the answer is related to the grid itself, not a common one. Hope it helps.
My solution like this:
var userIDContent = $("#grid").getCell(id,"userID"); // Use getCell to get the content
//alert("userID:" +userID); // you can see the content here.
//Use jQuery to create this element and then get the required value.
var userID = $(userIDContent).val(); // var userID = $(userIDContent).attr('attrName');
you can use this directly....
onCellSelect: function(rowid,iCol,cellcontent,e) {
This is my solution:
function getDataLine(grida, rowid){ //vykradeno z inineeditu a vohackovano
if(grida.lastIndexOf("#", 0) === 0){
grida = $(grida);
grida = $("#"+grida);
var nm, tmp={}, tmp2={}, tmp3= {}, editable, fr, cv, ind;
ind = grida.jqGrid("getInd",rowid,true);
if(ind === false) {return success;}
editable = $(ind).attr("editable");
if (editable==="1") {
var cm;
var colModel = grida.jqGrid("getGridParam","colModel") ;
$("td",ind).each(function(i) {
// cm = $('#mygrid').p.colModel[i];
cm = colModel[i];
nm =;
if ( nm != 'cb' && nm != 'subgrid' && cm.editable===true && nm != 'rn' && !$(this).hasClass('not-editable-cell')) {
switch (cm.edittype) {
case "checkbox":
var cbv = ["Yes","No"];
if(cm.editoptions ) {
cbv = cm.editoptions.value.split(":");
tmp[nm]= $("input",this).is(":checked") ? cbv[0] : cbv[1];
case 'text':
case 'password':
case 'textarea':
case "button" :
tmp[nm]=$("input, textarea",this).val();
case 'select':
if(!cm.editoptions.multiple) {
tmp[nm] = $("select option:selected",this).val();
tmp2[nm] = $("select option:selected", this).text();
} else {
var sel = $("select",this), selectedText = [];
tmp[nm] = $(sel).val();
if(tmp[nm]) { tmp[nm]= tmp[nm].join(","); } else { tmp[nm] =""; }
$("select option:selected",this).each(
selectedText[i] = $(selected).text();
tmp2[nm] = selectedText.join(",");
if(cm.formatter && cm.formatter == 'select') { tmp2={}; }
return tmp;
I have a solution:
1. Using this.value to get the current editing value in the editing row.
2. Save the cell value to a hidden field when the cell lost its focus.
3. Read the hidden field when you need.
The code:
{ name: 'Net', index: 'Net', editable:true, editoptions: { dataEvents: [ { type: 'focusout', fn: function(e) {$('#HiddenNet').val(this.value);} }] }, editrules:{custom:true,}},
{ name: 'Tax', index: 'Tax', editable:true, editoptions: { dataEvents: [ { type: 'focus', fn: function(e) {this.value=$('#HiddenNet').val(); } }] }, editrules:{custom:true}}
Good Luck
You can get it from the following way...!!
var rowId =$("#list").jqGrid('getGridParam','selrow');
var rowData = jQuery("#list").getRowData(rowId);
var colData = rowData['UserId']; // perticuler Column name of jqgrid that you want to access
In my case the contents of my cell is HTML as result of a formatter. I want the value inside anchor tag. By fetching the cell contents and then creating an element out of the html via jQuery I am able to then access the raw value by calling .text() on my newly created element.
var cellContents = grid.getCell(rowid, 'ColNameHere');
//in my case logs <h3>The Value I'm After</h3>
var cellRawValue = $(cellContents).text();
console.log(cellRawValue); //outputs "The Value I'm After!"
my answer is based on #LLQ answer, but since in my case my cellContents isn't an input I needed to use .text() instead of .val() to access the raw value so I thought I'd post this in case anyone else is looking for a way to access the raw value of a formatted jqGrid cell.
its very simple write code in you grid.php and pass the value to an other page.php
in this way you can get other column cell vaue
but any one can make a like to pass value....) in fancy box or clor box?
$custom = <<<CUSTOM
var selr = jQuery('#grid').jqGrid('getGridParam','selrow');
var kelr = jQuery('#grid').jqGrid('getCell', selr, 'stu_regno');
var belr = jQuery('#grid').jqGrid('getCell', selr, 'stu_school');
if(selr)'editcustomer.php?id='+(selr), '_Self');
else alert("No selected row");
return false;
I think an extension of this would get it for you.
I think a better solution than using getCell which as you know returns some html when in edit mode is to use jquery to access the fields directly. The problem with trying to parse like you are doing is that it will only work for input fields (not things like select), and it won't work if you have done some customizations to the input fields. The following will work with inputs and select elements and is only one line of code.
ondblClickRow: function(rowid) {
var val = $('#' + rowid + '_MyCol').val();
I've got a rather indirect way. Your data should have an unique id.
First, setting a formatter
$.extend(true, $.fn.fmatter, {
numdata: function(cellvalue, options, rowdata){
return '<span class="numData" data-num="'+rowdata.num+'">'+rowdata.num+'</span>';
Use this formatter in ColModel. To retrieve ID (e.g. selected row)
var grid = $("#grid"),
rowId = grid.getGridPara('selrow'),
num = grid.find("#"+rowId+" span.numData").attr("data-num");
(or you can directly use .data() for latest jquery 1.4.4)
In order to get the cell value when in-line editing you need to capture this event(or another similar event, check documentation):
beforeSaveCell: function (rowid, celname, value, iRow, iCol) { }
In the value parameter you have the 'value' of the cell that was currently edited.
To get the the rest of the values in the row use getRowData()
I lost a lot of time with this, hope this helps.
My workaround is to attach an object containing orignal values to each tr element in the grid. I've used afterAddRecord callback to get my hands on the values before jqGrid throws them away and jQuery's "data" method to store them in the work.
afterInsertRow: function( rowid, rowdata, rowelem ) {
var tr = $("#"+rowid);
$(tr).data("jqgrid.record_data", rowelem);
“rowelem” is the array of cell values from our JSON data feed or [jsonReader] (
Then at any point I can fetch those attributes using:
More at:
I think that Aidan's answer is by far the best.
$('#yourgrid').jqGrid("editCell", 0, 0, false);
This commits any current edits, giving you access to the real value. I prefer it because:
You don't have to hard-code any cell references in.
It is particularly well suited to using getRowData() to get the entire grid, as it doesn't care which cell you've just been editing.
You're not trying to parse some markup generated by jqGrid which may change in future.
If the user is saving, then ending the edit session is likely the behaviour they would want anyway.
Before i was getting :
html tag of the textbox something like
but Here is the solution to get the value from that particular column, working and tested
function getValue(rowId, cellId) {
var val = $("[rowId='"+rowId+"'][name='"+cellId+"']").val();
return val;
var values = getValue(rowId, 'cellid');
I obtain edit value using javascript:
I hope this info useful for someone.
I needed the original value before the formatter, so this is what I did:
name: 'Slot', title: false, formatter: function (cellValue, options, rowObject) {
rowObject['SlotID'] = cellValue; // <--- This saves the original ID
if (somelogic) {
return someString;
} else {
return someOtherString;
{ name: 'SlotID', hidden: true }
Now SlotID contains the original ID. Also, you don't need to have SlotID property on your original model.
try subscribing to afterEditCell event it will receive (rowid, cellname, value, iRow, iCol) where value is your a new value of your cell
You can use getCol to get the column values as an array then index into it by the row you are interested in.
var col = $('#grid').jqGrid('getCol', 'Sales', false);
var val = col[row];
