Accessing model through Varien_Event_Observer - magento

I have a custom observer in Magento that is called when a CMS page is saved or deleted (events cms_page_delete_before/cms_page_save_before). I have verified (using Mage::log()) that the observer is working, however when I try the following:
public function getCmsUrl(Varien_Event_Observer $observer)
$url = $observer->getEvent()->getPage()->getIdentifier();
return $url;
I get nothing returned (rather than "about-us" or "enable-cookies" or whatever URL path the CMS page has). The following code, however, works perfectly fine:
public function getProductUrl(Varien_Event_Observer $observer)
$baseUrl = $observer->getEvent()->getProduct()->getBaseUrl();
return $baseUrl;
Can someone let me know what the correct way of accessing a CMS page is when passed via an observer?
Thanks in advance for any help/tips/pointers :-)

The events cms_page_delete_before and cms_page_save_before are fired in Mage_Core_Model_Abstract. This it how it looks like in the beforeSave function:
Mage::dispatchEvent($this->_eventPrefix.'_save_before', $this->_getEventData());
As you can see, it uses a variable _eventPrefix to construct the event key. In the CMS page model, this is set to cms_page.
Also notice the part $this->_getEventData(). This is how the model, in this case the CMS page, is passed to the observer:
protected function _getEventData()
return array(
'data_object' => $this,
$this->_eventObject => $this,
As you can see, the object has two names, data_object and a name defined in a variable, _eventObject. In the product model, the name is set to product, but in the CMS page model, the variable is missing. Apparently the Magento team forgot to put this in, and as a result, the default name from the core model is used:
protected $_eventObject = 'object';
That means you can get the CMS page in your observer by using getObject:
public function myObserver(Varien_Event_Observer $observer)
$page = $observer->getEvent()->getObject();


Laravel Backpack - getting current record from crud controller

In my crud controller I am trying to get the name of the person who is currently being edited.
In the people crud controller
public function setup() {
This returns the first person not the person currently being edited.
How do I return the current person (with an id of 93 in this example)
Ok, So since you use backpack look into CrudController to see how the method looks:
public function edit($id)
$this->data['entry'] = $this->crud->getEntry($id);
$this->data['crud'] = $this->crud;
$this->data['fields'] = $this->crud->getUpdateFields($id);
$this->data['id'] = $id;
return view('crud::edit', $this->data);
So now you can overwrite the edit function and change whatever you want. You can even create a custom edit page if you so wish.
Setup on the other hand is usually used to add things like
Or you can even get the entire constructor and put it in the setup method because setup call looks like this:
public function __construct()
// call the setup function inside this closure to also have the request there
// this way, developers can use things stored in session (auth variables, etc)
$this->middleware(function ($request, $next) {
return $next($request);
So you could do something like \Auth::user()->id;
Also it's normal to work like this. If you only use pure laravel you will only have access to the current id in the routes that you set accordingly.
Rahman said about find($id) method. If you want to abort 404 exception just use method findOrFail($id). In my opinion it's better way, because find($id)->name can throw
"Trying to get property of non-object error ..."
findOrFail($id) first fetch user with specified ID. If doesn't exists just throw 404, not 500.
The best answer is:
public function edit($id)
return \App\Models\People::findOrFail($id);
Good luck.
you need person against id, try below
public function setup($id) {

Laravel Trying to get property of non-object but not sure why

I want to grab some data from a database and display on a layout page, I've basically started building a small CMS to get into Laravel and all has gone fine so far but now i'm at a wall, and can't find a solution.
I have a layout blade file like so: nothing majot but you will see i have used $page->meta_title etc in there and in my controller i have:
public function home()
$pages = Pages::all();
return View::make('frontend/home')->with('pages',$pages);
Which I have a pages model doing nothing else really like so:
class Pages extends Eloquent {
protected $table = 'pages';
So why is it trying to get property of non-object and I don't really want to use a foreach because this is going to be the frontend of my 'test' website so a foreach wouldn't suite.
You'll need to access these items as a multi-dimensional array if you don't want to loop through them.
Its a bit of a tough one to answer without knowing how you want your CMS to work.
For example, you could have a route as {pagename} in your routes.php file, then have a page controller where you would get the requested route from the variable passed in. This would then load the page you wanted using the variable
public function page( $pagename ) {
$page = Page::where('page_title', '=', $pagename)->first();
View::make('frontend/page', array( 'page' => $page ));
Using a route like that, and the controller, in your view you could use {{ $page->content }} to get the content of the requested page from the database and display it.
Hope this helps.
Edit: Example Route:
Route::get('{pagename}', 'PageController#page');

Laravel 4: Responding to AJAX requests from controller

I'm trying to generate ajax specific responses from my controllers by using the Request::ajax() method, which is working just fine. The only problem is that the way I have it set up right now isn't really a nice looking solution.
My controller:
class HomeController extends BaseController {
protected $layout = 'layouts/main';
public function __construct()
public function getIndex()
$view = View::make('content.home.index');
if(Request::ajax()) return $view; //For ajax calls we only want to return the content to be placed inside our container, without the layout
$this->layout->menu = '';
$this->layout->content = $view;
So right now, for every method I define within my controllers I need to add the code snippet that checks for an AJAX request and returns a single view if the statement returns true.
This leads to my question that is probably more PHP related than it is to the framework;
Is there a way of executing my AJAX check on every method call, without actually placing it inside the method? Or is there some other solution to keep my code DRY?
Thanks in advance!
PS: This is my first post on stackoverflow, so feel free to correct me if I made any mistakes
Create a new barebone layout named 'layouts/ajax' (or any name you like).
<?php echo $content ?>
In your Base controller, override this setupLayout() function.
protected function setupLayout()
if ( ! is_null($this->layout))
$layout = Request::ajax() ? 'layouts/ajax' : $this->layout;
$this->layout = View::make($layout);
Change your getIndex() function to this.
public function getIndex()
$view = View::make('content.home.index');
$this->layout->menu = '';
$this->layout->content = $view;
Now non-ajax requests will be rendered using layout set in the controller, where as ajax requests will receive whatever set to $this->layout->content.
Note : Controller will neglect the layout setup in setupLayout(), if the called method returns truthy value. So this method will not work for functions like below.
public function getIndex()
return View::make('content.home.index');
You could just change the layout property, in the constructor, if it's an ajax request:
public function __construct()
if(Request::ajax()) {
$this->layout = '';
If it doesn't work try setting it to NULL instead.
Why would you return a VIEW via ajax? Are you using it to create a SPA? If so there are better ways. I'm generally against returning HTML via AJAX.
The route I'd go in your position is probably opposite of how you're doing it. Render the view no matter what, if the request is ajax, pass the extra data back and have JS render the data on the page. That's essentially how most Javascript MVC frameworks function.
Sorry if I am totally missing the point here, just going on an assumption of your end goal with the info you provided.

ZF2: How to propagate Controller return to layout template?

I'm returning data from Controller like this:
* Password request sent
* #return array
public function passwordRequestSentAction ()
return array(
'foo' => $this->bar,
But $this->foo is null within layout.phtml even though its correct within controller/passwordRequestSent.phtml
I had to create postDispatch method in my abstract controller and link to it in attachDefaultListeners() and do this in postDispatch:
Is that really the way to go? I simply want to share all my variables across, no matter if its layout or page template.
You can access the layout-template by calling $this->layout():
class MyController extends AbstractActionController
public function myAction()
$layout = $this->layout();
// Returns the ViewModel of the Layout
For more information & samples check the manual's examples.
However in most cases I'd suggest writing a viewhelper for these tasks - especially for navigation/... This encapsulates the controller's logic from viewing tasks like I want the navigation displayed here or Show me the user's login box. Same goes for almost every type of status messages.

Magento pass current product ID to module

I have a custom module that displays data on my product pages. My module needs to get the current product id. I tried using:
This works on the first load but when I refresh, current_product no longer has data with full page caching on.
Any ideas?
The catalog product action controller isn't dispatched, when the full page cache handles the request (which makes sense to keep things fast).
So, the registry variables are never set.
I assume you are generating the block dynamically on the otherwise fully cached page.
My recommendation is to try to avoid expensive loads, since that would undermine the speed improvements by the full page cache. You really want to cache the block if at all possible, even if it's a separate cache entry for each customer and each product.
That said, here is how to do that:
In the container, implement the _getIdentifier() method:
protected function _getIdentifier()
return $this->_getCookieValue(Enterprise_PageCache_Model_Cookie::COOKIE_CUSTOMER, '');
Also expand the _getCacheId() method to include the return value of the method _getIdentifier() and a new placeholder attribute: product_id
protected function _getCacheId()
return 'HOMEPAGE_PRODUCTS' . md5($this->_placeholder->getAttribute('cache_id') . ',' . $this->_placeholder->getAttribute('product_id')) . '_' . $this->_getIdentifier();
Next, in the block class, extend the method getCacheKeyInfo(). All entries in the cache_key_info array with a string index are set on the placeholder as attributes. That is how we can pass the product id to the placeholder.
public function getCacheKeyInfo()
$info = parent::getCacheKeyInfo();
if (Mage::registry('current_product'))
$info['product_id'] = Mage::registry('current_product')->getId();
return $info;
Then enable the method _saveCache() by not overriding it in your container class and returning false.
So now, because the container returns a valid id from _getCacheId(), and _saveCache() is inherited from the parent class, the the block can be cached, and applied to the content in an efficient manner in Enterprise_PageCache_Model_Container_Abstract::applyWithoutApp().
You can set the lifetime of the cache entry by having your container extend from Enterprise_PageCache_Model_Container_Customer instead of Enterprise_PageCache_Model_Container_Abstract.
If you still need to pass the product_id to the block (even though it's cached now), you can do so in the _renderBlock() method of your container:
protected function _renderBlock()
$blockClass = $this->_placeholder->getAttribute('block');
$template = $this->_placeholder->getAttribute('template');
$block = new $blockClass;
return $block->toHtml();
you should have in the controller of your module something which init the registration of the current product. You will need to post between the page visited by a user the id of your product (recommended) or save it in a session. Here is an example of what you can do in a controller:
protected function _initAction(){
if(! Mage::registry('current_product')){
Mage::register('current_product', Mage::getModel('catalog/product'));
$id = $this->getRequest()->getParam('id');
if (!is_null($id)) {
$model = Mage::registry('current_product')->load($id);
if (! $model->getId()) {
$this->_getSession()->addError(Mage::helper('catalog')->__('This product item no longer exists'));
return $this;
public function indexAction()
// your code below
