Laravel Trying to get property of non-object but not sure why - laravel-4

I want to grab some data from a database and display on a layout page, I've basically started building a small CMS to get into Laravel and all has gone fine so far but now i'm at a wall, and can't find a solution.
I have a layout blade file like so: nothing majot but you will see i have used $page->meta_title etc in there and in my controller i have:
public function home()
$pages = Pages::all();
return View::make('frontend/home')->with('pages',$pages);
Which I have a pages model doing nothing else really like so:
class Pages extends Eloquent {
protected $table = 'pages';
So why is it trying to get property of non-object and I don't really want to use a foreach because this is going to be the frontend of my 'test' website so a foreach wouldn't suite.

You'll need to access these items as a multi-dimensional array if you don't want to loop through them.

Its a bit of a tough one to answer without knowing how you want your CMS to work.
For example, you could have a route as {pagename} in your routes.php file, then have a page controller where you would get the requested route from the variable passed in. This would then load the page you wanted using the variable
public function page( $pagename ) {
$page = Page::where('page_title', '=', $pagename)->first();
View::make('frontend/page', array( 'page' => $page ));
Using a route like that, and the controller, in your view you could use {{ $page->content }} to get the content of the requested page from the database and display it.
Hope this helps.
Edit: Example Route:
Route::get('{pagename}', 'PageController#page');


Passing a count from a relationship on a simple page in Laravel

I was curious if it was possible to pass along a count of a relationship from a controller and put it on a simple page like a home page (which isn't specifically related to any specific model or controller). So say a user hasMany shipments, how can I pass along the count to the page?
I know how to pass along variables to model specific pages (such as show, edit, index and such pages), but not a general pages such as a home page or about page.
You should at least have a PageController and have a method like homepage like this.
class PageController extends Controller {
protected $data = array();
public function homepage() {
$this->data['count'] = 10;
return view('homepage', $this->data);
$data is an array of all the data you would like to pass to your views. As for this example, you can access them in your blade template like this:
{{ $count }}
You can enable cache in laravel. It is very simple and usefull. You can store your variable in this cache.
For more information, you could read documentation

How to share object in blade template across Zizaco/Confide routes?

I'm trying to share an object across a Laravel application. I need this because I want to create a blade template which will be included everywhere and will also perform some logic/data manipulation (a dynamic menu sort of speak).
To be able to accomplish this I've created a constructor in the Base controller and used View::share facade.
While this works across all routes in the application, it's not working for Zizaco/Confide generated routes, where I get Undefined variable error for $books.
This is the constructor in the base controller:
public function __construct()
$books = Book::all();
View::share('books', $books);
return View::make('adminMenu')->with('books', $books);
What you need are View Composers!!
You can hook a view composer to a certain view name or pattern (using * wildcard). Every time before that view gets rendered the view composer will run.
You can put this anywhere. Most elegant would be a custom app/composers.php which is then required at the bottom of app/start/global.php
View::composer('adminMenu', function($view){
$books = Book::all();
$view->with('books', $books);

Laravel routing - shorten the urls upto only one URI segment.

It is said that shorter the URL, better the seo (atleast my client believes on it).
Now am creating website similar to in laravel. I need to generate in such a way that the uri should not be more than one segment.
I have following urls:
1.Need to change From:
2.Need to change From:
3.Need to change From:
4.Need to change From:
5.Need to change From:
I hope you understood the pattern .
I can see has done exactly the same (or is it any other way ?)
I created this function in controller for brands:
public function showProductListingByBrands($brandSlug) {
$brand = Brand::findBySlug($brandSlug)->first();
$products = "";
$products = $brand->products()->paginate(Misc::getSetting('paginate'));
$products = Product::findBySlug($brandSlug);
return View::make('store');
Now how do i manipulate it as my requirement? Im really new in laravel.
Thanks in advance.
Just to give you a brief idea.
On your route page
Route::get('/{product_name}/', array(
'as' => 'product_page',
'uses' => 'ProductPage#getProduct'
As you see when the user goes to the page like
it will go to the controller ProductPage with the method of getProduct, so the variable {product_name} will be passed on the controller.
public function getProduct($product_name = false) {
$product = Products::where('product_name', '=', $product_name);
// Do check product existing record
if ($product->count() == 0) {
return Redirect::route('some-page-error')
->with('failure', 'The hell are you doing?');
} else {
$product = $product->first();
return View::make('product_page')
->with('product_name', $product);
So on method getProduct, the parameter $product_name is watch
So, the method will check if the product exists or not, if not the user will be redirected to 404 page.
If not, it will be redirected to the template that you've made then pass all the product data and display it all there.
But it would be nice if you put the Route into /product/{product_name}, also it would be also good if it's product id instead of product name since product name can get redundant.
So yea.
I don't know what you're trying to do and why it must be .html, but mmm.. Just wanna give you an idea. Well I don't know if my answer is a good way, someone might give better answer than me.

Passing ArrayAccess from Controller to View in Laravel 4

I try to learn Laravel 4 and I have found it - so far - pretty great. But Blade templaes seem dfficult to me, less intuitive than Smarty for instance.
I have a small problem. I try to push my data from Controller to a View. I do this:
public function getGame($id, $slug = null) {
$game['info'] = Game::find($id);
$game['genres'] = Game::find($id)->genres()->get();
$game['dev'] = Game::find($id)->developers()->get();
$this->layout = View::make('user')->with('game',$game);
Pretty straightforward, isn't it? For now, my View is just {{ $game['info']->title }}. But it seems that it doesn't see my variable (throwing "Undefined variable: game"). What can I do? Can I post the data in that array format (I assumed from the docs that I can).
I think the problem is in the last line of your code. You either return a view like
return View::make('user')->with('game', $game);
or do something like this:
Create protected $layout = 'my_layout.blade.php' in your controller and create the file my_layout.blade.php and put it into views folder. In it write something like
Then, create your user.blade.php and create a section like this
Finaly, at the end of your getGame function
$this->layout->content = View::make('user')->with('game', $game);
Home this make sense to you.
Btw, why not define 'genres' and 'developers' relationships in your Game model and then use eager loading like
$game = Game::with('genres', 'developers')->find( $id );
and pass this to the view. Then access title like $game->title, genres like $game->genres->... etc.

Codeigniter reusable sections

I have a table of data from a database that I want to display on various pages of my website. Ideally, i would like to just have an include or something that will go off and get the data, and return the html table. The html and data will be identical everytime I need to use this.
I wanted to know the best way of doing this
If this helps, something similar to a Django "inclusion" custom tag...for any django developers reading
you need to pass the variable $data to the view method.
This is your code:
function load_my_view(){
$data['my_results'] = $this->my_table->my_data();
Please change it to this in order to load the $data into the view:
function load_my_view(){
$data['my_results'] = $this->my_table->my_data();
You should use a function in a model to fetch the data you need. Your controller calls the model function and sends the returned information to a view. You don't need to use traditional php includes with Codeigniter. I recommend a review of the user guide. It's very good and will tell you all the basic stuff you need to know to develop with CI. But to get you started, you watn to use Models, Views, and Controllers. Your url will tell CI what controller and function inside that controller to run. If your url is
Then CI will do what is inside the load_my_view function in the my_controller controller. function load_my_view in turn instantiates a model "my_table" and runs a database query, returns information that the controller sends to the view. A basic example follows:
Your model
class my_table extends CI_Model{
function my_data(){
$query = $this->db->get();
$result = $query->result();
$result = false;
return $result;
Your controller
class my_controller extends CI_Controller{
function load_my_view(){
$data['my_results'] = $this->my_table->my_data();
Your View
<ul id = "my_db_results">
<?php foreach($my_results as $result):?>
<li><?php echo $result->column_1." : ".$result->column_2." ( ".$result->column_3." )";?></li>
<?php endforeach;?>
It looks like a good oportunity to use cache:
Ok, so here is one thing that worked for me, but its definitely not perfect.
I created a view in which made a call to the model getting the data then put the data into a table. This way, I only have to include this view to put the table anywhere.
I understand this completely ruins the point of having a MVC framework, but hopefully it demonstrates what I want to do...and it works
