Magento pass current product ID to module - caching

I have a custom module that displays data on my product pages. My module needs to get the current product id. I tried using:
This works on the first load but when I refresh, current_product no longer has data with full page caching on.
Any ideas?

The catalog product action controller isn't dispatched, when the full page cache handles the request (which makes sense to keep things fast).
So, the registry variables are never set.
I assume you are generating the block dynamically on the otherwise fully cached page.
My recommendation is to try to avoid expensive loads, since that would undermine the speed improvements by the full page cache. You really want to cache the block if at all possible, even if it's a separate cache entry for each customer and each product.
That said, here is how to do that:
In the container, implement the _getIdentifier() method:
protected function _getIdentifier()
return $this->_getCookieValue(Enterprise_PageCache_Model_Cookie::COOKIE_CUSTOMER, '');
Also expand the _getCacheId() method to include the return value of the method _getIdentifier() and a new placeholder attribute: product_id
protected function _getCacheId()
return 'HOMEPAGE_PRODUCTS' . md5($this->_placeholder->getAttribute('cache_id') . ',' . $this->_placeholder->getAttribute('product_id')) . '_' . $this->_getIdentifier();
Next, in the block class, extend the method getCacheKeyInfo(). All entries in the cache_key_info array with a string index are set on the placeholder as attributes. That is how we can pass the product id to the placeholder.
public function getCacheKeyInfo()
$info = parent::getCacheKeyInfo();
if (Mage::registry('current_product'))
$info['product_id'] = Mage::registry('current_product')->getId();
return $info;
Then enable the method _saveCache() by not overriding it in your container class and returning false.
So now, because the container returns a valid id from _getCacheId(), and _saveCache() is inherited from the parent class, the the block can be cached, and applied to the content in an efficient manner in Enterprise_PageCache_Model_Container_Abstract::applyWithoutApp().
You can set the lifetime of the cache entry by having your container extend from Enterprise_PageCache_Model_Container_Customer instead of Enterprise_PageCache_Model_Container_Abstract.
If you still need to pass the product_id to the block (even though it's cached now), you can do so in the _renderBlock() method of your container:
protected function _renderBlock()
$blockClass = $this->_placeholder->getAttribute('block');
$template = $this->_placeholder->getAttribute('template');
$block = new $blockClass;
return $block->toHtml();

you should have in the controller of your module something which init the registration of the current product. You will need to post between the page visited by a user the id of your product (recommended) or save it in a session. Here is an example of what you can do in a controller:
protected function _initAction(){
if(! Mage::registry('current_product')){
Mage::register('current_product', Mage::getModel('catalog/product'));
$id = $this->getRequest()->getParam('id');
if (!is_null($id)) {
$model = Mage::registry('current_product')->load($id);
if (! $model->getId()) {
$this->_getSession()->addError(Mage::helper('catalog')->__('This product item no longer exists'));
return $this;
public function indexAction()
// your code below


Route model binding with multiple wildcards

How to explicitly say to route model binding to fetch only related categories? I have my web.php file as follows:
Route::get('/catalog/{category}', [CategoryController::class, 'index'])->name('category.index');
Route::get('/catalog/{category}/{subcategory}', [SubcategoryController::class, 'index'])->name('subcategory.index');
Route::get('/catalog/{category}/{subcategory}/{subsubcategory}', [SubsubcategoryController::class, 'index'])->name('subsubcategory.index');
Subsubcategory controller:
public function index(Category $category, Subcategory $subcategory, Subsubcategory $subsubcategory)
$products = Product::where('subsubcategory_id', $subsubcategory->id)->orderByRaw('product_order = 0, product_order')->get();
return view('subsubcategory.index', compact('subsubcategory', 'products'));
And model in question:
public function subcategory()
return $this->belongsTo(Subcategory::class);
public function category()
return $this->belongsTo(Category::class);
public function getRouteKeyName()
return 'slug';
It works partially ok. It loads all the slugs, but the problem is, let's say I have Samsung Subsubcategory with it's parent categories like:
Whenever I modify url from catalog/mobile-phones/android/samsung to catalog/mobile-phones/ios/samsung it works, where in fact it should not. How to handle this second scenario?
PS: it also applies if I open subcategory and change category slug. But, obviously, if upper level category does not exists, it's going to throw 404.
You may want to explore the docs a bit in regard to explicit route model binding and customizing the resolution logic to get some ideas.
The following is untested and I'm making some guesses about your table structures, but I think this should give you a basic concept of how you can alter route model binding to fit your needs. The same concept could also be applied to the {subcategory} binding, but with one less relationship check.
public function boot()
// ...default code...
// add custom resolution for binding 'subsubcategory'
Route::bind('subsubcategory', function($slug, $route) {
// check to see if category exists
if ($category = Category::where('slug',$route->parameter('category'))->first()) {
// check to see if subcategory exists under category
if ($subcategory = $category->subcategories()->where('slug',$route->parameter('subcategory'))->first()) {
// check to see if subsubcategory exists under subcategory
if ($subsubcategory = $subcategory->subsubcategories()->where('slug',$slug)->first()) {
// success, proper relationship exists
return $subsubcategory;
// fail (404) if we get here
throw new ModelNotFoundException();
I will note, however, that this makes a number of separate database calls. There may be more efficient ways to achieve the same goal through other methods if optimization is a concern.

Unset session in SilverStripe

I am building a pretty simple online shop in SilverStripe. I am writing a function to remove an item from the cart (order in my case).
My setup:
My endpoint is returning JSON to the view for use in ajax.
public function remove() {
// Get existing order from SESSION
$sessionOrder = Session::get('order');
// Get the product id from POST
$productId = $_POST['product'];
// Remove the product from order object
// Set the order session value to the updated order
Session::set('order', $sessionOrder);
// Save the session (don't think this is needed, but thought I would try)
// Return object to view
return json_encode(Session::get('order'));
My issue:
When I post data to this route, the product gets removed but only temporarily, then next time remove is called, the previous item is back.
Order object:
product-1: {
name: 'Product One'
product-2: {
name: 'Product Two'
When I post to remove product-1 I get the following:
product-2: {
name: 'Product Two'
Which appears to have worked but then I try and remove product-2 with and get this:
product-1: {
name: 'Product One'
The SON OF A B is back! When I retrieve the entire cart, it still contains both.
How do I get the order to stick?
Your expectation is correct, and it should work with the code you wrote. However, the way the session data is managed doesn't work well with data being deleted, because it is not seen as a change of state. Only existing data being edited is seen as such. See Session::recursivelyApply() if you want to know more.
Only way I know is to (unfortunately) emphasized textmanipulate $_SESSION directly before you set the new value for 'order'
public function remove() {
// Get existing order from SESSION
$sessionOrder = Session::get('order');
// Get the product id from POST
$productId = $_POST['product'];
// Remove the product from order object
if (isset($_SESSION['order'])){
// Set the order session value to the updated order
Session::set('order', $sessionOrder);
// Return object to view
return json_encode(Session::get('order'));

Joomla - Where is the code in K2 which saves a new item's Title and alias

I have looked every where in the administrator\components\com_k2 folder but am not able to find the code that saves a new item\article in K2. I checked the item.php file under models folder. No luck.
I need to override the K2 item save method.
I need a know the exact method that saves the Item's title and alias into the #__K2_content table.
I have to duplicate the K2 items in joomla articles on save and remove on trash/delete.
I have successfully been able to override the K2 core code. But am unable to find the right code to override. (override method is here)
The table that stores the K2 items (at least in the latest K2 version - 2.6.5) is #__k2_items, not #__k2_content.
I went through the code, it looks like K2 uses Joomla's methods: see administrator/components/com_k2/controllers/item.php - line 24: function save(). Everything is extended from Joomla classes.
class K2ControllerItem extends K2Controller
public function display($cachable = false, $urlparams = array())
JRequest::setVar('view', 'item');
function save()
JRequest::checkToken() or jexit('Invalid Token');
$model = $this->getModel('item');
The K2 controller: /administrator/components/com_k2/controllers/controller.php
else if (version_compare(JVERSION, '2.5', 'ge'))
class K2Controller extends JController
public function display($cachable = false, $urlparams = false)
parent::display($cachable, $urlparams);
#Shaz, you gave me the right direction to look into.
in com_k2\controllers\item.php
this $model->save();saves the data.
The function save() is in the com_k2\models\item.php file, where there are two lines that capture the data.
$row = JTable::getInstance('K2Item', 'Table');
this initiates the $row, while
if (!$row->bind(JRequest::get('post')))
this populates $row.
So now $row contains all the variable values.
Now, this if (!$row->store()) saves the data.
I will use $row to save the same for the Joomla! articles in com_content.
Feels Good :)

Accessing model through Varien_Event_Observer

I have a custom observer in Magento that is called when a CMS page is saved or deleted (events cms_page_delete_before/cms_page_save_before). I have verified (using Mage::log()) that the observer is working, however when I try the following:
public function getCmsUrl(Varien_Event_Observer $observer)
$url = $observer->getEvent()->getPage()->getIdentifier();
return $url;
I get nothing returned (rather than "about-us" or "enable-cookies" or whatever URL path the CMS page has). The following code, however, works perfectly fine:
public function getProductUrl(Varien_Event_Observer $observer)
$baseUrl = $observer->getEvent()->getProduct()->getBaseUrl();
return $baseUrl;
Can someone let me know what the correct way of accessing a CMS page is when passed via an observer?
Thanks in advance for any help/tips/pointers :-)
The events cms_page_delete_before and cms_page_save_before are fired in Mage_Core_Model_Abstract. This it how it looks like in the beforeSave function:
Mage::dispatchEvent($this->_eventPrefix.'_save_before', $this->_getEventData());
As you can see, it uses a variable _eventPrefix to construct the event key. In the CMS page model, this is set to cms_page.
Also notice the part $this->_getEventData(). This is how the model, in this case the CMS page, is passed to the observer:
protected function _getEventData()
return array(
'data_object' => $this,
$this->_eventObject => $this,
As you can see, the object has two names, data_object and a name defined in a variable, _eventObject. In the product model, the name is set to product, but in the CMS page model, the variable is missing. Apparently the Magento team forgot to put this in, and as a result, the default name from the core model is used:
protected $_eventObject = 'object';
That means you can get the CMS page in your observer by using getObject:
public function myObserver(Varien_Event_Observer $observer)
$page = $observer->getEvent()->getObject();

CodeIgniter - showing original URL of index function?

I'm not sure if I'm approaching this fundamentally wrong or if I'm just missing something.
I have a controller and within it an index function that is, obviously, the default loaded when that controller is called:
function index($showMessage = false) {
$currentEmployee = $this->getCurrentEmployee();
$data['currentEmp'] = $currentEmployee;
$data['callList'] = $currentEmployee->getDirectReports();
$data['showMessage'] = $showMessage;
$this->load->view('main', $data);
I have another function within that controller that does a bulk update. After the updates are complete, I want the original page to show again with the message showing, so I tried this:
* Will save all employee information and return to the call sheet page
function bulkSave() {
//update each employee
for ($x = 0; $x < sizeof($_POST['id']); $x++) {
$success = Employee::updateEmployeeManualData($_POST['id'][$x], $_POST['ext'][$x], $_POST['pager'][$x], $_POST['cell'][$x], $_POST['other'][$x], $_POST['notes'][$x]);
What is happening is that the original page is accessed using:
after the bulk update it is showing as:
when I really want it to show the url as the index page again, meaning that the user never really sees the /bulkSave portion of the URL. This would also mean that if the user were to refresh the page it would call the index() function in the controller and not the bulkSave() function.
Thanks in advance.
Is this possible?
You are calling your index() funciton directly, within bulkUpdate() hence the uri does not change back to index because you are not making a new server request, you are just navigating within your controller class.
I usually use the same Controller function for tasks like this, directing traffic based on whether or not $_POST data has been passed or not like this...
function index() {
if($_POST) {
//process posted data
for ($x = 0; $x < sizeof($_POST['id']); $x++) {
$data['showMessage'] = Employee::updateEmployeeManualData($_POST['id'][$x], $_POST['ext'][$x], $_POST['pager'][$x], $_POST['cell'][$x], $_POST['other'][$x], $_POST['notes'][$x]);
else {
//show page normally
$data['showMessage'] = FALSE;
//continue to load page
$currentEmployee = $this->getCurrentEmployee();
$data['currentEmp'] = $currentEmployee;
$data['callList'] = $currentEmployee->getDirectReports();
$this->load->view('main', $data);
Then if it is a form that you are submitting, just point the form at itself in your view like this...
<?= form_open($this->uri->uri_string()) ?>
This points the form back at index, and because you are posting form data via $_POST it will process the data.
I usually do a redirect to the previous page as it prevent users to refresh (and submit twice) their data.
You can use the redirect() helper function of CI. (at the bottom)
