Logging Stopped in Websphere - websphere

The Websphere protal 6.1 was logging normally
But when I tried to clear the content of the log file to clear old logs, WebSphere log to this file anymore and the file is always blank, knowing that i cleared the content of the old log file and didn't remove the the file itself so i don't think it would be a permission problem.

You might want to cross check the configuration in WAS admin console whether if it is mapped to the proper location as expected. Because the scenario of yours works fine with my environment.
Console -> Troubleshooting->Logs and Trace


Windows 7 Log off actions

I have and application that need's to recognize when user logs off the system(Windows 7 OS). So, when user logs off from system, I need to log out user from application. I tried with batch file(put it in "GroupPolicy\User\Scripts\Logoff") and to run a browser with log off url. Batch file starts(i inserted command for windows alert and alert shows up during log off) but it seems that browser does not start. When i run this batch file without logging of the sistem, all actions I want are made. So does anyone have any solution for my problem?
Thanks in advance

logstash forwareder doesn't release file handle

I am running logstash forwareder to ship logs.
Forwarder,logstash,elasticsearch all are on localhost.
I have one UI application whose log files is read by shipper. When forwarder is running, archiving of log file doesn't work. logs are appended in same file. I have configured log file to archive every minute, so I can see the change. As soon as I stop forwarder, log file archiving starts working.
I guess forwarder keep holding file handle that's why file does not get archived.
Please help me on this.
Running on windows? There exists known unfixed bugs.
See https://github.com/elasticsearch/logstash/issues/1944
for some kind of work around.

ClassPath resource not found

I'm trying to deploy my Spring Boot based application to a CloudControl container.
I've added the mysql.free add-on and configured it through my application.properties:
On my local development system, everything works perfectly fine, but on the CloudControl container, the app won't start.
I added the StackTrace here. I'm trying to solve the problem for days, but I am not able to solve it by my own.
Spring apps are very memory consuming and the mysqls.free addon allows only a limited number of parallel connections. Although your Stacktrace doesn't show any of these problems. It's hard to solve this issue without more context like logs or environment settings.
The following commands may help:
cctrlapp app_name/default log error # shows startup log
cctrlapp app_name/default addon.creds # shows DB credentials
I've uploaded some spring-boot example code at https://github.com/cloudControl/spring-boot-example-app which I've tested on cloudControl today.
Please take a look at the configuration there. If you want to deploy it, make sure your container has memory size >= 768mb.
cctrlapp app_name/default deploy --memory 768MB
If you still have issues, please contact cloudControl support to help you.

Websphere application server logging in SystemOut.log

By default, log, error, and trace information for all processes and applications on a process server is written to the SystemOut.log, But our requirement is to only log Request and Responses . Is there any setup in admin console to do this?
Thanks in advance.....
When WebSphere starts, it designates the SystemOut.log file as the file into which all System.out prints will go to. Therefore, whenever any code is issuing, for example, System.out.println, the output will end up going into SystemOut.log - and that is true for both your application code and WebSphere's internal code.
To achieve the effect that you're looking for, consider using some logging framework, such as Log4J, SLF4J or Java's standard logging API.

Oracle application server logging

Can somebody tell me where I can set the path for the application log files which are on the Oracle application server because I can't find nothing in the web.
For an example I have a web app which I have been deployed on the server and this one have redirect errors output log and my question is from where the file path of the log is set?
Thanks in advance.
I'm not sure what you're looking for, but sounds like you need the OPMN configurations.
These can be found usually (and depends on your version) in 'ORACLE_HOME/opmn/conf/'.
The file you probably want is 'opmn.xml'
Here is a link for some documentation
