Websphere application server logging in SystemOut.log - websphere

By default, log, error, and trace information for all processes and applications on a process server is written to the SystemOut.log, But our requirement is to only log Request and Responses . Is there any setup in admin console to do this?
Thanks in advance.....

When WebSphere starts, it designates the SystemOut.log file as the file into which all System.out prints will go to. Therefore, whenever any code is issuing, for example, System.out.println, the output will end up going into SystemOut.log - and that is true for both your application code and WebSphere's internal code.
To achieve the effect that you're looking for, consider using some logging framework, such as Log4J, SLF4J or Java's standard logging API.


Best way to concatenate/collapse stacktraces in logs

My goal is to include my stacktrace and log message into a single log message for my Spring Boot applications. The problem I'm running into is each line of the stacktrace is a separate log message. I want to be able to search my logs for a log level of ERROR and find the log message with the stacktrace. I've found two solutions but not sure which to use.
I can use Logback to put them all in one line but would like to keep the new lines for a pretty format. Also the guide I found might override defaults that I want to keep. https://fabianlee.org/2018/03/09/java-collapsing-multiline-stack-traces-into-a-single-log-event-using-spring-backed-by-logback-or-log4j2/
I could also use ECS and concatenate it there, but it could affect other logs (though I think we only have Java apps). https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonECS/latest/developerguide/firelens-concatanate-multiline.html
Which would be the best way to do it? Also is there a better way to do it in Spring compared to the guide that I found?

How do consoleSource and consoleLogLevel relate to the log settings in server.xml?

The documentation at https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/en/SSEQTP_liberty/com.ibm.websphere.wlp.doc/ae/rwlp_logging.html lists the following config snippet for configuring logs to go to the console in JSON format (a useful configuration when Liberty is running inside a Linux container like in a kubernetes pod):
However, I noticed that when I increase the log level inside my server.xml (say to FINER to enable tracing), the trace messages are also emitted to the console. I assume its because the source is configured to pick up messages from the trace, but what I don't understand is whether/how that interacts with the consoleLogLevel setting.
Why specify a com.ibm.ws.logging.console.log.level if its just going to include everything from message and trace log files anyway?
The com.ibm.ws.logging.console.source bootstrap property controls which sources the console handler will subscribe to. This means, if there is any trace (typically levels FINE / FINER / FINEST) enabled by the traceSpecification, that content will be consumed by the console handler and output as JSON to console.
So, setting...
means that the console handler will receive any log, trace, access log, ffdc, and audit events that are generated by the system.
If com.ibm.ws.logging.console.log.level is specified, it controls which log events are filtered out by the console handler. By setting com.ibm.ws.logging.console.log.level=WARNING you won't see INFO level messages in the console output unless you also explicitly set consoleLogLevel=info in the server.xml.
Note that logging settings explicitly set in the <logging> element in the server.xml (which is processed when the config manager is ready) override any configuration set using environment variables or the bootstrap.properties file (which are processed very early in the server startup process). In practice this means you should use bootstrap.properties or environment variables for logging configuration, and just use the logging element in the server.xml file to specify things you want to override while the server is running.

Logging for two different environment logs in to a single log file

I am quite new for log4j2 logger and my requirement to write a log from application server and web server.
I am having two different environment on which J BOSS server is deployed.
Now I am having a log file on web server environment which is writing logs for errors and I want to write logs from application server also in same file.
Please suggest.
If you want the logs to be integrated together you should use a solution like Splunk or Elastic Search/Logstash/Kibana (ELK).
When you try to write to a file from 2 different processes your file will get corrupted unless you use file locking. However, your throughput will decrease significantly and it isn't supported for rolling files. So the best approach is to send the logs to a single process where they can be aggregated.

How do i take Logs for windows application?

I am working on an application in Windows 7 environment and the application is not stable yet I wanted to see the crash logs , Please help me to get log files.
Reporting Services writes event messages to the Windows application
log. You can use the message information written to the application
log to find out about events that are generated by the report server
applications running on the local system.
Reporting Services provides three event sources:
Report Server (Report Server Windows service)
Report Manager
Scheduling and Delivery Processor
You can use Log4Net to log errors or alternatively just write your errors to a text file.
Here is a link on how to use log4net Link

Logging Stopped in Websphere

The Websphere protal 6.1 was logging normally
But when I tried to clear the content of the log file to clear old logs, WebSphere log to this file anymore and the file is always blank, knowing that i cleared the content of the old log file and didn't remove the the file itself so i don't think it would be a permission problem.
You might want to cross check the configuration in WAS admin console whether if it is mapped to the proper location as expected. Because the scenario of yours works fine with my environment.
Console -> Troubleshooting->Logs and Trace
