How to install Thrift to work with Qt-Windows - windows

I'm working on the Windows build of a Qt-Widget application. I need to extend my app to interact with a 3rd-party web service that's built on Thrift. I'm not talking about hosting a web service (ie a Thrift-based server); just writing the client to connect to someone else's existing, live Thrift server.
Can anyone provide a checklist of things to integrate Thrift into Qt?
I'm looking for the bits and pieces that need to be installed, and where to get them. I've started the process of trying to get the two to work together, but it seems to be a non-trivial process since Thrift is a *nix-centric library. I was really hoping that there was a static library and some headers for Thrift, like with many other libraries, but this doesn't appear to be the case.

I have only found this:
Didn't look at it myself though yet.


Dummies tutorial for Websocket in tomcat8 server and client

My first post.
I have experience of basic java servlet and jsp and have got my webpage implemented in tomcat7.
Regarding Websocket, I am finding difficult to build understanding of how to implement it, i want to use tomcat8 implementation of websocket api and uplift my webpage (jsp, java, jquery, tomcat7) to use the websocket features, have not been able to find the the tutorial that can guide me through, something like hello world example. any pointers (sample codes, tutorials)?
have tried to understand tomcat8 examples but not understanding them at all
You need to understand that you don't just "add" WebSocket to an existing web application.. to make it faster, better, cheaper, more scalable, etc. Instead, you have to completely re-architect the web-layer of the application to take advantage of its capabilities.
I suggest that you first read a lot about WebSocket and what the whole idea is before you try to write any code, using Tomcat or any other WebSocket-capable server.
Nick Williams has a forthcoming book that appears to cover everything in the web application world, and as I understand it, will have a great deal of information about WebSocket-based code. You will unfortunately have to wait until March 2013 (at least) to use that particular book.
I'm sure there are similar books available, or even online tutorials to help get you started using WebSocket. Just be aware that switching to WebSocket isn't some simple configuration option: it's a very disruptive change to any existing web application.

xmpp client with server ejabberd

I am using ejabberd as server and want to deploy it on a large scale. Can you suggest me the client best suited so that I can plug it in seamlessly. I am thinking of using wokkel or pidgin but not really sure of the best possibility. Any sort of guidance will be appreciated.
Actually my complete requirement is development of a chat engine - including server, clients etc. Currently I am working on things at my desktop only but once done, I have to host it; basically incorporate it with in a site for chatting purpose. So, now my problem is:
I am not clear about how the actual data flow is? I have googled and read about xmpp (a book by Peter Andre) also but I am not clear about the flow and what are the actual requirementsto do the above mentioned task. What I currently know is:
1) I need a server - so selected ejabberd
2) I need client - still not sure which one to use and one other doubt is how this client thing will work when deployed on some website for chatting purpose.
3) Some library - dont know which one and what is the purpose?
2) You can use a web client like Candy Chat (uses Strophe IIRC)
3) Create your own webclient using javascript and the Strophe library which ggozad mentioned.

Building a linux service in Ruby that other processes can interact with, maybe via a socket?

I'm looking into building a service to run in the background that allows clients to connect and send commands, and get data back. I'm planning on writing the service in Ruby (as a gem) but wanted to know what the best method would be to allow clients to connect to the API?
I figured a socket connection would make sense, like you'd connect with Redis or something, but I'm not sure where to start!
Any tips would be much appreciated :)
Yep, you're on the right path. A socket is just a bidirectional communication channel that allows two programs to exchange bytes. If both endpoints are on the same machine, UNIX sockets are the obvious choice; otherwise, you'll need a TCP socket to communicate over the network. The principle is the same in either case.
On top of the socket, you'll have to define your own protocol, or you could use an existing one (such as HTTP) if it applies to your situation.
A random sockets tutorial.
Since you ask for any tips, my advice to you is that building a service container is hard work. Since you don't actually need to, there being lots of awesome service containers already, you should probably use one of those.
I would recommend something behind HTTP, which gives you a whole lot of advantages around existing tooling, message framing, content negotiation, scaling your service, and deployment and upgrade models.
If you want to avoid external dependencies, using something like Webrick or Mongel that is pure Ruby is a fine way to avoid needing to wrap Apache or Nginx around your system.
This also allows you to separate out the concerns in your project: work on building the actual service layer first, handling commands and returning responses. Run that under any web server, and get it going.
Then when you have time, focus separately on how to build the service container to meet your needs: because you know that the underlying service layer works fine, you can focus on only solving the container problems.
If you really do want to build your own container, I strongly recommend you use something higher level than a socket. Tools like 0mq provide framing and other message layer features that you don't get from a socket, and make it much easier to focus on defining the interesting parts of your problem space - the commands - rather than low level details like parsing a wire format and protocol.
I'm using a Ruby/Rails app with Redis running in the background on an EC2 server (Amazon Web Services AWS). This is the ubuntu build I found to be easiest to work with:
Linux version 2.6.32-341-ec2 (buildd#crested) (gcc version 4.4.3 (Ubuntu 4.4.3-4ubuntu5) ) #42-Ubuntu SMP Tue Dec 6 14:56:13 UTC 2011
In my main .rb file that does most of the polling/searching I have this rubygems required, you should definitely check them out:
require 'aws'
require 'redis'
require 'timeout'
require 'json'
Let me know what you are specifically trying to do if that doesn't help you enough. Good luck!
I've built a couple of daemons with EventMachine in the past. It is efficient and powerful, supports TCP, HTTP and everything else. People even write web servers on top of it.

ActiveMQ CPP Library

I have a Java application and a C++ application. I want to use Apache ActiveMQ for the communication between these applications. I know how to setup ActiveMQ, Run it etc.. I want to know what I should do to get the C++ client library. I tried downloading the code and running Make. It produced some libraries But I am not sure if its just the client library or the Whole ActiveMQ Server. Please provide some clarity or reference Links. Thank you.
My suggestion would be to try doing some reading, there's plenty of information on the website including a getting started guide. There's also several examples in the aptly named 'examples' directory in the source bundle.

Run a site on Scheme

I can't find this on Google (so maybe it doesn't exist), but I basically'd like to install something on a web server such that I can run a site on Scheme, PHP is starting to annoy me, I want to get rid off it, what I want is:
Run Scheme sources towards UTF-8 output (duh)
Support for SXML, SXLT et cetera, I plan to compose the damned thing in SXML and -> to normal representation on at the end.
Ability to read other files from the server, write them, set permissions et cetera
Also some things to for instance determine the filesize of files, height of images, mime-types and all that mumbo-jumbo
(optionally) connect to a database, but for what I want to do storing the entire database in S-expressions itself is feasible enough
I don't need any fancy libraries and other things that come with it like CMS'es and what-not, except the support for SXML but I'm sure I can just find a lib for that anyway that I can load.
Spark-Scheme has a full web server. If you don't need that, it also has a FastCGI interface so that you can serve Scheme scripts from a web servers like Apache, Lighttpd etc. Spark-Scheme also seem to meet your requirements for database support, UTF-8, file handling and SXML. See the Spark-Scheme Programming Guide (pdf) for more information.
mod_lisp and FastCGI are the only two Apache modules I'm aware of that might work at this time. mod_lisp provides Scheme support because it's architecture is similar to FastCGI, where CGI like parameters are sent over a socket to a second process which remains running as the Scheme backend to the web server. Basically you use one or the other to send CGI like parameters across a socket to a running Scheme backend.
You can find some information about these solutions here. There was another FastCGI like effort called SCGI which demoed a simple SCGI receiver in Scheme called gambit. That code is probably not maintained anymore, but the scheme receiver might be useful.
Back in the Apache 2.0 days, there were more projects playing with scheme and clisp bindings. I don't believe that mod_scheme ever released anything, but if they did, odds are it is not compatible with the modern releases of Apache.
Did you come across Fermion (
If you're looking for a lispy language to develop web applications in, I'd recommend looking into Clojure. Clojure is a lisp variant that's fairly close to scheme; here is a list of some of the differences.
Clojure runs on the Java virtual machine and integrates well with Java libraries, and there's a great webapp framework available called Compojure.
Check out Chicken Scheme's Eggs Unlimited. I think what you want is a combination of the sxml- packages coupled with the fastcgi package.
PLT Scheme has a web application server here:
