I have a Java application and a C++ application. I want to use Apache ActiveMQ for the communication between these applications. I know how to setup ActiveMQ, Run it etc.. I want to know what I should do to get the C++ client library. I tried downloading the code and running Make. It produced some libraries But I am not sure if its just the client library or the Whole ActiveMQ Server. Please provide some clarity or reference Links. Thank you.
My suggestion would be to try doing some reading, there's plenty of information on the website including a getting started guide. There's also several examples in the aptly named 'examples' directory in the source bundle.
I'm trying to learn about grpc and protocol buffers while creating a test app using square's wire library. I've got to the point of generating both client and server files but I got stuck in creating a server side app. The documentation is too simple and the examples in the library have to much going on.
Can anyone point out what are the next steps after generating the files?
I'm not sure what language your are using, but each gRPC language has similar set of examples. For example, for a simple server-side app, you can find the Python example at https://github.com/grpc/grpc/blob/master/examples/python/helloworld/greeter_server.py
I want to understand the fundamental concepts of JMS by developing my own simple application. I spent a little time on a couple of tutorials but it didn't help me to understand how the messaging works.
What do I need to build my own program?
The main thing you need to build your own JMS application is a message broker which provides a JMS client implementation.
ActiveMQ Artemis is a fine place to start. Download it and take a look at the examples in the examples/ directory. Start with something basic like the queue example (in the examples/features/standard/queue directory). You can run the example by executing the command mvn verify in the example's directory. It will start a broker and run the client code. You can look at the code and change it however you want and run it again. This will allow you to experiment easily and learn by example.
I am trying to implement jasmine-maven-plugin for my project.
In my project there are multiple separate web projects, I successfully integrate the above plugin in all of my web projects except one.
I have used HtmlUnit driver for all of my web projects but getting RuntimeException: Exception invoking setOnopen from WebSocket class for a particular web project, others are executing fine.
Instead of htmlunit if I use phantomjs driver then it is working seamlessly but for that I have to keep the phantomjs executable in my system PATH which is not go with the maven philosophy, I do not want to keep any separate executable in my system. Due to this I want to use htmlunit driver which is throwing the above setOnopen exception.
I did lots of google but not able to get any solution, if you have any insight on this issue please let me know. Thanks In advance.
If you want to avoid requiring phantomjs be installed separately you may want to take a look at these projects for some ideas:
And take a look at this forum discussion:
I've yet to have time to try this out myself but it sounds promising. Also, note that you don't need to have phantomjs on your system path. You can specify the location of the binary using the phantomjs.binary.path property. See the second example on this page which shows how to configure it using this property.
Hope that helps.
I have to built a multilayer game using web-sockets. For this I have a a shared web server with Apache. Browser is not an issue I am building for modern browsers only.
I tried few example PHP and web-socket source code but no luck.
What do I need to do?
And also how to enable the PHP socket_create function? Already enables php_sockets extension in the php.ini and also the php_sockets.dll exists in the extension directory.
When I call socket_create function php says that this function is undefined.
Any kind of help is appreciated.
It seems that the command prompt was using a different configuration file for PHP.
Apache (or from the WAMP's interface) uses a php.ini that is located at:
If you will open this file, you may notice that the line extension=php_sockets.dll is already commented out.
Unfortunately, the CLI or command line interface is using a different configuration file which is located at:
In order to resolve it, you should comment out the line extension=php_sockets.dll and save it. Run the program after to see if the websockets again are already up and working.
If you can guarantee WebSocket support in the browser then use Ratchet. It won't run within Apache, but as a separate process.
There are other options available too - see the realtime web tech guide.
Questions related to WebSocket + PHP have been asked a number of times on SO. I'd recommend doing a search for best solutions and known gotchas when using Apache, PHP + WebSocket. Here's are a couple of good starting question with some additional links in the answers:
Is native PHP support for Web Sockets available?
Efficient reloading data / pushing data from server to client
I'm working on the Windows build of a Qt-Widget application. I need to extend my app to interact with a 3rd-party web service that's built on Thrift. I'm not talking about hosting a web service (ie a Thrift-based server); just writing the client to connect to someone else's existing, live Thrift server.
Can anyone provide a checklist of things to integrate Thrift into Qt?
I'm looking for the bits and pieces that need to be installed, and where to get them. I've started the process of trying to get the two to work together, but it seems to be a non-trivial process since Thrift is a *nix-centric library. I was really hoping that there was a static library and some headers for Thrift, like with many other libraries, but this doesn't appear to be the case.
I have only found this: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/THRIFT-1348
Didn't look at it myself though yet.