Using folders to keep images neat and organized - lotus

So I'm used to this kind of sorting my source files, but I can't seem to be able to find a solution to this problem in Xpages. It would be great if I can store my images like for example: UI images in "ui", layout images in "layout" and so on... Is this possible? Or maybe some kind of workaround?
Thank you!

In image resources, you can also use "virtual folders" to organize the image files.
If you have a header image named "header.png". Rename to "layout\header.png".
When you reference this image from the web browser, the path will be:

In Package Explorer (or Eclipse Navigator), locate the WebContent folder. This is treated as the "root" of the NSF when an XPage is accessed. If your images are already stored on your hard drive in the folder structure you want to create, you can literally just drag the top-level folder to WebContent, and it'll preserve the exact same structure. You can also manually add folders to WebContent (or any subfolder) using the context menu.

Use the Eclipse Navigator view (add it to your perspective) - there you should be able to create a folder in the images. What works definitely is to use webDAV for design files


Visual studio Image folder in sub project

In one of my visual studio projects there are some sub directories each of them containing sub projects. In one such sub-project I have an Image folder containing an image. Now I am not being able to load that image doing something like this.
<img id="loading" src="~/Image/loader.gif" alt="loader">
When I hover on it in my dev tool it shows me the path like
and the image is not found on that location. Any idea what can be done?
For everyone with problems like that
I highly recommend, if its a part of your project that shouldn't be replaced or be replaced, to use a resource file. Here is a small instrction how to do so.
You can now simply choose "~/resource/WhatIsThis.png" as URL (usually in the GUI the url can be choosen via dialog).
As said in documentation, it is important to know that the resource file will store the URL to your image, not the image itself. But that won't make a difference in this case.

Cocoa Mac OS X application bundling 1000 images

We have a Cocoa Mac OS X application in which we want to bundle around 500 images. Each image is around 10kb so size isn't a problem.
These images are not exactly resources in the app, they are sample images.
Basically, we have simple button that would let the user copy these images to a directory.
The solution also needs to be "dump in, dump out" -- so we don't want to store individual image file names somewhere in our application; we just want to have a directory of images that can be copied.
How do I package these into my application?
The question turns into: How do I make a directory resource containing the images.
In our case everything gets flattened into the and this approach would require us to put image names in the app so that we can copy those.
Put the images into a folder. Drag the folder into your project in Xcode. In the resulting dialog, make sure you copy, make sure you create a folder reference, and make sure you add to your app target. Done. Now the folder is part of your app bundle and you can refer to it from your code without knowing anything about its contents.
The folder /Library/Application Support is for support files that, if deleted, would not affect the execution of an application. I would suggest this is ideal for your product's sample images.
As Apple's documentation states for Application Support:
Use this directory to store all app data files except those associated with the user’s documents. For example, you might use this directory to store app-created data files, configuration files, templates, or other fixed or modifiable resources that are managed by the app. An app might use this directory to store a modifiable copy of resources contained initially in the app’s bundle.
So, use pkgbuild / productbuild to install them to /Library/Application Support/<ProductName>/
Because size is not an issue, you can just put all your sample images in separate Asset Catalog file.

Impossible to reference an image from the Assets Folder

I am currently building a Windows Universal App and the learning curve is OK. I get a response from my webservice, parse the JSON, display info in the app, but my current issue is the following one:
I tried to display an image that I put in the Assets folder, but this doesn't seem to work.
This is my layout:
As you can see, the text "Test" is correctly displayed but not the images.
On the right side, in the explorer pannel, I cannot see the files that should be here:
In my example, they are in the Assets/picto folder, but I have also tried the root directory Assets, as wal as creating Image folder at the same level.
I have definitely no idea how to add a simple picture, so any help is appreciated!
Adding items in Windows explorer to the right location doesn't add them to your solution / deployment.
You have to right-click the picto folder -> Add > -> Add existing item. Your items are not even in your solution, so they won't show up on the layout screen.
Make sure you set the correct build target for each image.
If an image shouldn't show up, even through it's in your solution, this is often the reason.

updating existing site built in dreamweaver, handling DWT file

I have a client that want's me to make a change to her OTHER site. The other site was built using Dreamweaver.
I guess (I don't build using Dreamweaver) the site pages are being controlled by the template file EXCEPT for the content that is specific to the page.
So I need to change the navigation items.
I found a folder called templates and in that folder is the template.dwt file. I tried copying that file to my desktop, then making the change and uploading back to the ftp site. Of course that had no effect on the nav items. My guess is the file on my desktop does not know to update the other pages as it doesn't know where those pages are.
So how do I go about making the changes to the files on the ftp site using the DWT file?
Do I have to download ALL the html files and the DWT files and somehow create a relationship so when I make the change to the DWT file it updates all the pages on my desktop THEN re-upload all those files back to the ftp site?
My guess is that you already figured this out, but just to be sure. You're question is right, the DW template works by when the template is modified (in DW) then you can update all the pages that are linked to it.
If you take the template out of DW and just modify and upload that alone, then nothing will happen to the other pages. So yea, if you know a way to create a link between the template and the other files outside of DW, then that is what you need to do. The other option is using DW and modify the template and then update the other pages, which is done in a semi-automatic way. Semi-automatic, meaning that DW gives the option to update the files either once you save the template or you can save the template and update the files later using DW.
And your guess is correct, the template modifies areas that are not specific to a page. Usually, this is done by creating Editable Regions in the template. Those regions are excluded from change when the template is modified.
You have to create a project in DW and put inside all the files that are "linked" with the template. They usually have tags inside that refer to the template.
Make sure that you keep the same file and folder distribution that the original had. If not, you could have a mess with relative links.
Then, with your template also in the project, open and modify it.
When you save the template, DW will ask you for scan and update related files, if you are lucky it will find and update all of them.

How to download images from the same folder as where the image is uploaded?

I am creating a project wherein the user can upload his photo. This photo is stored in the folder "images/uploads/filename". When his profile is created and the photo is to be shown, I use the <img> tag with src as "images/uploads/filename", but the photo does not show up.
If I manually copy the photo to an adjacent folder "images/abc/filename" and then use it as the source then it works.
How is this caused and how can I solve it? I need to use the same folder to upload and download photos.
That can happen if you're running the webapp as an IDE project and are storing the uploaded images in the IDE's project space. Changes in the IDE's project folder which are performed externally (as by your servlet code) does not immediately get reflected in the deployed server's work folder. Only when you touch it (by refreshing the project) or by copying it (as you happen to have found out), then it will get reflected.
After all, storing uploaded files in the webapp's deploy folder is a bad idea. Those files will get all lost whenever you redeploy the webapp, simply because those files are not contained in the original WAR file.
You need to store them somewhere outside the webapp's deploy folder on a different fixed path like /var/webapp/uploads. You should not use relative paths or getRealPath() to create the File object around it. Just use a fixed path. You can always make the fixed path configureable as a context param setting, a VM argument, a properties file setting or even a JNDI entry.
Then, to serve it to the world wide web, just add exactly that path as another docroot to the server config. It's unclear what server you're using, but in Tomcat it's a matter of adding another <Context> to the server.xml.
See also:
Uploaded image only available after refreshing the page
How I save and retrieve an image on my server in a java webapp
Make sure your have the correct path and include the image extension
just for testing, put your img tag inside the index.php
<img src="images/abc/filename.jpg">
now put you image in to the your abc/ folder
This should display the image.
if you have your img tag inside another folder in the root like below
now when you use you img tag use this path (relative link):
<img src="../images/abc/filename.jpg">
note the beginning of the image path "../" this is used to go back to the root.
if the php or html file that is holding the img tag is even deeper, just remember to add ../ for every level, 2 folders deep whould be:
<img src="../../images/abc/filename.jpg">
Question was quite vague so hope this is what you are looking for.
let me know and if this is wrong, explain a little more and i will try to help :)
