Visual studio Image folder in sub project - visual-studio

In one of my visual studio projects there are some sub directories each of them containing sub projects. In one such sub-project I have an Image folder containing an image. Now I am not being able to load that image doing something like this.
<img id="loading" src="~/Image/loader.gif" alt="loader">
When I hover on it in my dev tool it shows me the path like
and the image is not found on that location. Any idea what can be done?

For everyone with problems like that
I highly recommend, if its a part of your project that shouldn't be replaced or be replaced, to use a resource file. Here is a small instrction how to do so.
You can now simply choose "~/resource/WhatIsThis.png" as URL (usually in the GUI the url can be choosen via dialog).
As said in documentation, it is important to know that the resource file will store the URL to your image, not the image itself. But that won't make a difference in this case.


Insert images into the project without them being in the Resource folder.(AppleScript App)

Is there any way to use images in the format .png or another format, and then compile these images so that they are not within the folder Resource of this project? I've seen several programs using many of the images as icons but when you open the folder resource the only image I see is the icon of the program.
If items such as standard system icons are used you only need their paths (since they would already be installed), otherwise the image files need to be included in the project.

Impossible to reference an image from the Assets Folder

I am currently building a Windows Universal App and the learning curve is OK. I get a response from my webservice, parse the JSON, display info in the app, but my current issue is the following one:
I tried to display an image that I put in the Assets folder, but this doesn't seem to work.
This is my layout:
As you can see, the text "Test" is correctly displayed but not the images.
On the right side, in the explorer pannel, I cannot see the files that should be here:
In my example, they are in the Assets/picto folder, but I have also tried the root directory Assets, as wal as creating Image folder at the same level.
I have definitely no idea how to add a simple picture, so any help is appreciated!
Adding items in Windows explorer to the right location doesn't add them to your solution / deployment.
You have to right-click the picto folder -> Add > -> Add existing item. Your items are not even in your solution, so they won't show up on the layout screen.
Make sure you set the correct build target for each image.
If an image shouldn't show up, even through it's in your solution, this is often the reason.

Delphi - Want an automated way of maintaining the link between a "source" image file and images in my project

One thing I find Delphi doesn't manage well is the link between image "source" files and the image components in my project (D2006 here but I'm assuming it applies to all versions).
Say I have various static images in my project - backgrounds, toolbar button glyphs, various bits of eye candy, etc. I have a corresponding collection of PNG/BMP etc. files that I have sourced, scraped or created, and these have been loaded into the image components at design time.
One problem is that there seems to be no automated way of finding out three months later what source image file was used to load an image component. This becomes more of an issue when you need to edit one or more images.
So what I would really like, is some way of including the image source files in a build of a project. I.e. when I did a build, all of the image components would be reloaded from the sources first. At present, when I modify some of my images with PhotoShop or similar, I'm faced with a lengthy and error-prone process to reload the altered images into their respective image containers.
Is creating a resource with all of the images bound into it and adding code to load the image components at startup a viable way to go? Do others have this problem, and how do you manage it?
None of the standard components support what you are asking for. However, Thany's TPngImageList component does support the ability to associate a user-defined string with each image in the list.
Otherwise, to know which file belongs with which image, I would suggest using an .rc file to compile the external image files into the app's resources at compile-time, and then you can load the image resources into your components dynamically at run-time instead of at design-time. That way, you can manage the image files however you want. When you change a file, it will automatically be linked into the app on the next compile.
You might load the same images in runtime, and add these images in version control to ease maintenance. There are also command line tools for Lazarus (I guess you might find similar for Delphi too) which can put files into resources that you app can later use.
I load the images from ico files, populate a imagelist and then use it in my Virtual string tree for various nodes. Easy to change the ico files.

Using folders to keep images neat and organized

So I'm used to this kind of sorting my source files, but I can't seem to be able to find a solution to this problem in Xpages. It would be great if I can store my images like for example: UI images in "ui", layout images in "layout" and so on... Is this possible? Or maybe some kind of workaround?
Thank you!
In image resources, you can also use "virtual folders" to organize the image files.
If you have a header image named "header.png". Rename to "layout\header.png".
When you reference this image from the web browser, the path will be:
In Package Explorer (or Eclipse Navigator), locate the WebContent folder. This is treated as the "root" of the NSF when an XPage is accessed. If your images are already stored on your hard drive in the folder structure you want to create, you can literally just drag the top-level folder to WebContent, and it'll preserve the exact same structure. You can also manually add folders to WebContent (or any subfolder) using the context menu.
Use the Eclipse Navigator view (add it to your perspective) - there you should be able to create a folder in the images. What works definitely is to use webDAV for design files

Best way to deploy and reference an XSLT file

In a visual studio project I have three layers, Data Layer, Business Layer and Presentation Layer.
In the Data Layer I have a few XSLT's that transform some objects into an email, all works fine but I have discovered that the XSLTs do not get built/copied when building.
I have currently, created a folder in the deploy location and placed the XSLT's there but I am concerned about relying on a manual process to update these.
Has anyone encountered a similar issue and if so how did they get around it.
It smacks of changing the MSBuild script to copy the build artifacts to the required location, does anyone have examples of this?
If you are using Visual Studio 2005/2008, the easiest way to do this is by including your XSLT files as project resources.
Open the Properties for your project.
Select the Resources tab. You will probably see a link that says "This project does not contain a default resources file. Click here to create one." Go ahead and click on that.
Click the Add Resource drop-down near the top and select Add Existing File.
Browse to your XSLT files and select them.
After you have done this, you can easily access the resources in the following manner:
// To get the contents of the resource as a string:
string xslt = global::MyNamespace.Properties.Resources.MyXsltFile;
// To get a Stream containing the resource:
Stream xsltStream = global::MyNamespace.Properties.Resources.ResourceManager.GetStream("MyXsltFile");
If you are using Visual Studio 2003, your best bet is to include those XSLT files as embedded resources for the DLL. In Visual Studio, select the file(s) in Solution Explorer, open the Properties pane, and change the Build Type to "Embedded Resource". You can then use the GetManifestResourceStream method to get a Stream containing the XSLT(s). The name to pass will be based on the default namespace of your assembly, the folder containing the file, and the name of the file.
For example, say your data layer assembly has a default namespace of My.DataLayer. Within your data layer project you have a folder named Templates which contains a file called Transform.xslt. The code to get your XSLT would look like this:
// There are numerous ways to get a reference to the Assembly ... this way works
// when called from a class that is in your data layer. Have a look also at the
// static methods available on the Assembly class.
System.Reflection.Assembly assembly = (GetType()).Assembly;
System.IO.Stream xsltStream = assembly.GetManifestResourceStream("My.DataLayer.Templates.Transform.xslt");
For more information check out this article on CodeProject.
Obvious question maybe, but still has to be asked, did you include the folder containing the XSLT's in the project itself? Is this a web or forms app?
In VS, it is easy to set the properties of the XSLT files in the project to copy on build, by default they do not.
I may have explained myself poorly.
THe Data layer is a class library that a the presentation layer references.
On building the DataLayer I can get the XSLTs to output to the Bin directory of the DataLayer. However when I build and publish the presentation layer, it correctly grabs the DLL but not the XSLTs
