Strange Behaviour in Tibco BE needed - tibco

I am new to Tibco Business Events and facing a strange issue in BE 5.0. This is what I am trying to do:
I have created a DB concept named INVENTORYCONCEPT and have created a corresponding event for the same.
I have set this event as default destination in my JMS channel. Now when I am trying to create the instance of INVENTORYCONCEPT by giving command like ‘Concepts.INVENTORYCONCEPT inventory’ the BE studio gives me error that “INVENTORYCONCEPT is not the part of Concept folder” .
PFA the screenshot of my project files.
So can anyone tell me that what I have missed here ?
PS: I tried the traditional methods of restarting thr studio and changing the workspace.

You need to give some name to the concept instance that you are creating. What you are doing right now is
This is wrong. You need to do something like this
Concepts.INVENTORYCONCEPT inventory = null;
Its always recommended & advised that you clean and validate your project when any changes are made to the project.
If the error still persists, you can open the concept using XML Viewer in BE and check the relative path of the Concept there. The reason for this to happen is when you create a concept in a some folder and later move it to a different folder, sometimes the XML related to that concept doesn't change (usually when you drag and drop the .concept file instead of using the Refactor option). You can just change the relative path in the XML and it should work.
Sometimes weird errors also occur when your workspace gets corrupted. In such cases, changing the default workspace and importing the project in the new workspace does the job.


VS402478- locked process templates issue

Just trying to delete and re-upload new process templates but i'm getting a VS402478 error saying the template is locked.
Who or how were they locked and how do I unlock them?
I can't find anything on the VS402478 error online.
I know this is an old question, but to clear this up for anyone who comes across this question, here is the answer:
The templates are now locked, which means that you cannot make changes to the shipped templates. To create a custom process template based on a shipped template, simply export an existing template, give it a new name and version, and then reimport it by using the Process Template Manager. Existing projects are unaffected by this change, which means that they can continue to have their process customized by using witadmin
I was using TFS 2013.4 with VS 2015.RTM and got this message as well. When I switched Visual Studio to VS 2013.5, it worked.

Access built-in functions like Year() and Date() are not recognized

I tried the simple query:
select Year ( #5/1/1990# );
It shows error dialog:
Not defined function "Year" in expression
Also, when I use Date() in the form it shows #NAME. I added it with expression builder in Access. What am I doing wrong?
There is a problem with the referenced libraries in your project.
Open the VBA Editor ("Database Tools"->"Visual Basic" in the Ribbon) there go to the menu "Tools"->"References". Check if there is any library marked with "missing". Reinstall those libraries or change their path by removing them and adding them using the "Browse" button.
Generally you should remove any library you do not actually use in your project.
If that does not help, remove all the libraries (if possible, some are built-in and can not be removed) and add them again.
After changing the libraries use the menu "Debug"->"Compile yourProject". That should show error messages if there are obvious problems with the libraries in the VBA code. It will however not detect any problems with expressions used in queries or Form-controls.
If none of the steps above helped fixing the problem. You could create a new Access database and then import all the objects from your old database into the new one unsing "External Data"->"Access" in the Ribbon.
I just renamed my database after dealing with my database not running any queries that had expressions. Try copying and renaming your database first.
Thank you for the posts. I tried a new empty database: simple table with a simple query and everyhting worked! I will create a new Database and copy my stuff into it.
I had a similar problem where all built-in functions stopped working in a database.
All the references checked out fine.
Accidentally, it resolved by renaming the database so I could restore an old version.
When re-opening the renamed database I was asked to make it trusted. After that, the built-in functions worked again.

How to recover suppressed files from a project?

I was working on my project on JDeveloper since several days, and today I wanted to create a new project related to this one so I imported all the files, but finally i decided to remove them so i selected them and clicked suppress.
I thought that would just remove them from the new project but it did erase all my classes.
Do you have any way in order to retrieve those files?
It can be related to Windows or to Oracle I don't have any clue to wich thing i have to do in order to recover those lost files.
I found the solution for those who could expect the same issue :
Right click on application source then Restore from local History.
It saved my day, i hope it'll save yours !

Identiify which user created the Continous Integration(CI) Build

Am new to TFS and learning about CI.
Am going to Team Explorer = > Builds to see the list of build definitions created.
How do i identify who(Which user) has created that build definition ?
Am not getting where it is listed !! Hope it is available
There is no option in TeamExplorer and I think there is no other way, because even in the database is not listed who created the build definition, only when it was created.
A strange workaround would be to check who changed the folder mappings of a build definition the last time, but this is only possible in database. I'm not very good in SQL and only spent few minutes to get this trashy statement:
SELECT ident.DisplayName
FROM [Tfs_DefaultCollection].[dbo].[tbl_BuildDefinition] as bd, [Tfs_DefaultCollection].[dbo].[tbl_BuildDefinitionWorkspace] as bdw, [Tfs_DefaultCollection].[dbo].[tbl_IdentityMap] as im, [Tfs_Configuration].[dbo].[tbl_Identity] as ident
Where bd.DefinitionId = bdw.DefinitionId
and im.localId = bdw.LastModifiedBy
and ident.Id = im.masterId
and bd.DefinitionName like '%CodedUITests%'
The DefinitionName might not work well with special characters, but you can check in the database how it is written internaly.
You could see who created/changes made to the underlying XAML files but the build definition as such is not exposed as a file in TFS now. So there is no history available. This has been requested as a new feature to MS but not sure when it will be available.

Entity Framework losing binding to connection string in Visual Studio

I'm having a problem where the Entity Framework edmx file is apparently losing its relationship to the connection string that it was built with.
The designer for my .edmx file was working perfectly - I could do "Update from database" and it would always jump to the wizard step that would allow me to add tables, procs, etc. Now when I click "Update from database", I get the "Choose your data connection" wizard step where it wants me to select a new database - if I go through these steps, it will create a new connection string for me, and regenerate all of the objects as if I was starting from scratch.
The contents of my app.config file are exactly as they were prior to the problem, but I did modify the file, then revert it back the way it was. I'm thinking somehow modifying this file triggers something that causes me to lose the binding, but I can't figure out what that is.
The connection string key in the config file matches the CdmEntityContainer attribute in the EDMX file.
I've even tried killing my codebase and re-checking-out from source control, but that doesn't seem to work. Other people working on the same codebase are having this same problem, so it seems that there's something definitely wrong somewhere in the project. But there were no relevant changes to the .csproj or .sln files - just nothing I can see anywhere that could be causing this.
Any ideas? The only solution I'm seeing right now is to delete and recreate the edmx files from scratch, but I'm definitely hoping to find something better.
EDIT: If I generate a brand new edmx in the project, unrelated to any of the existing ones, it seems to fix the rest. It must "reset" whatever is funky in the project. But this can't be a legitimate solution, so I'm still hoping for something better.
I just had this issue and in my connection string I was missing
application name=EntityFramework in the data Source
I just had this and solved it.
The problem was that the edmx was being used as my DAL, with its own project and web config, and the DAL was called by my ASP.NET project (the solution's default project) with ITS own web config.
The configs had been the same for ages, but the ASP.NET project was pointed to another server (ie the connection string changed). Even though the DAL's connection string was still unchanged, valid and the ASP.NET project wasn't involved when you want to "Update model from database" at design time, it must be something to do with the default project clashing with it.
I changed the connstring in the web config of the project containing the edmx to be the same as the default project's one, and it worked again.
If you happen to be bouncing between environments (e.g. dev, prod) when this problem popped up and you are running different SQL Server version (e.g. 2005, 2008) in those environments, you can have some problems. The DB version number gets stored somewhere in the .edmx file.
If that is the case, let me know and I can dig up the specifics and respond with them. If not, I don't know what it could be.
Good luck!
EDIT: I realize this probably has nothing to do with the actual problem, but I wanted to provide the specifics I mentioned in case someone else runs across this. The ProviderManifestToken attribute in the Schema element (inside the .edmx) contains the database version number. Note that it actually uses the year (e.g. 2005, 2008) instead of the true DB version number. If you create a model on one version and move it to another version, you'll need to manually edit the file to change this value.
<edmx:Edmx Version="2.0" xmlns:edmx="">
<!-- EF Runtime content -->
<!-- SSDL content -->
<Schema Namespace="..." Alias="Self" Provider="System.Data.SqlClient" ProviderManifestToken="2005" xmlns:store="" xmlns="">
Old question but I thought I would post the fix that worked for me for those who still have this problem. In my case, it was simply a password issue. I was working in test, but the connection string was using the password for production. A more helpful response by VS might be to display an "Invalid login or password" type of message since that was actually the problem.
