Entity Framework losing binding to connection string in Visual Studio - visual-studio

I'm having a problem where the Entity Framework edmx file is apparently losing its relationship to the connection string that it was built with.
The designer for my .edmx file was working perfectly - I could do "Update from database" and it would always jump to the wizard step that would allow me to add tables, procs, etc. Now when I click "Update from database", I get the "Choose your data connection" wizard step where it wants me to select a new database - if I go through these steps, it will create a new connection string for me, and regenerate all of the objects as if I was starting from scratch.
The contents of my app.config file are exactly as they were prior to the problem, but I did modify the file, then revert it back the way it was. I'm thinking somehow modifying this file triggers something that causes me to lose the binding, but I can't figure out what that is.
The connection string key in the config file matches the CdmEntityContainer attribute in the EDMX file.
I've even tried killing my codebase and re-checking-out from source control, but that doesn't seem to work. Other people working on the same codebase are having this same problem, so it seems that there's something definitely wrong somewhere in the project. But there were no relevant changes to the .csproj or .sln files - just nothing I can see anywhere that could be causing this.
Any ideas? The only solution I'm seeing right now is to delete and recreate the edmx files from scratch, but I'm definitely hoping to find something better.
EDIT: If I generate a brand new edmx in the project, unrelated to any of the existing ones, it seems to fix the rest. It must "reset" whatever is funky in the project. But this can't be a legitimate solution, so I'm still hoping for something better.

I just had this issue and in my connection string I was missing
application name=EntityFramework in the data Source

I just had this and solved it.
The problem was that the edmx was being used as my DAL, with its own project and web config, and the DAL was called by my ASP.NET project (the solution's default project) with ITS own web config.
The configs had been the same for ages, but the ASP.NET project was pointed to another server (ie the connection string changed). Even though the DAL's connection string was still unchanged, valid and the ASP.NET project wasn't involved when you want to "Update model from database" at design time, it must be something to do with the default project clashing with it.
I changed the connstring in the web config of the project containing the edmx to be the same as the default project's one, and it worked again.

If you happen to be bouncing between environments (e.g. dev, prod) when this problem popped up and you are running different SQL Server version (e.g. 2005, 2008) in those environments, you can have some problems. The DB version number gets stored somewhere in the .edmx file.
If that is the case, let me know and I can dig up the specifics and respond with them. If not, I don't know what it could be.
Good luck!
EDIT: I realize this probably has nothing to do with the actual problem, but I wanted to provide the specifics I mentioned in case someone else runs across this. The ProviderManifestToken attribute in the Schema element (inside the .edmx) contains the database version number. Note that it actually uses the year (e.g. 2005, 2008) instead of the true DB version number. If you create a model on one version and move it to another version, you'll need to manually edit the file to change this value.
<edmx:Edmx Version="2.0" xmlns:edmx="http://schemas.microsoft.com/ado/2008/10/edmx">
<!-- EF Runtime content -->
<!-- SSDL content -->
<Schema Namespace="..." Alias="Self" Provider="System.Data.SqlClient" ProviderManifestToken="2005" xmlns:store="http://schemas.microsoft.com/ado/2007/12/edm/EntityStoreSchemaGenerator" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/ado/2009/02/edm/ssdl">

Old question but I thought I would post the fix that worked for me for those who still have this problem. In my case, it was simply a password issue. I was working in test, but the connection string was using the password for production. A more helpful response by VS might be to display an "Invalid login or password" type of message since that was actually the problem.


User Settings Not Working When Deployed By Setup Project (C# VS2013) *FIXED

I have made a few setup projects in my time, but this is a first for using User Settings. I may be using the wrong "words" when searching since I cannot be the only person with this issue.
The user settings I am talking about, are the settings you define in the Project Properties -> Settings. They work like a charm inside VS, but when I make the installer (using the free setup project extension, not the WiseInstaller LE that is included) and run the EXE, nothing takes.
I tried including the settings.settings file, and the App.Config file but that idea did not work.
What am I doing wrong? If I need to convert these to registry entries, then I need to do a lot of recoding. These are scoped to User, not Application.
I figured it out, it had nothing to do with the setup project, but rather my code flow. The settings form first tried to connect to the DB, since the connection information is entered on that form, it threw a cannot find error, so thinking that is what it should do, I hit continue. Well I was a bit wrong.
That error kind of made the form stop working since the information comes after the DB connection. I added a trap, and changed the code flow and all is good again.

Where does VS2010 store the Base Url for Classic ASP websites?

We have some legacy Classic ASP websites to maintain, and are wanting to use VS2010 to edit them, due to familiarity because of lots of .Net work.
I can open the website inside Visual Studio.
I can configure IIS to run the website based on the working folder used in VS2010.
I can configure VS2010 to automatically open my default browser pointing to the correct location, using the 'Base Url' setting in the Properties page.
What I CAN'T do, is work out where VS2010 stores this value, as there's no mention of it in the solution file that VS2010 has created, and as there's no project file for the website, there's nothing there too. Yet, when I close and re-open VS2010, it somehow retains this information.
This is important to me, as I need to be able to commit all files to our source control for use by other developers and, ideally, not have them worry about setting this value themselves.
So, the question is: Where does Visual Studio 2010 store the Base Url when working on Classic ASP websites?
I don't know where this is saved, but in tracking things like this down in the past I typically take the following approach:
Open Visual Studio and change this one setting
Apply the changes
Look for all files that have been modified in the last 1 minute in the project folders and in the Visual Studio folders
You can be sure there will be at least a few other files changed that are not relate to this, but it should narrow your search. You may want to re-close VS before searching too, but that will modify other files as well (making for a slightly larger pile of changed files to sift through).
If you still don't have it, search the registry (but I cannot imagine this would be where it was storing anything project specific).
Just created a new project and played with setting this property. It is definitely stored in the .suo (Solution User Options) file for the project, in the root of the project folder as #Lankymart suggested (and is a hidden file if you are not seeing it). It is not stored in plain-text.
You may be able to access it programmatically here: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/microsoft.visualstudio.shell.interop.ivspersistsolutionopts.loaduseroptions.aspx
As there are a ton of absolute path settings in these files, moving it to other environments is not really an option. I would suggest you are stuck with project start up documentation that lists these settings as part of the project setup process. I think any other solution is going to be equally annoying|fragile (or worse).
Not sure if there is another way to accomplish what setting the base URL does without managing from the Start Options panel - that is likely your last-best hope for a solution.

Entity Framework writing to unknown database

I'm fairly new with EF and got myself rather confused about what's going on with my solution.
I'm in the situation where my code appears to be working however the changes aren't being written to the database that I would expect.
I'm using Web Developer 2010 and SQL 2008, code first approach but choosing to make my own changes in the database and manually ensure my classes match correctly.
Things seemed ok until I came across an error where the db hash wasn't what entity framework was expecting, so I looked at modelBuilder.Conventions.Remove(); which wasn't available - it seems that's not around in the later versions. So, I figured if the later versions doesn't do this check, I'll go ahead and remove my reference to EF 4 and put the 4.3 dll in it's place. I think I also ended up deleting and renaming my database. That didn't work, so I followed up on something I found on Scott Gu's blog about naming your dbContext the same as the database, which seemed to help.
However I'm now getting the most bizarre scenario. My code is running, the data is saving, but it's not saving to my database. In fact I'm running a profile trace on the db and it doesn't even seem to be trying to connect. I can change my connection string to something invalid too, but my code will happily run, storing the data #somewhere#
Any ideas what's going on? Might it be using a local database or cache that I'm unaware of? Should I just start my small project again and pretend this never happened? That'd be the professional approach, right?
I would suggest to use Database first approach, if you have your Database set, or want to have maximum control over database.

Change the name (namespace) of website project

I am creating a new ASP.NET MVC Web Application in C# using Visual Studio 2010. We haven't decided on the name of our project so are using an arbitrary name for the moment to allow us to get stuck into development. Meanwhile, a brand and new name is being developed so in a month or so this arbitrary name will be redundant.
The question is, once the new project name comes into play do we continue development using the old name or is there an easy way to switch to the new name, changing the namespace and project name etc? I guess this can be done by a finding and replacing etc but wondered if there was a more formal way of doing this?
Out of interest, does anyone know how this works in companies with large development teams? For instance with Microsoft we hear of projects in development months before the release date and they often change name just before release. Presumably they don't work with this name during the entire development period.
Not a completely typical programming question, sorry if its in the wrong place.
I don't know any nice way beside ctrl+H
Yet sometimes adding two projects under the same solution is acceptable.
Just adding using/import at the relevant places - and it should work.
I know that the two projects should be quiet distinct to make this solution good - but it worth a second of thinking of.
If you find a decent way - please share... we all suffered from missing spots in the ctrl+h method :)
in my thinking it is possible to rename the project for doing that you can use the property to change the name of project you want.
open the project going to project property change the name their. the namespace change after next compile. maybe you need to delete the dll component from the bin..
the next thing is that visual studio never forget old name of your project for changing them rename the sln or sui project setting file then next time you can see the name [new] in title bar.
i hope this is not a big task for rename.
Another important thing to remember is to remove the old dll from your web site if you are not wiping out the existing site when you publish. If you don't do this, you may get a cryptic 500.0 error. It turns out that unless your routing specifies namespaces, you can end up with conflicting routes because of the old dll left in the bin folder.

VS2008 DataSet Wizard doesn't match tables for updating

first question ever on this site.
I've been having a real stubborn problem using Visual Studio 2008 and I'm hoping someone has figured this out before.
I have 2 libraries and 1 project that use strongly typed datasets (MSSQL backend) that I generated using the "Configure DataSet with Wizard" option on in Data Sources. I've had them working just fine for awhile and I've written a lot of code in the non-designer file for the row classes. I've also specified a lot of custom queries using the dataset designer. This is all work I can't afford to loose.
I've recently made some changes to re-organize my libraries which included changing the names of the libraries themselves. I also changed the connection string to point to a different database which is a development copy (same exact schema).
Problem is now when I open up "Configure DataSet with Wizard" to pickup a new column I've added to one of the tables it no longer matches the tables correctly in the wizard. The wizard displays all of the tables in the database and none of them have check boxes next to them (ie: are not part of this dataset). Below those it shows all of the tables again but with red Xs and these are checked. Basically meaning that Visual Studio sees all of the tables it currently has in the DataSet and sees all of the tables in the database, but believes they are no longer the same and thus do not match!
I've had this same thing happen quite awhile back and I think I just re-built the xsd from scratch and manually copied the code over and then had to redefine all of the custom queries I built in the dataset designer. That's not a good solution.
I'm looking for 2 answers:
1. What causes this to happen and how to prevent it.
2. How do I fix this so that the wizard once again believes the tables in its xsd are the same tables that are in the database (yes, they have the exact same names still).
The dataset designer uses the default query (The first one with a check on it) to sync up the schema for each table. Whenever you go to edit the default query, VS will actually connect to your datasource and look for changes in the query. If new columns are added, they will show up as new columns for you to add to your table. Renamed columns show up as new, since VS doesn't have any way to know that you changed the name.
Answer 1. The XSD file contains the names of the database tables that it used to create the table originally. If you change the name of the table, the designer won't know which table to sync to.
Answer 2. You can edit the XML inside the XSD file. Do a "Find and Replace" inside the XSD file replacing the old tablename for the new tablename. Make sure you have a backup of the XSD file before you do. Be careful to only change instances of the old table name and not any other working XML.
