Identiify which user created the Continous Integration(CI) Build - continuous-integration

Am new to TFS and learning about CI.
Am going to Team Explorer = > Builds to see the list of build definitions created.
How do i identify who(Which user) has created that build definition ?
Am not getting where it is listed !! Hope it is available

There is no option in TeamExplorer and I think there is no other way, because even in the database is not listed who created the build definition, only when it was created.
A strange workaround would be to check who changed the folder mappings of a build definition the last time, but this is only possible in database. I'm not very good in SQL and only spent few minutes to get this trashy statement:
SELECT ident.DisplayName
FROM [Tfs_DefaultCollection].[dbo].[tbl_BuildDefinition] as bd, [Tfs_DefaultCollection].[dbo].[tbl_BuildDefinitionWorkspace] as bdw, [Tfs_DefaultCollection].[dbo].[tbl_IdentityMap] as im, [Tfs_Configuration].[dbo].[tbl_Identity] as ident
Where bd.DefinitionId = bdw.DefinitionId
and im.localId = bdw.LastModifiedBy
and ident.Id = im.masterId
and bd.DefinitionName like '%CodedUITests%'
The DefinitionName might not work well with special characters, but you can check in the database how it is written internaly.

You could see who created/changes made to the underlying XAML files but the build definition as such is not exposed as a file in TFS now. So there is no history available. This has been requested as a new feature to MS but not sure when it will be available.


Is it possible to update a SSDT DB project from a database?

We have two software projects that both communicate with a single database. Right now SQL updates are all done on the database and it's relying on developers to make sure to update both sets of projects independently to use the latest database model. Making these matters worse both projects are in separate solutions in separate source control repositories.
While I acknowledge this is a terrible situation to be in, I inherited this situation, and while my long term goal is to consolidate and share the (lots) of duplicated logic between them in one common project shared among both sets of application for various reasons it is not feasible to jump right into that right now due to critical deadlines coming up and the need to combine them iteratively and schedule it with other developers to not disrupt work too much.
Keeping that in mind, I really want to use SSDT to at least start bringing the database structure under source control and make it easier to manage, as there are quite a few database changes that I'm about to do.
The problem with SSDT in this scenario is that you can only import from database once. After that the option is greyed out and unavailable, which is apparently a design decision of SSDT, since it's explicitly listed in the MSDN documentation.
Is there any easy way to update my SSDT project without nuking the current project and recreating it each time someone makes a change to the database structure?
Firstly your right, it is a horrible situation so work on improving it in the long term!
There are two things you can do, firstly you could use SSMS "Generate Scripts" to export all the objects and then use the import in SSDT to import from the scripts - this isn't greyed out.
The second thing you can do is manually bring the changes in using the schema compare in SSDT, you can set the database as the source and project as the destination and choose what you drop, update and import.
its bit delay in answer. I am using VS2017 Database project in which I have achieved this task by comparing a local database with database project once the comparison is over you can update the database by update button
Step 1 right click on the database project and click on schema compare item.
Step 2 select target -> select database connection option
Step 3 change source and target
Review Screenshots for more detail
I am going with compare solution :
Choose schema compare and make your database as a source and database project as a target then compare and update
see the this answer
Make a new temp Database project (outside of TFS) and import all the objects.
Checkout the Database project (inside TFS) and copy and paste all the folders (excluding BIN, OBJ folders) from the new temp Database Project into the Database Project (in TFS) and check in. This was way you get the latest DB object into TFS without duplicating.
If you expect new files in the copy/paste operation, then the new files should be included in the DB Project.
Delete the temp Database project folder.
You will need to do the process whenever you want to update all DB Objects into TFS.
This is a workaround which worked for me for this file duplicating issue.

Build number into published database?

Can I somehow get a build number into an extended property of my published database?
I use SSDT Projects and tfs build.
I want to get as much information as possible into the database.
I know there are a few variables, such as database name. Perhaps there are more?
Even build date would be useful (timestamp from when the deployment script was created).
But ":setvar ts GETDATE()" won't work since the GETDATE not being evaluated.
EDIT: I got it working by editing the xaml and then using XmlPoke. I can post more details if there is interest.
Pass the build number to a post-deployment script that is updating the extended property

How To Permit more than one developer to Edit the same code file in TFS?

I'm new in TFS 2010 and config a source control. we want to work in a single code file in our solution (ReportViewer.aspx) but unfortunately when one of we check out the source code file other team member's can not be accessed to same source code and is locked.
in addition to that mentioned, All data binding of our reports distinguish in ReportViewer.aspx Handler.
this problem may be cause in other way, that any team member check out the Solution File
(e.g. adding a reference), other team member can't be accessed to locked File.
As Edward mentioned, you will need multiple check-outs enabled so that multiple developers can work on a single file. They will then need to merge their changes during the check-in process.
That should also resolve your issue with the Solution File getting checked out and preventing other users from making their own additions to the solution.

Strange Behaviour in Tibco BE needed

I am new to Tibco Business Events and facing a strange issue in BE 5.0. This is what I am trying to do:
I have created a DB concept named INVENTORYCONCEPT and have created a corresponding event for the same.
I have set this event as default destination in my JMS channel. Now when I am trying to create the instance of INVENTORYCONCEPT by giving command like ‘Concepts.INVENTORYCONCEPT inventory’ the BE studio gives me error that “INVENTORYCONCEPT is not the part of Concept folder” .
PFA the screenshot of my project files.
So can anyone tell me that what I have missed here ?
PS: I tried the traditional methods of restarting thr studio and changing the workspace.
You need to give some name to the concept instance that you are creating. What you are doing right now is
This is wrong. You need to do something like this
Concepts.INVENTORYCONCEPT inventory = null;
Its always recommended & advised that you clean and validate your project when any changes are made to the project.
If the error still persists, you can open the concept using XML Viewer in BE and check the relative path of the Concept there. The reason for this to happen is when you create a concept in a some folder and later move it to a different folder, sometimes the XML related to that concept doesn't change (usually when you drag and drop the .concept file instead of using the Refactor option). You can just change the relative path in the XML and it should work.
Sometimes weird errors also occur when your workspace gets corrupted. In such cases, changing the default workspace and importing the project in the new workspace does the job.

Successful deployment from Visual Studio, but Sharepoint site shows old content

My company are working at Sharepoint site that we are developing using Visual Studio. The actual installation at the customer is performed by scripts deploying the produced wsp-files. During normal development I mostly use deployment from directly from inside Visual Studio. Unfortunately I often run into problems when trying to deploy my solutions. We are using a server-farm set up, but each developer has their own virtual server, datebase instance and so on.
We have one project file that the define the basic content-type used for different department. This content-type typically define stuff like what period that the list item cover. Each department have their own project that uses the content type combined with department specific fields to form the final list.
One of my current problems is that when I make edits to the content type and deploy it the changes does not seem to propagate. Even though I rebuild the solution and deploy both the base project and the department project with success I still see the old version of the content fields when I create a new department list. Sometimes it helps to retract the projects, but often I literally have to restart everything before it works.
My question is if this problem is caused by Visual Studio not really deploying my new defintions or if there is some architectual aspect of Sharepoint 2010 that might prevent the change to propagate. What steps can I take to lessen the likelihood of the problem occuring?
Have you tried deleting the content type with Central Administration before doing a new deployment? I've found out that Sharepoint don't update/create content types when it finds other one with the same name.
