Can't Re-enable Magento Cache in admin - caching

I am having performance problems with my website and after profiling noticed that it looked like the cache was not being loaded. So I went to admin and looked at the Cache Management page and all caches were disabled. I re-enabled them and sometimes one will show as enabled, sometimes none will.
When I am able to get Configuration cache to show as enabled, I can view the profiler on the front end and see the line:
This line was not showing in the profiler before I enabled the cache. However, after a short period of time (30 seconds or so), any caches that were enabled show as disabled again and the front end profiler no longer has this line (the cache isn't being used).
So far, I can not get the cache to stay on. I have apache ownership on the var/cache and 777 permissions. The files are created there initially, but I am also use apc cache.
Configuration is:
<prefix>SH_</prefix> </cache>
Does anyone have any ideas?

Try changing the <prefix>SH_</prefix> setting to something that is guaranteed to be unique, e.g. your database name.
Given the information you provided, I suspect another Magento instance is running on the same machine with the same cache prefix.
Whenever you change the settings, Magento writes them to the database, and then also saves the cache (see Mage_Core_Model_Cache::_initOptions()). Because the Magento instances share the same fast backend cache pool (because of the identical prefix), the settings are also used by the other host. Once the cache is cleared by the other host, their (disabled) setting is written to the cache. Now your Instance also sees the caches as disabled.
I'm unable to provide evidence without the option to test, but, well, this is my best guess.


In-memory cache in ASP.NET Core emptied immediately

I am trying to implement temporary ip blocking for my ASP.NET Core application and everything I have read on how to do this uses caching.
I have followed this article to learn about in-memory caching in core:
The code is running okay, but the cache is emptied immediately after an action is completed.
If a put a break-point on this line:
_cache.Set(CacheKeys.Entry, cacheEntry, cacheEntryOptions);
I can see that _cache indeed has the proper value. However, that value is gone the next time I reload the page. Regardless of how long I set the expiration time to or even if I set
in the cacheEntryOptions.
I have also tried registering a callback for the eviction of the item from the cache to see if it was being evicted immediately due to memory pressure. However, the callback is never called.
Is there some server options I need to enable to allow caching?
I met the similar issue today. And found that the cache only save the reference of the value. So if you save a List in to the cache and Clear the List later. The cached List will also be cleared, but key is still there.
Source code is here:,bc5684b7eae179d4

Magento Admin suddenly slowed down

We have Magento EE 1.14. Admin was working fine till last two days its speed dropped dramatically. Frontend is not affected. Also no changes in code or server configuration. here is my attempt to fix the problem but nothing worked:
Log cleaning is properly configured
removed two unused extensions. but no improvement
tried to disable non-critical extensions to see if speed will improve but also not luck.
I can NOT use REDIS cache at this time. but configured new server which is using REDIS cache and move to it next month.
sometimes backend will gain speed for few minutes
I enabled profilers the source of the delay is mage ( screenshot attached ).
here are my question:
Is there anyway to know the exact reason for Mage delay ?
do I have other test i can use to identify the cause of delay ?
Thanks in advance,
It could be delay on external resources connection. Do you have new relic or similar software? Check there for slow connections. If You don't have NR, profile admin by Magento profiler is really unhelpful :)
Follow below steps:
Delete unused extensions
It is best to remove unused extensions rather than just disabling them. If you disable an extension, it will still exist in the database. It would not only increase the size of your database (DB) but it also adds to the reading time for DB. So, keep your approach clear: If you don’t need it, DELETE it.
Keep your store clean by deleting unused and outdated products
One should keep in mind that a clean store is a fast store. We can operationalize the front-end faster by caching and displaying only a limited set of products even if we have more than 10,000 items in the back-end, but we cannot escape their wrath. If the number of products keeps on increasing at the backend, it may get slower, so it is best to remove unused products. Repeat this activity in every few months to keep the store fast.
One of the basic reasons why website administrators experience slow performance while saving a product is because of reindexing. Whenever you save a product, the Magento backend starts to reindex, and since you have a lot of products, it will take some time to complete. This causes unnecessary delays.
Clear the Cache
Cache is very important as far as any web application is concerned so that a web server does not have to process the same request again and again.

Azure Cache Preview cache getting reset

I have a default cache that is fairly small and static. It contains just string keys and a string objects.
Since I won't be using anywhere near the allowed amount of memory, I'd like to just preload all of the objects into the cache on startup and have them never expire. I added a log message on start indicating that the cache was loaded.
Right now the project is still in development so the cache isn't being hit often (other than by web spiders/crawlers/scripts). The problem I'm seeing is that every hour to few hours, I'm seeing the log message that my cache was loaded. I'd expect it to load once and then not reload until I force it to.
Is there any way to keep the cache "alive" so that it doesn't have to frequently reload? Is it like an IIS worker process that dies out after some amount of inactivity?
FYI I have the cache configured for Expiry Policy: Never, Time: 0min, Eviction: Disabled. Also the way I check if the cache is still alive is that on load I add a special object to the cache. Then I check to see if that object exists and if it doesn't I assume the cache needs to be reloaded.
For anyone else who stumbles across this I ended up creating a scheduled task that hit the cache every 5 minutes. Since then, I haven't seemed to have any issues with it reloading. Not sure if this is the best answer, but it worked for me.

windows azure: shared cache - delete all?

I'm using Windows Azure Shared Caching. I encountered a few problems:
How to know what keys are present in the cache? Is there something like a GetAllKeys() method?
Is it possible to call clearAll()?
Why can't I use regions?
This section applies to Windows Azure Caching
Windows Azure provides two types of cache modes:
Dedicated Role caching - The role instances are used exclusively for
caching (there is no other code running in that instance).
Co-located Role caching - The cache shares the VM resources
(bandwidth, CPU, and memory) with the application.
How to know what is in the cache? Is there something like "GetAllKeys()" method?
Do you need that information for your application of more for reporting / auditing?
I think, Microsoft did not provide that method for one good reason: the information it returned could be obsolete shortly after. See, cache items may expire any time (depends on expiration time and time of adding item to cache) so information you would receive from GetAllKeys() method could be invalid seconds or even milliseconds later.
Cache usage standard pattern would be
Get item from cache by a key
If cache return Null then create that item and put / add into the cache
Perform operation on the item (either taken from cache or recreated)
Co-located Role caching
Is it possible to clearAll()?
I do not think you should worry about purging your cache. If you set the cache eviction policy to LRU (Last Recently Used) then the least recently used items are discarded first. So you will never get anything like "no space in cache".
Why can't I use regoins?
You can but only with cache locate on the same instance. Dedicated Role caching does not support it.
This section applies to Windows Azure Shared Caching
Windows Azure Shared Caching is very similar to Windows Azure Caching (described above) from client side point of view and all of the explanations applies to Shared Caching too.
There is a small change to items eviction:
In Shared Caching, items without a specific expiration time will expire after 48 hours. However, you can add items to the cache (via various overloads of the Add and Put methods) with an explicit expiration time, such as X minutes or Y days.
When you exceed the size of your cache (cache sizes you chose during creation), the caching service will start "evict items" in the cache until the memory issue is resolved (you have enough memory to add new cache items). During "eviction" LRU mechanism is used - the least recently used items in the cache are removed.
Get, check, and recreate approach (described above) of dealing with cache items will work for Shared Caching too.
I hope that will help you to better understand Azure Caching and Shared Caching.
Following method clears all the data in a cache.
public static void InvalidateCache(string cacheName)
DataCache desiredCache = new DataCache(cacheName);
foreach (string regionName in desiredCache.GetSystemRegions())

Ability to reload change in Magento site's configuration without clearing cache

today I dealt with a task to load a module's configuration into running Magento site under heavy load. I copied config.xml file of new module and everything to fix some issue.
Our Magento runs with memcached caching backend.
To have a module running I had to clear cache completly and that had an impack on performance of the site, we had 500 of concurent users . So I'm looking for solution how to deploy changes in of configuration without clearing cache.
Is there any?
Thanks for any thoughts and ideas.
Here is a method of updating the config cache rather than clearing it, thus avoiding race-conditions.
You don't have to clear the entire cache to load a module's configuration. You can install the module by using the Flush Magento Cache* option. Eventually you'll need to clear the cache to see your front-end changes if any were made. The best thing to do to minimize performance impact is to clear it during off-peak or low-usage times.
*edited - Thanks Fiasco Labs
it's probably best practice to put the system in maintenance mode, make sure all admin sessions are logged out, check that everyone's out and then manually delete var/cache/mage--? folders. You then log back in on one admin session, let it run till you see an admin session has started, log back out and then back into Admin to start checking the site for full function of the freshly installed module.
You will always have to flush cache when installing a module or changing its configurations. This is necessary to force rereading of configurations, to empty out incompatible opcode and force Magento to re-read application code and templates for the changes you have just made.
Yes, it has a momentary impact on your site's performance, but can cause some really interesting issues if you don't.
I've had situations where using the button in Admin wasn't enough, for module installs, it's probably best practice to put the system in maintenance mode, make sure all admin sessions are logged out, check that everyone's out and then manually delete var/cache/mage--? folders. You then log back in on one admin session, let it run till you see an admin session has started, log back out and then back into Admin to start checking the site for full function of the freshly installed module.
This is of course overkill for simple config changes where a cache flush is sufficient.
More info on clearing the cache in Magento
