windows azure: shared cache - delete all? - caching

I'm using Windows Azure Shared Caching. I encountered a few problems:
How to know what keys are present in the cache? Is there something like a GetAllKeys() method?
Is it possible to call clearAll()?
Why can't I use regions?

This section applies to Windows Azure Caching
Windows Azure provides two types of cache modes:
Dedicated Role caching - The role instances are used exclusively for
caching (there is no other code running in that instance).
Co-located Role caching - The cache shares the VM resources
(bandwidth, CPU, and memory) with the application.
How to know what is in the cache? Is there something like "GetAllKeys()" method?
Do you need that information for your application of more for reporting / auditing?
I think, Microsoft did not provide that method for one good reason: the information it returned could be obsolete shortly after. See, cache items may expire any time (depends on expiration time and time of adding item to cache) so information you would receive from GetAllKeys() method could be invalid seconds or even milliseconds later.
Cache usage standard pattern would be
Get item from cache by a key
If cache return Null then create that item and put / add into the cache
Perform operation on the item (either taken from cache or recreated)
Co-located Role caching
Is it possible to clearAll()?
I do not think you should worry about purging your cache. If you set the cache eviction policy to LRU (Last Recently Used) then the least recently used items are discarded first. So you will never get anything like "no space in cache".
Why can't I use regoins?
You can but only with cache locate on the same instance. Dedicated Role caching does not support it.
This section applies to Windows Azure Shared Caching
Windows Azure Shared Caching is very similar to Windows Azure Caching (described above) from client side point of view and all of the explanations applies to Shared Caching too.
There is a small change to items eviction:
In Shared Caching, items without a specific expiration time will expire after 48 hours. However, you can add items to the cache (via various overloads of the Add and Put methods) with an explicit expiration time, such as X minutes or Y days.
When you exceed the size of your cache (cache sizes you chose during creation), the caching service will start "evict items" in the cache until the memory issue is resolved (you have enough memory to add new cache items). During "eviction" LRU mechanism is used - the least recently used items in the cache are removed.
Get, check, and recreate approach (described above) of dealing with cache items will work for Shared Caching too.
I hope that will help you to better understand Azure Caching and Shared Caching.

Following method clears all the data in a cache.
public static void InvalidateCache(string cacheName)
DataCache desiredCache = new DataCache(cacheName);
foreach (string regionName in desiredCache.GetSystemRegions())


CaffeineCacheManager vs SimpleCacheManager

May I know different between CaffeineCacheManager and SimpleCacheManager?
As description CaffeineCacheManager is Lazy cache, but what is lazy cache, in what situation I should pick CaffeineCacheManager?
Have a read of all the different cache providers first and notice how their APIs differ. The Simple Cache manager is Spring's default cache manager that's used if you don't specify a cache manager. It's 'simple' because its underlying implementation uses a Java ConcurrentHashMap and it doesn't give you a whole lot of customization options.
The Caffeine Cache manager is slightly different in that there a more configuration-driven customization options such as having the ability to specify the cache timeout expiry limit (in order to 'bust' the cache after a certain time period) and the cache maximum size limit in order to limit the capacity of the cache. The default cache manager does not give you this configurability.
My team used the Caffeine Cache manager on a project recently and I can definitely recommend it.
In terms of your question about a 'lazy' cache. Have a read of lazy instatiation more broadly. Essentially it only loads what it needs when it needs it (upon a cache access) rather than loading the entire thing all at once.

Dotnet Core In Memory Cache - what is the default expiration

I'm using MemoryCache in a dotnet core C# project. I'm using it store a list of enums that I read out of a collection (I want to store it since it uses reflection to load the enums which takes time).
However, since my collection isn't going to change, I don't want it to expire at all. How do I do that? If I don't set any Expiration (SlidingExpiration or Absolute Expiration), will my cache never expire?
If you do not specify an absolute and/or sliding expiration, then the item will theoretically remain cached indefinitely. In practical terms, persistence is dependent on two factors:
Memory pressure. If the system is resource-constrained, and a running app needs additional memory, cached items are eligible to be removed from memory to free up RAM. You can however disable this by setting the cache priority for the entry to CacheItemPriority.NeverRemove.
Memory cache is process-bound. That means if you restart the server or your application restarts for whatever reason, anything stored in memory cache is gone. Additionally, this means that in web farm scenarios, each instance of your application will have it's own memory cache, since each is a separate process (even if you're simply running multiple instances on the same server).
If you care about only truly doing the operation once, and persisting the result past app shutdown and even across multiple instances of your app, you need to employ distributed caching with a backing store like SQL Server or Redis.

Azure Cache - How long will data persist, how to detect restart

With the Azure Cache service, I am trying to find details of the following aspects of the service:
What is the maximum length of time something can be kept in the cache? I presume it would be until the cache service is restarted;
Is there a way to detect that the cache service has been restarted?
My intention is to use Azure Cache to store datasets that are frequently being accessed, and that would be updated / added to over time as data that is incoming into my system is processed.
How would I know / be notified that the cache has restarted (I guess apart from seeing if it is empty) so I could kick off a process to repopulate it?
I think you'll find answer to your questions here:
Alright, information on High Availability of the cache service is here:

WebApi - Redis cache vs Output cache

I have been studying about Redis (no experience at all - just studied theory), and after doing some research, found out that its also being used as cache. e.g. StackOverfolow it self.
My question is, if I have an WebApi service, and I use output caching at the WebApi level to cache responses, I am basically storing kind of key/value (request/response) in server's memory to deliver cached responses.
Now as redis is an in memory database, how will it help me to substitute WebApi's output caching with redis cache?
Is there any advantage?
I tried to go through this answer redis-cache-vs-using-memory-directyly, but I guess I didn't got the key line in the answer:
"Basically, if you need your application to scale on several nodes sharing the same data, then something like Redis (or any other remote key/value store) will be required."
I am basically storing kind of key/value (request/response) in server's memory to deliver cached responses.
This means that after a server restart, the server will have to rebuild the cache . That won't be the case with Redis. So one advantage of Redis over a homemade in-memory solution is persistence (only if that's an issue for you and that you did not planned to write persistence yourself).
Then instead of coding your own expiring mechanism, you can use Redis EXPIRE or command EXPIREAT or even simply specifying the expire timestamp when putting the api output string into cache with SETEX.
if you need your application to scale on several nodes sharing the same data
What it means is that if you have multiple instances of the same api servers, putting the cache into redis will allow these servers to share the same cache, thus reducing, for instance, memory consumption (1 cache instead of 3 in-memory cache), and so on...

AppFabric and CachingPolicy/ChangeMonitors

We're investigating moving to a distributed cache using Windows AppFabric. Our ASP.NET 4.0 application currently has a cache implementation that uses MemoryCache.
One key feature is that when items are added to the cache, a CacheItemPolicy is included that contains a ChangeMonitor:
CacheItemPolicy policy = new CacheItemPolicy();
policy.Priority = CacheItemPriority.Default;
policy.ChangeMonitors.Add(new LastPublishDateChangeMonitor(key, item, GetLastPublishDateCallBack));
The change monitor internally uses a timer to periodically trigger the delegate passed into it - which is usually a method to get a value from a DB for comparison.
The policy and its change monitor are then included when an item is added to the cache:
Cache.Add(key, item, policy);
An early look at AppFabric's DataCache class seem to indicate whilst a Timespan can be included when adding items to cache, a CacheItemPolicy itself can't be.
Is there an another way to implement the same ChangeMonitor-type functionality in AppFabric. Notifications perhaps?
There are only two hard problems in computer science: cache
invalidation, naming things and off-by-one errors.
Phil Karlton
Unfortunately AppFabric has no support for this sort of monitoring to invalidate a cached item, and similarly no support for things like SqlCacheDependency.
However, AppFabric 1.1 brought in support for read-through and write-behind. Write-behind means that your application updates the cached data first rather than the underlying database, so that the cache always holds the latest version (and therefore the underlying data doesn't need to be monitored); the cache then updates the underlying database asynchronously. To implement read-through/write-behind, you'll need to create an object that inherits from DataCacheStoreProvider (MSDN) and write Read, Write and Delete methods that understand the structure of your database and how to update it.
