Magento Admin suddenly slowed down - performance

We have Magento EE 1.14. Admin was working fine till last two days its speed dropped dramatically. Frontend is not affected. Also no changes in code or server configuration. here is my attempt to fix the problem but nothing worked:
Log cleaning is properly configured
removed two unused extensions. but no improvement
tried to disable non-critical extensions to see if speed will improve but also not luck.
I can NOT use REDIS cache at this time. but configured new server which is using REDIS cache and move to it next month.
sometimes backend will gain speed for few minutes
I enabled profilers the source of the delay is mage ( screenshot attached ).
here are my question:
Is there anyway to know the exact reason for Mage delay ?
do I have other test i can use to identify the cause of delay ?
Thanks in advance,

It could be delay on external resources connection. Do you have new relic or similar software? Check there for slow connections. If You don't have NR, profile admin by Magento profiler is really unhelpful :)

Follow below steps:
Delete unused extensions
It is best to remove unused extensions rather than just disabling them. If you disable an extension, it will still exist in the database. It would not only increase the size of your database (DB) but it also adds to the reading time for DB. So, keep your approach clear: If you don’t need it, DELETE it.
Keep your store clean by deleting unused and outdated products
One should keep in mind that a clean store is a fast store. We can operationalize the front-end faster by caching and displaying only a limited set of products even if we have more than 10,000 items in the back-end, but we cannot escape their wrath. If the number of products keeps on increasing at the backend, it may get slower, so it is best to remove unused products. Repeat this activity in every few months to keep the store fast.
One of the basic reasons why website administrators experience slow performance while saving a product is because of reindexing. Whenever you save a product, the Magento backend starts to reindex, and since you have a lot of products, it will take some time to complete. This causes unnecessary delays.
Clear the Cache
Cache is very important as far as any web application is concerned so that a web server does not have to process the same request again and again.


Liferay 6.2 Session autoextend Disadvantages

I found that it's possible to automatically extend Liferay's session. So that the session doesn't expire till you close your browser. Is there any limitations or disadvantages of such approach. Any performance degrade or load issues?
As with any abstract question about hypothetical performance impact (or preliminary optimization) this question is basically unanswerable - but here's some criteria:
Naturally, pinging the server in order to extend a session will incur some extra load - if that results in a performance decrease, you'll most likely have a highly congested installation in the first place. If your server is bored all day, the extra ping won't bring it down.
You may or may not have custom applications running in your installation that store data in the user's session. If those are a few bytes (like Liferay does, e.g. the currently logged in user's information): There's probably no degradation. If you store 1MB of information per session (in your own custom apps - Liferay doesn't do this), things might differ: Just multiply your session storage size by the number of concurrent users that you expect. In case this use of memory indicates a problem: Make your custom apps use the session less - it's bad style anyway.
Will your particular installation suffer from any degradation? Measure. There's no way around this.
From a system maintenance point of view: If you're running a cluster and want to take individual machines out of the load balancer: Artificially extending sessions might indicate that a machine still has sessions open, even though they're mostly on unattended browsers - you'll get inflated numbers and it takes longer to bring machines down when you need to wait for the session count to come close to zero.

Report is not using cached dataset like it is supposed to

I have a report that uses a shared dataset. It also has several different slicers for viewing the data. The dataset is very large, so I created a cache for it so it doesn't take an eternity to load every time the user clicks on a slicer. The cache is set to expire every morning at 3:30am and refresh at 4am. The report is going to be used by 15 different clients and my company has a separate database set up for each client. So there are 15 versions of the report, each with a different data source.
The problem I'm having is that the cache is not working consistently. One day, all the reports run off the morning cache, the next day only a few reports use the morning cache and the others pull the live data (which means it takes several minutes to load). I've gone in and cleared the cache for each client, and the next day everything works fine, but a couple days go by and it's back to inconsistent.
One thought I had was there may be multiple copies of the same cache being stored and the report doesn't know which to use, so it doesn't use any. This shouldn't happen because the cache is cleared a half hour before it is refreshed, but is this possible? I would think if there were multiple copies of a cache, the report would use the most recent.
Another idea I had was that because there are 15 reports caching with the same parameters at the same time, maybe this is confusing the report. I would think it would use the cache associated with its data source, but could this be happening? Should I add a parameter to the dataset that has the client name, so there is no confusion?
Any other thoughts on what could be causing this would be helpful, thanks.
I figured out what was happening. Since all the reports were trying to cache at the same time, not all the caches were being successfully saved to the report server. I staggered the cache times, and that fixed my problem

Optimising Magento Loading Speed - Can't Identify Why Initial Recieving So Slow

While our website is not yet complete graphically and design wise, most of the backend operations are near completion.
However, after optimising the mysql database we are still receiving a significant initial receiving period when tested on!/IuoBna86v/
According to Pingdom:
The yellow part is the time it takes to resolve the hostname and similar (before the connection is initiated to the web server), the green part is connecting to the web server, and the blue part is the time it takes to retrieve the content from the webserver.
Upon asking our managed VPS support team we got the response : 'Have you tried optimizing your script? I believe that the high wait time on there indicates actual website loading time (meaning for your script to load); not actual connection to the website/server.'
Now, pingdom shows the js/css loading relatively quickly, the mysql database side of things doesn't seem to be slowing anything down either - does anyone have any suggestions of what this could be or might be causing it?
Thank you very much for your time and help.
89 requests are too many.
Reduce number of image request by creating sprites.This is pretty important from what is shown in pingdom.
Keep Alive should be set to On and Keep alive time should be a bit higher(15 seconds or so).
Use of compiler plus merge and minify js/css is recommended.
Change the hosting provider. 8 second loading is very very slow. It means that it actually is around 15-17 seconds for a user that doesn't have cached parts of your site (first time visitor). My site loads according to pingdom in 2.5 seconds and users still complain about the slowness of the site. Check also with for both values.

MVC3 memory management

What is the best way to check memory usage in an ASP.NET MVC3 application?
I have been told by my hosting provider to recyle the IIS application pool every so often to improve the speed of the site. Is this what is 'recommended practice'? Surely I shouldn't need to restart my application every so often? I'd much rather find out if it is an issue with memory usage in my application and correct it. So any tips & best practices you use would be quite helpful too.
The application is based on ASP.NET MVC3, C# and EF Code First. Any guidance, links appreciated.
I found this page after I posted, which is quite useful. But I'd still like to hear any other views.
ASP.NET MVC and EF Code First Memory Usage
Thank you
I have a site that never recycles (until the machine is rebooted weekly)
Your application generally should keep performing fine. If it doesn't, there is some leak.
This can occur because
Cache never expires
Cache never expires
Session storage keeps growing and never times out
ObjectContexts are never disposed and kept in the session, etc
Objects that should be disposed aren't
Objects that are created via a dependency injection container aren't setup to release after each request, and thus potentially have internal collections that keep growing.
There are more causes - but these are a few main ones.
So the question really is 'there is no best practice - it depends on your app'
If you are worried about current sessions during a restart, keep in mind a restart can be quick and current requests are allowed to finish (sometimes) and forms authentication tokens will survive the restart, however sessions will not unless you configure an out of process state server.
If your memory usage keeps growing, then setup a restart schedule, otherwise do once a week or never - or setup once memory goes to XYZ then reset. ASP.NET will restart automatically once a certain threshold is reached as well based on what the hoster has setup on memoryLimit:
By default IIS recycles the application pool automatically at an interval (I think is 29 hours or so) but that is surely set by the host, no matter how little or how much memory you're the process is using. THe recycling trigger can be a time interval or when the process hits a certain memory usage limit. I'm sure any shared host has both of them set.
About memory usage, you can use the GC.GetTotalMemory method which will give you an approximate usage. Even when using Perfmon the readings aren't very accurate but it gives you an idea.
void Application_EndRequest(object o,EventArgs a)
var ctype=Context.Response.Headers["Content-Type"];
if (ctype == null || !ctype.Contains("text/html")) return;
Context.Response.Write(string.format("<p>Memory usage: {0}</p>",GC.GetTotalMemory(false)));
Be aware that you'll see the usage increasing increasing until the GC kicks in and the usage will drop to a more 'realistic' value.
If you have the money I recommend a specialized tool such as the Memory profiler
Other things you can do to at least be ready if the application has memory or performance problems:
Proper layering of the application, means you can refactor the more inefficient parts without affecting the others.
The Repository pattern will be very helpful, because you can start using EF , find out that EF uses to much memory (like in the link you've found), but then you could switch the repository implementation to use PetaPoco or
In general an OR\M is more of a heavy library, if the application doesn't need ORM features but just a quick way to work with a db, use from the beginning a mico-Orm like those mentioned above.
Always dispose objects implementing IDisposable.
When dealing with large db records, use pagination. It's good for both server resources usage and user experience
Apply the YAGNI (You Aint Gonna Need It) principle as much as possible, this somehow implies a bit of TDD :)

Ability to reload change in Magento site's configuration without clearing cache

today I dealt with a task to load a module's configuration into running Magento site under heavy load. I copied config.xml file of new module and everything to fix some issue.
Our Magento runs with memcached caching backend.
To have a module running I had to clear cache completly and that had an impack on performance of the site, we had 500 of concurent users . So I'm looking for solution how to deploy changes in of configuration without clearing cache.
Is there any?
Thanks for any thoughts and ideas.
Here is a method of updating the config cache rather than clearing it, thus avoiding race-conditions.
You don't have to clear the entire cache to load a module's configuration. You can install the module by using the Flush Magento Cache* option. Eventually you'll need to clear the cache to see your front-end changes if any were made. The best thing to do to minimize performance impact is to clear it during off-peak or low-usage times.
*edited - Thanks Fiasco Labs
it's probably best practice to put the system in maintenance mode, make sure all admin sessions are logged out, check that everyone's out and then manually delete var/cache/mage--? folders. You then log back in on one admin session, let it run till you see an admin session has started, log back out and then back into Admin to start checking the site for full function of the freshly installed module.
You will always have to flush cache when installing a module or changing its configurations. This is necessary to force rereading of configurations, to empty out incompatible opcode and force Magento to re-read application code and templates for the changes you have just made.
Yes, it has a momentary impact on your site's performance, but can cause some really interesting issues if you don't.
I've had situations where using the button in Admin wasn't enough, for module installs, it's probably best practice to put the system in maintenance mode, make sure all admin sessions are logged out, check that everyone's out and then manually delete var/cache/mage--? folders. You then log back in on one admin session, let it run till you see an admin session has started, log back out and then back into Admin to start checking the site for full function of the freshly installed module.
This is of course overkill for simple config changes where a cache flush is sufficient.
More info on clearing the cache in Magento
