How to make "drop down" menu? - drop-down-menu

I know there have been a million questions asking this, but mine is different. I don't want to just make a navigation bar that you can hover over and view sublevels. I want the actual navigation bar (which I have as an image) to come in from out of sight. What would be the best way to go about this? Coding, Flash, CSS?

First, using a hover event to show a navigation bar can be very difficult for users to use, though is does save valuable screen space to have it hide. If you choose to stick with the navigation that shows after a hover event, keep it very basic.
Check out this link, it uses the same idea... but uses a click instead. Just change it to work with hover instead.
Hope this fixes your problem!


In Xamarin.Android/iOS how to keep some button/menu/control always visible in each mobile screen

On Android/iOS, is it possible to make some menu, button or control in fixed position, and have it always visible and available in each mobile screen?
Yes this is possible.
What have you tried and how do you want it to look like? Your question is being down voted right now because you're not giving us very much info to work with :)
I'm going to assume that you are willing to use Xamarin.Forms. Then look at the MasterDetailPage, NavigationPage and/or TabbedPage this will probably provide you with the layout you want.

Origami fold effect for UIView and NavigationController Bar

I need to implement the functionality that this library provides: XYOrigami. The main issue, is I must implement it to fold on the center view when the left view is revealed rather fold the side views. Unfortunately, this has become quite a task (and I'm currently looking at manipulating the library below to do so). The left tray should be just a tray with a width of 100 to 200. When it comes out, the center view should have a cringle origami effect and fold until the tray is hidden again. Is anyone aware of a library that does this or a way to accomplish this effect.
I think you will get the sample code in mpospese / EnterTheMatrix
Just have a look at the second last tab,"The Fold Animation" & then click view.
I think this view can be taken as the center view for your case & XYOrigami as the side menu.
You many need to tweak the EnterTheMatrix to fold-unfold horizontally unlikely as it fold-unfold vertically by default.
I hope you can make a new custom component hybridized from the above two Custom controls.
Happy Coding.
Hope that Helps.

Scrollable when keyboard displayed?

I have a registration form on my layout grid, made out of a stackPanel. Textboxes are taking most of the screen (800px) along with a button. When user is positioned in one of the text boxes, keyboard covers almost half the screen and in order to access boxes below, they first have to click somewhere blank to remove the keyboard and then click another box. It isn't possible to scroll down.
I want to enable same behaviour like when editing name in contacts, but didn't manage yet. How to achieve this?
Try wrapping it into a ListBox or a ScrollViewer (probably easier), like so:
Also, check to make sure you don't have the same problem described here.
I'm not a WP7 developer but here's what I do in Android and iOS and you may get a hint of what to do.
I wrap my forms in a Scrollable View. This gives easy scrollable features to users without the need of anything else.

xcode two uitabbarcontrollers one page. auto-rotate issue

I have a custom UITabBarAutoRotateController which returns YES from shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation. This has no effect.
If I minimize and show the app again, the rotation issue goes away.
How do I refresh the screen so the user does not have to do this (so rotation works again)?
Details (setup graphically, so no code):
I have two UITabBarController in MainWindow.xib. I only want one to show at a time. So I am linking graphically rootViewController = tabBarController_name1. There is also tabBarController_name2.
I will also have an alert MessageBox for a user to choose what type of application they need, and it will choose a tab bar controller based on their request (per customer definition). This is commented out for now.
There is a bug with Rotation when two UITabBarControllers exist on the same xib. When I try to rotate the screen, it stays upward with wherever the main screen button (power button looking button) faces. HandleOrientationChange does not get called on the active custom ViewController being shown.
The reason I believe it's a bug is because if I hit the main screen button (minimizing the application), and click back on the application (brings it back to the foreground), rotation works perfectly!
Sorry for making you read all that mumbo :). My true question is, "Is there anyway I could refresh the main window or likewise UITabBarController's to get rotation working (without requiring the program be minimized and shown)"? A work-around, if you will?
p.s. I cannot use Storyboard for backwards compatibility reasons. The customer will be receiving this code/project. So I would like to keep this in one graphical page, rather than hiding/showing UITabBarItem's.
EDIT: two-uitabbarcontrollers-and-autorotation and uitabbarcontrollers-and-uinavigationcontrollers were both helpful, but did not address "why" this issue happens. "noob" here when it comes to xcode :)
Tab bar controller inside a navigation controller, or sharing a navigation root view is the answer. Do not use a TabBarViewController. Which, as a noob, I'm not quite sure why TabBarViewController exists (or at least isn't depreciated).
Dragging two TabBarViewControllers into the same page should result in a warning saying that you probably want to implement TabBarViewController by making a custom UIViewController and attaching a plain UITabBar to it.
Frustrating...but finally making progress :)

dojo Show/Hide One ContentPane While Another ContentPane Is Liquid

I've been struggling for weeks trying to crack this nut so I'm not sure if it's impossible, or if it's my lack of coding chops... or both. I'm not a programmer and I'm a newbie to Dojo Toolkit.
I have a site using the BorderContainer layout. I'm trying to create an effect where I can use a button to open and close a dropdown type box that will contain controls. I need this dropdown to be hidden on page load, and then open when you click the button.
My problem is that when I open the dropdown, it pushes the content pane below it off the bottom of the browser window. I need the lower ContentPane to stay fit within the remaining space of the browser window when the dropdown opens. Additionally, I want the dropdown to sit outside of the scrollable container for the content below it, which is why I have it set up to sit outside a nested BorderContainer below it.
I've created a simplified version of the code to demonstrate my challenge (see link below). If you load the page you can see the center ContentPane scrolls the content. But, if you then click on the button, a dropdown div expands above the content. Then when you scroll, you'll notice that you can't see the full pane because it's in no-man's-land below the bottom of the browser window. I assume that because the div is set to display:none on load, it's size is not accounted for on page load. Then, when you open it by pressing the button, it's size is additive and the pane below doesn't know how to resize or account for the new element.
I've tried using the visibility attribute, but that leaves a gap for the div when it's still closed. I've tinkered with some code that controls the height that shows promise, but each of my dropdown boxes will be different sizes so I'd prefer that the height be set to "auto" rather than a specified pixel size.
Does anyone have any idea how I can accomplish this so that the lower pane will fit in the space without pushing off the screen?
Here's a sample of the page:
(I had some problems trying to insert the full HTML page here as a code sample so if that's a preferable way to handle it, and someone can let me know the best way to embed all of that code, I'd appreciate it.)
Thanks is advance, I'd really apprecaite anyone's feedback.
You might want to take a look at dojox.layout.ExpandoPane (though be warned I think it has only worked properly for top and left regions for a while).
Also, I'd suggest simplifying/altering your layout a bit. See example here:
(It'd probably need some tweaking to get exactly what you want.)
The real issue you're having is probably that the BorderContainer has no idea that parts of the view resized. ExpandoPane takes care of that by telling the BorderContainer to re-layout after its animation completes.
It works under IE8.0. When dropdown box open, just keep pressing mouse from page and drag to bottom, you could see the content was pushed to out of page. It looks the browser could not detect it and could not add it to "scroll bar" account.
I would suggest taking out all BorderContainers except your top level one, the one with mainPage as the id.
Place your {stuff here} div into the mainPage BorderContainer, after the ContentPane with the Close/Open button. Make sure you make it dojotype dijit.layout.ContentPane, set up layoutpriority, and set region to top. Set the height to 0/x when clicking the Open/Close button, instead of setting display.
Try your page again. If that doesn't fix it, you probably need, a call to layout, resize, or both to indicate to the BorderContainer that it needs to evaluate all its children and size the "center" pane properly. Something like dijit.byId("mainPage").layout(); Do this any time someone presses the Close/Open button, after you have changed the height of any BorderContainer children.
Maybe the dijit.form.DropDownButton would fit your needs. When click the button a tooltip is displayed that can be filled with any content you want. Just as you specified, the dropdown tooltip is only displayed when you click the button, and it doesn't mess with the underlying layout at all. The tooltip sits "on top" of the page.
