Origami fold effect for UIView and NavigationController Bar - animation

I need to implement the functionality that this library provides: XYOrigami. The main issue, is I must implement it to fold on the center view when the left view is revealed rather fold the side views. Unfortunately, this has become quite a task (and I'm currently looking at manipulating the library below to do so). The left tray should be just a tray with a width of 100 to 200. When it comes out, the center view should have a cringle origami effect and fold until the tray is hidden again. Is anyone aware of a library that does this or a way to accomplish this effect.

I think you will get the sample code in mpospese / EnterTheMatrix
Just have a look at the second last tab,"The Fold Animation" & then click view.
I think this view can be taken as the center view for your case & XYOrigami as the side menu.
You many need to tweak the EnterTheMatrix to fold-unfold horizontally unlikely as it fold-unfold vertically by default.
I hope you can make a new custom component hybridized from the above two Custom controls.
Happy Coding.
Hope that Helps.


Embedding NSStackView as NSTableCellView in NSTableView

I'm currently working on a prototype for a todo type app. I have a table which contains the user tasks. What I want to do is only present the user with pertinent task information. But to edit additional information, they would click on a disclosure button to expand the cell.
I was thinking of two possible ways to handle this:
Expanding NSTableViewCell
Using an NSStackView as the contents of each cell
If using the NSTableViewCell, I would probably have two NSViews to represent the cell (top part and lower part).
If using the NSStackView, I'd have an easy means of encapsulating the parts.
I suppose another method could also be just building it entirely with NSStackView.
The more difficult aspect of this seems to be related to the actual expansion/collapse of the cell.
I understand this could be deemed the type of question that's asking for an opinion. I've never built a MacOS app. So I'm looking for some guidance as to the best method to approach the problem versus spinning my wheels on approaches that are destined to not be productive.
In the end, it looks like the best thing to do is use an NSTableCellView with two NSViews for the top and bottom half. I had the case of this as well as the NSStackView working. But in the end, I found that using NSStackView to collapse or expand requires a call to make noteHeightOfRows work anyways.
So it would initially seem that it's not worth the effort of expanding it unless I have a more complicated cell where say I wanted a top, middle, and bottom, where the middle could expand and contract. While I would still need to use noteHeightOfRows, it would allow for it.
However, there is one benefit of using the NSStackView. The animation is much smoother for the collapse. I've found the NSTableCellView method with a top and bottom NSView shows signs of "tearing" as it collapses. This is what appears in the bottom edge, while horizontal, jitters. This is particularly apparent if you either spam the button or if the cell is selected because the bottom of the outline can sometimes grow in height.
I also found that when using NSAnimationContext to help make it look a little smoother, I'd see strange behavior. Like the hide would happen at the wrong time (even though it was in the completionHandler. I think the root cause of that are what becomes overlapping animations.

How can i split a nswindow?

So I am trying to emulate the new cleanlymac app. It looks like it has two windows on top of each other, one without the traffic lights and the other with it, but they were treated as one. That had the ability for the back one to slip out at the beginning. Would anyone have a good idea of how this was constructed?
Here is a photo of the cleanmymac app:
They are actually ONE WINDOW.
You can easily acheive this by using vertical NSSplitView with 2 panes.
Here you can opt for divider in between or fix the splitter.
And in each of the splitViews a new NSView is placed. Here in this view you can put your views from a single or multiple xibs.
Check here for ViewOnWindow how you can show a view from another xib to your main window.
Check here for tutorial.
That looks like a custom window with the black background for the top right part of the window. Search for custom window cocoa to find examples of how to do this. I don't see the point of the custom window in this situation, you could just split the content of the window, it probable branding.

NSTrackingArea and performance

I have a NSTrackingArea to determine whether I should show a close "button" in my view. I would like to show a rollover image.
What is better,
Actually using a button ( as a subview ) instead of drawing my own thing, then adding another tracking area to the button and then showing the rollover image..
Using a second NSTrackingArea to determine when the mouse is on top of the close button so I can show the rollover image.
I personally think the second one is easier, the only thing that I would have to do extra what the button would do for me is implementing a click action.
Use whichever approach is simplest for you to implement. It is extremely unlikely that either will cause any performance problems (NSTrackingArea is already highly optimized.)

How to add left/bottom/right panes to Mac application as in XCode?

XCode 4 (but also iTunes and other Mac apps) provide side or bottom bars that can be shown or hidden with a smooth animation as the user presses a button.
How can I obtain a similar effect in my applications?
You can use NSSplitView to do that. You can have more than 2 subviews in a split view (left|center|right) and you can build a kind of hierarchy for the different bars (center consists of top and lower split views).
The show/hide effect is not built in, though. But you should be able to use the animator to do that. Most certainly you can also define animations for hiding a view.
You could also use the BWSplitView of http://brandonwalkin.com/bwtoolkit/ where the show/hide animation is already included.
You could also consider subclassing NSViewAnimation, which I believe Xcode uses in a number of places to achieve its fancy animation effects.

What Qt4 widgets should I use and how to approximate a ribbon-style interface?

I am trying to create an interface for my application using Qt Designer. I want it to have a tabbed, ribbon-style set of controls at the top, and a MDI-style area with docked windows which I plan to show and hide depending on which tab of the ribbon is currently selected. I am just beginning with Qt Designer as well as Qt4 itself for that matter so I'm not quite sure how to setup the window, which widgets and layouts should I use etc.
It's quite obvious there should be a QTabWidget at the top, but I'm not sure about the bottom. Should I use a QFrame? A QMdiArea? A dock widget? What layouts can I use to make sure the tab widget has a fixed height, occupies the whole width of the window at all times and the bottom area scales as the window is resized?
I've read in the manual that splitter layouts allow for manual adjustment of the size of the widgets they contain, but I can't drag the box size of a widget after I place them inside a splitter. Thus I'm unable to setup the area below the ribbon. Anyone, help?
You should look into the QMainWindow and check the multiple utilities it can provide you (Toolbar, StatusBar, DockWidgets, CentralWidget, etc...).
The way I understood your case is that you will always have the MDI Area visible, and that the tab bar will only be used to change the dockWidgets. Here's how I would do it.
The centralWidget of the mainWindow would be a QWidget with a QVBoxLayout containing a QTabBar widget first (up) and a QMdiArea under it. The sizes should be handled automatically.
This will allow the user (or you) to dock widgets on the left, bottom, top or right areas of the mainWindow's central widget. Keep pointers to the dockWidgets to be able to move and show/hide them at will.
Hope this helps.
VTK Designer, which is built on Qt, has a Ribbon-ish interface. You might take a look at the source code for reference.
