Scrollable when keyboard displayed? - windows-phone-7

I have a registration form on my layout grid, made out of a stackPanel. Textboxes are taking most of the screen (800px) along with a button. When user is positioned in one of the text boxes, keyboard covers almost half the screen and in order to access boxes below, they first have to click somewhere blank to remove the keyboard and then click another box. It isn't possible to scroll down.
I want to enable same behaviour like when editing name in contacts, but didn't manage yet. How to achieve this?

Try wrapping it into a ListBox or a ScrollViewer (probably easier), like so:
Also, check to make sure you don't have the same problem described here.

I'm not a WP7 developer but here's what I do in Android and iOS and you may get a hint of what to do.
I wrap my forms in a Scrollable View. This gives easy scrollable features to users without the need of anything else.


WebBrowser as ListItem and scroll

This question about WP8 project.
I have a LongListSelector with pictures and html formatted text below. Currently each pictire implemented as an Item of the list. The last Item with browser has its own template and shows WebBrowser instead of picture.
I am expected this item behave such as TextBox which I can scroll by interacting with LongListSelector.
But this WebBrowser has it's own scroll inside and intercepts any surrounding scrolling events. Thus whenever I scroll down the list to show WebBrowserControl to the whole screen, I can't go back to the pictures.
Please help me with this issue. What is the appropriate solution? I need a separate pictures since want to implement "Clicked" logic on top of it. And I want to have WebBrowser too (but prefer to behave it similar to RichTextBox (which I can't find in WP8))
USE ListBox.ItemTemplate along with DataTemplate and inside dataTemplate we could custom create xaml tag !

Is it possible to remove and move a row of listbox on itself?

Just like the UITableView on iphone.
users can remove or move a row on UITableView.
There is only one button to switch the UITableView to editing mode.
but for listbox on wp7 , I need 3 buttons, one for removing the selected row, one for moving the row up, one for moving the row down.
Welcome any comment
The Windows Phone ListBox doesn't support these features out of the box, but it would be possible to add them yourself using a DataTemplate.
Here's a blog post about creating a custom DataTemplate for your ListItems.
At a high level, you'll need to create a template that contains:
Enter edit mode button
Delete button
Sort up/down buttons
Then in your code, you'll need to toggle the visibility of the delete and sort buttons, as well as handle user clicks on each of the buttons. Doable, but a fair amount of work.
In my opinion, a better option would be to use a approach that's different from what you might be used to but is more familiar to Windows Phone users: the ContextMenu. This control allows you to pop up a menu when the user performs a long touch (tap-and-hold) on an item.
Here's a good tutorial about incorporating this control into your app.
Take a look at re-order ListBox here. It shows how to retemplate the ListBox.
For removing on item, you just need to remove its data source item. See how to use ObservableCollection.
If you want to show effect when an item is removed, use Event Triggers for the Unloaded event.

howto make a grid in a WP7 app bigger than the screen size?

i have a problem with my WP7 app. i'm creating a screen where the user can make some input and then generate something.
but i can't fit the whole input into the screen size, so i would need a element which has a scroll bar or something and i can add so many elements as i which and then the user scrolls up and down. how to make this?
There is a ScrollViewer control that you can use. Put the grid in the ScrollViewer and you can then scroll around.
encapsulate your content in a <scrollviewer> That should show a scrollable content.

Windows Phone 7 - Move Content above Keyboard

I have page containing 4 textboxes and a button. The content is within ScrollViewer. When user goes to the last textbox, the button below it is 50% visible. So, to click it, user has to click on non-focusable area to hide the keyboard and then click on button.
Is there any way to move the ScrollViewer up? Or move the content up so that the button below focused textbox can be seen 100%?
The solution is to remove the buttons on the page and replace them with buttons in the ApplicationBar as this is always viewable below the SIP.
If this is not a solution you can implement (from a design view-point there is no reason to not do this but sometimes these decisions come from elsewhere) then you could look to use the ScrollToVerticalOffset method to try and bring the desired item into view.
I would suggest you read Alex Sorokoletov's article on how to transform the view. It might be of help for your problem.

Customizing Scroll bar of List Box

I am working on a win 32 sample. In that I am using List Box to Display the List of user. I am using the setting the owner draw flag to draw the items. It is working fine.
But I want to customize the scrollbar of the list view. How to do it.
Please let me know how to customize the scrollbar.
Scrollbars are usually native, even for custom draw items. If you really want to customize them, take a look at this library & tutorial.
