I have website made in php_fox framework and my client want some changes on website but he don't want that changes on his server directly so firstly i have install that website on my localhost. so is it possible to install that website on localhost??? because right now i am getting 505 internal server error :(
yes, you have just to activate rewrite_module in apache from apache module (wamp)
Please check your server.sett.php (\include\setting)
search $_CONF['core.url_rewrite']
value of this variable should be 2 at localhost
$_CONF['core.url_rewrite'] = '2';
Please check your server.sett.php (\include\setting)
change the following $_CONF['core.host'] = 'localhost';
edit this $_CONF['core.folder'] = '/'; to $_CONF['core.folder'] = '/<your_phpfox_dir>/';
and edit $_CONF['core.url_rewrite'] = '2';
Additionally configure database settings
Delete everything inside \file\cache
Now run the phpfox instance in your localhost.
I have a simple MVC web application where javascript code sends ajax requests to the controller and the controller sends back responses.
I built the app 2 years ago and everything used to work fine. Now I tried to run the app again locally and met with the following problem:
whenever an Ajax request is sent from the frontend to the controller (running on localhost), the localhost refuses to connect and I get an ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED message in (chrome's) javascript-console. (In Safari's javascript-console I get the following error message: "Failed to load resource: Could not connect to the server.")
I'm running the app using NetBeans 11.2. My NetBeans IDE uses GlassFish as server:
I removed the Glassfish server from NetBeans IDE, deleted its folder in my home directory and then added the Glassfish server again in my NetBeans IDE (which also entailed downloading the the newest version of the Glassfish server).
Still, the server refuses to accept any requests from the frontend.
I also tried using Payara Server (version 5.193). That didn't make a difference either.
The frontend itself looks fine at first glance by the way. That is, going to http://localhost:8080/myapp loads the frontend of the app. However, any dynamic features of the app don't work because the server refuses to accept any Ajax requests coming from the frontend (and initiated through mouse clicks).
How can I fix this?
I think I found the reason for the problem:
In my javascript-file I have the following line of code:
var url = "http://localhost:8080/myapp/Controller";
The variable "url" is passed to all the AJAX requests sent to localhost.
But here is the crazy thing: the AJAX requests are not sent to "http://localhost:8080/myapp/Controller" but to "http://localhost:8081/myapp/Controller" !!!!!
What the hell is going on here?!
Did you use port 8081 before and then changed the variable "url" to the new port 8080? In this case, maybe the variable is still set to the old value in the cache. Restart your computer and see whether this fixes the problem.
If the value of the attribute http-listener is localhost, it will refuse the connection external connection.
You can verify using its value using the command
asadmin> get server-config.network-config.network-listeners.network-listener.http-listener-1.*
Information similar to the following should returned:
server.http-service.http-listener.http-listener-1.acceptor-threads = 1
server.http-service.http-listener.http-listener-1.address =
server.http-service.http-listener.http-listener-1.blocking-enabled = false
server.http-service.http-listener.http-listener-1.default-virtual-server = server
server.http-service.http-listener.http-listener-1.enabled = true
server.http-service.http-listener.http-listener-1.external-port =
server.http-service.http-listener.http-listener-1.family = inet
server.http-service.http-listener.http-listener-1.id = http-listener-1
server.http-service.http-listener.http-listener-1.port = 8080
server.http-service.http-listener.http-listener-1.redirect-port =
server.http-service.http-listener.http-listener-1.security-enabled = false
server.http-service.http-listener.http-listener-1.server-name =
server.http-service.http-listener.http-listener-1.xpowered-by = true
Modify an attribute by using the set subcommand.
This example sets the address attribute of http-listener-1 to
asadmin> set server.http-service.http-listener.http-listener-1.address =
I am using codeigniter ,Client try to take the site using http://www.example.com , It shows "Disallowed character error ".But No issues in my browser, the error only shows in client's system.
I got some answer , but it not working for me.
Ref Link : http://wejn.com/blog/2014/10/hunting-down-the-codeigniter-disallowed-key-characters-error/
Anyone please help me.
Make sure you have added the disallowed charters into your $config['permitted_uri_chars'] it could be that you are missing few charters a-z 0-9~%\.\:_\-&=$
First: copy this$config['permitted_uri_chars'] = 'a-z 0-9~%\.\:_\-&=$'; into your config.php
Second: Stop and Start local host if on xampp or wamp / lamp etc refresh page.
I have a CI site with several form using jquery .click function, when I was in http its worked well, when I change to https all the form click button cannot be fire, its happen in localhost and in web host as well, is that anything need to config to run CI in https?
please advise and thanks!
I just remove the url from $config['base_url'], and now the issue is solved, but I wonder how come when running https couldn't set value on $config['base_url']? hope someone would clear my doubt.
Thanks guy for taking time to view my question.
Set your base_url protocol independent:
$config['base_domain'] = 'yourdomain.com'; // a new config item if you need to get your domain name
if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']))
$protocol = ($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] == 443 ? 'https://' : 'http://');
$config['base_url'] = $protocol.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
$config['base_url'] .= str_replace(basename($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']),"",$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']);
$config['base_url'] = '';
I am guessing your ajax request fails because you are trying to access no-secure content from a secure site.
I had a similar issue. I simply changed the base URL from HTTP to HTTPS in the config file and it worked well for both protocols.
# Base URL in codeigniter with HTTP
$config['base_url'] = 'http://mysite.abc/';
# Base URL in codeigniter with HTTPS
$config['base_url'] = 'https://mysite.abc/';
Remember, when you change HTTP to HTTPS, the site should work well for both protocols but it doesn't work the other way around.
I just moved my current office Joomla 1.5.8 instalation from the server(linux) to my local machines (winxp) so I can work locally and only upload the changes.
The thing is after downloading all the files and installing a backup of the remote DB on my local machine I found myself unable to login to the administrator panel, I can see the frontpage but not login :/
So far, I have googled alot this problem, but most people seem to be experiencing this problem while upgrading from joomla 1.0
To make sure the problem was not on permissions for the files,I did a separate brand new joomla instalation on another folder and it worked just fine, I could access the website and I also could login to admin page, then I changed the config file to connect to the joomla I'm trying to move and now I find myself again unable to login :/
I think the problem is on the DB however I already tried searching for specific paths but no luck
Does anyone has another Idea?
thanks in advance :)
Try to change following variable in your local configuration file with you local values.
var $offline = '0';
var $log_path = 'Your local joomla path\logs';
var $tmp_path = 'Your local joomla path\tmp';
var $live_site = 'local url will be here';
var $dbtype = 'mysql';
var $host = 'local db host';
var $user = 'DB user for local';
var $db = 'Db name for local';
var $dbprefix = 'DB prefix whatever you have set, by default jos_';
var $password = 'your DB password for local';
You probably have LDAP or openid authentication enabled and thats what is causing this blank page while you try to login.
Just go to your database and go to your:
And edit the plugins which are either openid or LDAP
set their published status from 1 to '0'
Case solved.
Does your site use any kind of extra authentication? Mine used the LDAP Authentication plugin. MY local machine couldn't connect to the LDAP server. After turning LDAP authentication off (only use Joomla authentication) it worked.
edit the jos_plugins table in mysql to set published from 1 to 0 for any extra authentication plugins you are using.
I have discussed this issue in details here: http://www.itoctopus.com/blank-page-on-joomla-login
In most cases we have seen, Joomla is trying to load a file that no longer exists.
I'm trying to send emails from Joomla! 1.5.9, but keep getting this error message: PHPMAILER_RECIPIENTS_FAILEDrecipient_name<recipient_email>
A few more facts:
It's a WAMP server (joomla 1.5.9, PHP 5.2.8)
Validation emails are sent with no problem at all
Joomla! is set to use SMTP
The IIS SMTP service is used (though I'm not 100% sure about it's configuration)
The diagnostics tool smtpdiag shows no problem when checking the sender/recipient
Any ideas?
Perhaps this has already been answered before # Joomla forums itself.
I tried many of the solutions given in the link Sukumar provided but none of them worked.
Then I tried to use PHP mail function instead of SMTP and it worked :)
Change the following line in configuration.php in the root folder
var $mailer = 'smtp';
var $mailer = 'PHP mail';