Joomla displaying blank page after login after moving the installation from one server to another - joomla

I just moved my current office Joomla 1.5.8 instalation from the server(linux) to my local machines (winxp) so I can work locally and only upload the changes.
The thing is after downloading all the files and installing a backup of the remote DB on my local machine I found myself unable to login to the administrator panel, I can see the frontpage but not login :/
So far, I have googled alot this problem, but most people seem to be experiencing this problem while upgrading from joomla 1.0
To make sure the problem was not on permissions for the files,I did a separate brand new joomla instalation on another folder and it worked just fine, I could access the website and I also could login to admin page, then I changed the config file to connect to the joomla I'm trying to move and now I find myself again unable to login :/
I think the problem is on the DB however I already tried searching for specific paths but no luck
Does anyone has another Idea?
thanks in advance :)

Try to change following variable in your local configuration file with you local values.
var $offline = '0';
var $log_path = 'Your local joomla path\logs';
var $tmp_path = 'Your local joomla path\tmp';
var $live_site = 'local url will be here';
var $dbtype = 'mysql';
var $host = 'local db host';
var $user = 'DB user for local';
var $db = 'Db name for local';
var $dbprefix = 'DB prefix whatever you have set, by default jos_';
var $password = 'your DB password for local';

You probably have LDAP or openid authentication enabled and thats what is causing this blank page while you try to login.
Just go to your database and go to your:
And edit the plugins which are either openid or LDAP
set their published status from 1 to '0'
Case solved.

Does your site use any kind of extra authentication? Mine used the LDAP Authentication plugin. MY local machine couldn't connect to the LDAP server. After turning LDAP authentication off (only use Joomla authentication) it worked.
edit the jos_plugins table in mysql to set published from 1 to 0 for any extra authentication plugins you are using.

I have discussed this issue in details here:
In most cases we have seen, Joomla is trying to load a file that no longer exists.


XAMPP Invalid authentication method set in configuration: ‘cookie’

I have read all the possible fixes for the above issue when trying to get XAMPP working. Nothing has worked and I need to find an answer to get it working for a college course.
I am running a Mac OS X 10.11.6 and downloaded the XAMPP version 5.6.40. Then I open http://localhost/phpmyadmin/ go to user accounts and change the root password on for local host.
Then I go to the file and change 'config' to 'cookie' and also change the password. Then I restart the servers try to log back in but it gives the above error message and doesn't let me enter credentials. Some students in my class have done it the exact same way and it has worked for them.
I have looked at and tried many possible fixes as I can but with no success.
If you are using
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['auth_type'] = 'cookie';
Then you can set the user and password to blank, as using cookie makes phpMyAdmin throw a login page where you are expected to enter the userid and password in the login dialog.
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['user'] = '';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['password'] = '';
It would also be worth refreshing your browser cache after making this change.
Thats CRTL+F5
Dont forget to restart Apache after making this change

Codeigniter Ion Auth configuration

I am using Ion Auth for registration, and everything is working fine on local, So when I wanted to move Live server I need email activation for new registrations [I am not using SMTP, there is no email config file in my config folder], So I made changes in ion_auth.php in config file as follows::
$config['email_activation'] = TRUE;
$config['manual_activation'] = FALSE;
$config['use_ci_email'] = TRUE;
as far as I know about this library (I am new to CodeIgniter), that's it. But unfortunately these configurations are not taking effect. When I var dump the following items inside constructor of ion_auth.php library file returns null
$this->config->item('use_ci_email','ion_auth') or
And other config items like 'admin_email' has no issues, I can fetch the value. So, what is wrong with my config file, I am using very basic file provided by the library repo.
When I set the values, inside the constructor of library file as below, it works.
$this->config->set_item('use_ci_email', TRUE);
$this->config->set_item('email_activation', TRUE);
Is there anything wrong I am doing to get this weird behavior.
Ok, so I opened an issue on Ion Auth Git repo, and the Author, Ben Edmunds responded with the solution, If anybody facing this issue, with latest CodeIgniter, please pull the latest commit of IonAuth library and test, It will work.
For more on the issue, please refer the isse,
Codeigniter Ion Auth configuration and Email Activation

localhost to as default

I am trying to use Magento on a localhost, but when I try and log in to the admin area the screen just refreshes.
In the address bar it was localhost/magento/.......(etc). When I changed it to it allowed me in. When I click on one of the buttons in the admin area it goes back to localhost/magento/......(etc) and I am once again faced with the login page.
How and where do I alter the setting the settings so the is used as default rather than localhost.
Finally after seven hours of playing about with suggestions and re-installing I have fixed it, for those with the same problem i will share what I did.
I am using Magento Apparently there is an issue regarding cookies when you install Magento on windows as it was designed for linux system. So you need to sort the cookie issue. To do this open your Magento folder and go to app>code>core>mage>core>model>session>abstract varien.php at lines 85-92:
// session cookie params
$cookieParams = array(
'lifetime' => $cookie->getLifetime(),
'path' => $cookie->getPath()
//'domain' => $cookie->getConfigDomain(),
//'secure' => $cookie->isSecure(),
//'httponly' => $cookie->getHttponly()
change the code to this.
Apparently there are other issues such as php curl, I did not come across these but the following tut:
covers it. Also that's where I got the information from, however the code in the version I'm using is slightly different from that version.
If you want to change loaclhost to do following.
If you have database access go to "*core_config_data*" table and there change "web/unsecure/base_url" and "web/secure/base_url" to instead of localhost.
Otherwise you can use the solution provided by tony09uk.
on OS X I found a simpler way - I am using MAMP running, the default for MAMP installs.
Just set your /app/etc/config.xml line that says localhost to
delete var cache and session contents
clear cookies in browser
this now lets me login to the dashboard from the admin login screen.
If you have database acces open table: core_config_data
Do a search for: SELECT * FROM core_config_data WHERE path LIKE '%cookie%'
change: cookie_domain & cookie_path to = ""
(empty string).
Login once again to the admin panel. fixed!

Can't login to Joomla 1.7 admin

I checked the prefix_users table in phpMyAdmin and the user I was trying to login with has the usertype field set to deprecated
I'm running a site on Joomla 1.7, and recently I noticed I can't login to the administrator panel. I'm getting this error:
Username and password do not match or you do not have an account yet.
I know the username & password are correct because I checked the configuration.php file.
I set permissions to the configuration.php file to 0644, and I've tried setting
public $cookie_domain = '';
public $cookie_path = '';
Initially it was public $cookie_domain = ''
but that didn't change anything.
I tried both and
I also tried with a private browsing session in order to avoid any local cookies that might have been stored on my computer in the past.
Note: after a failed login I'm redirected from to
SOLVED: changed usertype from deprecated to Super Administrator and then I used this MD5 hash generator to update the password.
I think it was because the encryption was wrong...

Codeigniter session doesn't work?

I have a website based on Codeigniter which works fine. I had to clone this site with database to an another host. I copied the database and all files. My problem is: the session doesn't work on the new site. (I recognized it at the login). The same code works on the old host, but everything is exactly the same.
Does somebody have any idea? Is it a codeigniter configuration issue?
Check your application/config.php
especially these lines:
$config['cookie_prefix'] = "";
$config['cookie_domain'] = "";
$config['cookie_path'] = "/";
$config['cookie_secure'] = FALSE;
Also: please delete your cookie-history
(if you're using Firefox: CTRL-SHIFT-DELETE)
Alternatively you could use (shameless self-plug) codeigniter-native-session
I too had a bit to much problems with the built-in session engine.
It basically mimics the Codeigniter session class so just drop in these files into your application folder and code doesn't needs any modification. (and you'll be using PHP-native-sessions)
Hope it helps.
