localhost refuses to connect - ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED - ajax

I have a simple MVC web application where javascript code sends ajax requests to the controller and the controller sends back responses.
I built the app 2 years ago and everything used to work fine. Now I tried to run the app again locally and met with the following problem:
whenever an Ajax request is sent from the frontend to the controller (running on localhost), the localhost refuses to connect and I get an ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED message in (chrome's) javascript-console. (In Safari's javascript-console I get the following error message: "Failed to load resource: Could not connect to the server.")
I'm running the app using NetBeans 11.2. My NetBeans IDE uses GlassFish as server:
I removed the Glassfish server from NetBeans IDE, deleted its folder in my home directory and then added the Glassfish server again in my NetBeans IDE (which also entailed downloading the the newest version of the Glassfish server).
Still, the server refuses to accept any requests from the frontend.
I also tried using Payara Server (version 5.193). That didn't make a difference either.
The frontend itself looks fine at first glance by the way. That is, going to http://localhost:8080/myapp loads the frontend of the app. However, any dynamic features of the app don't work because the server refuses to accept any Ajax requests coming from the frontend (and initiated through mouse clicks).
How can I fix this?
I think I found the reason for the problem:
In my javascript-file I have the following line of code:
var url = "http://localhost:8080/myapp/Controller";
The variable "url" is passed to all the AJAX requests sent to localhost.
But here is the crazy thing: the AJAX requests are not sent to "http://localhost:8080/myapp/Controller" but to "http://localhost:8081/myapp/Controller" !!!!!
What the hell is going on here?!

Did you use port 8081 before and then changed the variable "url" to the new port 8080? In this case, maybe the variable is still set to the old value in the cache. Restart your computer and see whether this fixes the problem.

If the value of the attribute http-listener is localhost, it will refuse the connection external connection.
You can verify using its value using the command
asadmin> get server-config.network-config.network-listeners.network-listener.http-listener-1.*
Information similar to the following should returned:
server.http-service.http-listener.http-listener-1.acceptor-threads = 1
server.http-service.http-listener.http-listener-1.address =
server.http-service.http-listener.http-listener-1.blocking-enabled = false
server.http-service.http-listener.http-listener-1.default-virtual-server = server
server.http-service.http-listener.http-listener-1.enabled = true
server.http-service.http-listener.http-listener-1.external-port =
server.http-service.http-listener.http-listener-1.family = inet
server.http-service.http-listener.http-listener-1.id = http-listener-1
server.http-service.http-listener.http-listener-1.port = 8080
server.http-service.http-listener.http-listener-1.redirect-port =
server.http-service.http-listener.http-listener-1.security-enabled = false
server.http-service.http-listener.http-listener-1.server-name =
server.http-service.http-listener.http-listener-1.xpowered-by = true
Modify an attribute by using the set subcommand.
This example sets the address attribute of http-listener-1 to
asadmin> set server.http-service.http-listener.http-listener-1.address =


Weblogic 12.2 + url rewriting = response blocked

I have to refresh an old webapp and i'm facing a problem i can't find...
Old situation :
webapp (Java6, wicket) on Weblogic 10.3, external access via URL rewrite by IIS
everything OK
New situation :
refreshed webapp on WL 12.2, IIS unchanged.
Results : Inside URLs : everything OK
Outside URLs : HTTP 200 OK, but all pages HTTP 302 (redirections) fails
browser receive 503 (unavailable) after a while.
I looked at the logs :
WL12 : process OK, response 302 found, location:inside URL
IIS : found code 400
I looked at [Oracle docs][1], i saw that they added CSRF protection, i believed it could be that, i disabled it, but nothing changed.
Any idea ?
Thanks in advance.
[1]: https://docs.oracle.com/middleware/12213/wls/WBAPP/weblogic_xml.htm#WBAPP-GUID-E3A9B2FC-E098-43B1-ACFF-4A457D6062DE search for "referer-validation"
Forget that.
The WL12 was installed on an "end of life" server running HP Unix.
I deployed the same app on WL12 on redhat, it worked as intended.

phpdesktop - ajax request - resource not found

I am attempting to create a simple application with laravel and wrapping it in phpdesktop to use locally without the need of a webserver(aside from the built-in php server).
Everything works great except this one thing.
If I launch the app.exe, i get 404's when vue/axios requests data from an endpoint, eg: /api/resource.
However, If I open the app in a browser while running the php server (localhost:8000) the resource is found and loaded correctly.
Is there a way around this? Or is this simply how phpdesktop is supposed to work?
Here are a few relavant settings from 'settings.json'
"web_server": {
"listen_on": ["", 0],
"www_directory": "www/public",
"index_files": ["index.html", "index.php"],
"cgi_interpreter": "php/php-cgi.exe",
"cgi_extensions": ["php"],
"cgi_temp_dir": "",
"404_handler": "/index.php",
"hide_files": []

Typo3 behind Proxy

I'm trying to get a Typo3 (6.2) instance running behind a (forwarding) proxy (squid). I have set
'HTTP' => array(
'adapter' => 'curl',
'proxy_host' => 'my.local.proxy.ip',
'proxy_port' => '8080',
as well as
'SYS' => array(
'curlProxyServer' => 'http://my.local.proxy.ip:8080',
'curlUse' => '1'
The proxy doesn't ask for credentials.
When I try to update the extension list, I get the error message
Update Extension List
Could not access remote resource http://repositories.typo3.org/mirrors.xml.gz.
If I try Get preconfigured distribution, it says
Could not access remote resource http://repositories.typo3.org/mirrors.xml.gz.
According to the proxy log, the server doesn't even try to connect to the proxy.
I can easily download the file using wget on the command line.
Ok, I've investigated he issue a bit more and from what I can tell, the Typo3 doesn't even try to connect anywhere.
I used tcpdump and wireshark to analyze the network traffic. The site claims to have tried sending a http-Request to repositories.typo3.org so I'd expect to find either a proxy connection attempt or a DNS query followed by an attempt to connect to that IP. (Of course, the latter is known not to work.) However, none of this happens.
I've tried some slight changes in the variable curlProxyServer. The documentation clearly states
String: Proxyserver as http://proxy:port/. Deprecated since 4.6 - will be removed in TYPO3 CMS 7. See below for http options.
So I tried adding the trailing "/" and removing the "http://" - no change. I'm confident there's no problem whatsoever regarding the proxy as the proxy isn't even contacted and has been working perfectly fine for everything else for years.
The error message comes from \TYPO3\CMS\Extensionmanager\Utility\Repository\Helper::fetchFile(). This one uses \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::getUrl() to get the actual file content.
According to your setting, it should use the first part of the function, because curlUse is set and the URL starts with http or https.
So what you would need to do now is to throw some debug lines in the code and check at what point the request goes wrong.
Look at the source code, three possibilities come to mind:
The curl proxy parameters does not support a scheme, thus it should be 'curlProxyServer' => 'my.local.proxy.ip:8080',.
Some redirect does not work.
Your proxy has problems with https, because the TYPO3 TER should be queried over https.

Vue Cli Webpack Proxy

I've been developing with the vue-cli and the Webpack template. Everything works flawlessly but I'm having some issues using a custom host. Right now Webpack listens to localhost:8080 (or similar) and I want to be able to use a custom domain such as http://project.dev. Has anybody figured this out?
This might be where the problem resides:
I also added this to the proxyTable:
proxyTable: { 'localhost:8080' : 'http://host.dev' } and it gives me a console response [HPM] Proxy Created / -> http://host.dev
Any advice, direction or suggestion would be great!
I successfully added a proxy to my Webppack project this way:
var mProxy = proxyMiddleware('/', {
target: 'http://something.dev',
changeOrigin: true,
logLevel: 'debug'
This seems to work, but still not on port 80.
Console Log:
[HPM] Proxy created: / -> http://something.dev
I can assume the proxy is working! But my assets are not loaded when I access the url.
Is important to note I'm used to working with Mamp -- and its using port 80. So the only way I can run this proxy is to shut down Mamp and set the port to 80. It seems to work, but when I reload page with the proxy URL -- there is a little delay, trying to resolve, and then console outputs this:
[HPM] GET / -> http://mmm-vue-ktest.dev
[HPM] PROXY ERROR: ECONNRESET. something.dev -> http://something.dev/
And this displays in the browser:
Error occured while trying to proxy to: mmm-vue-ktest.dev/
The proxy table is for forwarding requests to another server, like a development API server.
If you want the webpack dev server to run on this address, you have to add it to your OS's hosts file. Vue or we pack can't do this, it's the job of your OS.
Google will have simple guides for every OS.

IIIS 7.5 URL rewrite to Geoserver giving Connection Reset error

I have Geoserver set up on a Windows 2008 server using Jetty as the web container on port 8080. If the browse to http://[servername]:8080/geoserver/www/test/test.html I get a html page returned as expected.
Then I have set up IIS 7.5 using ARR and URL rewrite at the application pool level, to set up a reserve proxy. So that http://[servername]/geoserver.. is rewritten to http://[servername]:8080/geoserver... I am using match '.*' for the url and 'geoserver/' for the condition.
This gives a error when browsed to of 'connection reset' IIS http error log (C:\Windows\System32\LogFiles\HTTPERR) shows 'Connection_Dropped DefaultAppPool'
If I change the url rewrite to an action of redirect, the html page is displayed as expect, but obviously the url shows as redirected to port 8080.
Solved this by changing the URL rewrite to use .* for the URL match condition.
