Display Custom options of simple associated products in Configurable products of Magento - magento

I have a few simple products with custom options defined for them in a Magento online shop. On the product view page, the custom options of the simple products are displayed and the page works as expected. When I associate those simple products with custom options for a configurable product, I want the custom options of the selected simple product need to be displayed on the view page. on changing the simple product in the dropdown, the custom options also need to be changed, just like the product price changes. And when adding the product to the cart, the custom options properties of the selected simple product also need to be appended to the configurable product property.
This seems to be somewhat complex. Please help me in getting this task done.

Checkout out this extension Simple Configurable Products Extension For Magento by Organic.


Magento configurable product out of stock

I want to change configurable product to 'out of stock'(this is for a client requirement) when all its associated product stock become 'out of stock'. I think magento automatically doesn't do this. How Can i do this? Do i need to write any custom code?
I dont think you need to write any custom code for this.
This feature is already provided in magento, if an associated product is out of stock then it would disappear from product options and if all of the associated products are out of stock then the parent configurable product will also be displayed as out of stock. Tested in magento version 1.9 :)

updating configarable option in magento cart page

How can we add configuration option on cart page in magento and update it automatically , including price change, when selected option get change.
I want to know how can we update price and whole cart on selecting configurable options on cart page itself.
Is there any extension or we can do using core coding?
refer cart for configurable product in this site http://www.wehkamp.nl/Winkelmand/Winkelmand.aspx

Can not view products in admin of magento

I am new to magento and i need little help....
Actually I added simple products in magento and was trying to add some configurable products,The simple products were working fine.
While working on configurable products something happened and I can not see any products in manage products area.
I have checked the database and products exists there.
What should I do to fix this issue.....Kindly help
you can see associated product
just click on that
then you can see yoursimple product list ,,if not then click on reset filter
Go to catalog manage products and check if the fields are blank and click search
The simple products will not show if you do not have the attribute set that links the simples to the configurable. What is the attribute you are using? Check in the simples if this is set to be a value. Then go back to the Configurable, go to the associated products and click on 'Reset'. They should now show.

Dynamic SKU change with "Simple Configurable Products" Magento

I have the free extension "Simple Configurable Products" installed but unfortunately, any updates/responses to it over on github are slow or nonexistant.
What I need the cart to do is to dynamically update the SKU when simple products are selected within the configurable product page.
I am able to get the cart to show the configurable product SKU, but it does not dynamically update when I select any of the simple products via the dropdown menu.
How can I get around this? Thanks!
I ended up figuring this out using the steps at this URL:
However it wasn't totally accurate, so I also made the changes afterwards suggested here after placing in that code: Display Dynamic SKU on configurable product view Magento
It's a little more tricky also if you have a custom theme, you'll have to do some more work getting the dynamic SKU to show on the frontend, and place where you want it to display.

How to add bundled products to the cart simultaneously with checkboxes in magento

In Magento, I created a list of bundled products. In the frontend, along with each bundled product a checkbox is placed, so the user could select any number of bundled products with checkboxes, and add all of them in a cart simultaneously.
I wanted to know how I would be able to add all the selected bundled products to the shopping cart in a bulk.
Please check the link:
Any help would be much appreciated.
You can either:
Use ajax to post items to cart.
Use a use custom controller to add multiple items to cart (magento allows to add related items but you can't specify qty)
Maybe look at http://inchoo.net/ecommerce/magento/how-to-increase-magento-sales-with-one-simple-extension/ for inspiration on the module
Are you using the out-of-the-box bundle product type?
There is a way to setup such a bundle so that all of the items are "required" when purchasing the bundle. It should work out-of-the-box and you shouldn't have to pass anything to the add-to-cart function other than the ID of the entire bundle.
What you will want to do is edit the bundle product to have a single selectable product for each bundled option. Be sure to set the user-defined quantity to "no". See attached screenshot.
