Magento configurable product out of stock - magento

I want to change configurable product to 'out of stock'(this is for a client requirement) when all its associated product stock become 'out of stock'. I think magento automatically doesn't do this. How Can i do this? Do i need to write any custom code?

I dont think you need to write any custom code for this.
This feature is already provided in magento, if an associated product is out of stock then it would disappear from product options and if all of the associated products are out of stock then the parent configurable product will also be displayed as out of stock. Tested in magento version 1.9 :)


magento tier pricing differ for each simple products in a configurable product

Hi i need to migrate one of my site into magento but i am confused with how the detail page should match exactly same like my old site in magento.
Here is my orginal site detail page here
Here i have quality and i would like to manage this as configurable products in magento. But under each quality products the prices are different and there is an option in magento to add this as tier price. But in magento when i configurable product and add associated products for configurable products i cannot able to see an option to apply the tier prices for the simple products. In magento if a add configurable products and associated products only configurable tier ptice is taking. Do i have an solution for this in magento? If there is any extension please advice.
Yes, got the solution. I have implemented this as set os simple products under grouped products and each simple products i have added the tier pricing. Check the link here

Dynamic SKU change with "Simple Configurable Products" Magento

I have the free extension "Simple Configurable Products" installed but unfortunately, any updates/responses to it over on github are slow or nonexistant.
What I need the cart to do is to dynamically update the SKU when simple products are selected within the configurable product page.
I am able to get the cart to show the configurable product SKU, but it does not dynamically update when I select any of the simple products via the dropdown menu.
How can I get around this? Thanks!
I ended up figuring this out using the steps at this URL:
However it wasn't totally accurate, so I also made the changes afterwards suggested here after placing in that code: Display Dynamic SKU on configurable product view Magento
It's a little more tricky also if you have a custom theme, you'll have to do some more work getting the dynamic SKU to show on the frontend, and place where you want it to display.

Magento use simple product price instead of Super Attribute price

I have a Configurable Product with a Super Attribute and a number of Simple Products (with different prices). In Admin when i select the Configurable Product >> Associated Products I can see the simple products. On the front-end when I try to add one of these simple products to the basket instead of seeing the price of that simple product i am seeing the price of the Configurable Product + the values in the Super Attribute Configuration for the selected product. Does anyone know how to change this so that the simple product price is used?
I struggled with exact same issue a couple years ago and Magento EE support could not provide much help. Client has an ERP system that only contains simple products. So configurable products are only for creating shopping experience in Magento. This makes ignoring simple product pricing for a base+offset configurable pricing model in Magento a problem. Never able to understand the logic to ignoring available pricing data for an additional meta pricing model!?
Magento EE support unofficially pointed me to a third party extension. This extension is no longer supported so core upgrades have required work to keep things working. Looks like there are other extensions addressing this issue that may offer support.
I wanted to believe someone smarter than I could explain a better approach to solving this problem.

Display Custom options of simple associated products in Configurable products of Magento

I have a few simple products with custom options defined for them in a Magento online shop. On the product view page, the custom options of the simple products are displayed and the page works as expected. When I associate those simple products with custom options for a configurable product, I want the custom options of the selected simple product need to be displayed on the view page. on changing the simple product in the dropdown, the custom options also need to be changed, just like the product price changes. And when adding the product to the cart, the custom options properties of the selected simple product also need to be appended to the configurable product property.
This seems to be somewhat complex. Please help me in getting this task done.
Checkout out this extension Simple Configurable Products Extension For Magento by Organic.

"Please specify the product's option(s)" in Magento.

In Magento, I am using bundled products and I have a configurable product as an associated product of the bundled product. This configurable product has 4 simple product as associated products of the configurable product.
The chain goes like:
- bundle product - configurrable product (associated with bundled product) - simple products (associated with configurable products)
Now, in the bundled product view page in the frontend, I'm getting this message:
Please specify product option(s)
although I have filled out all the required fields for all the products as required,
This validation error message occurs while adding the product to the cart.
Any advice? I've been stuck for day with this problem.
For others experiencing this message with a different product configuration...
The underlying error message can be easily reproduced via the standard Magento admin screens (any downloadable added to a group or bundle will cause it - regardless of the "link can be purchased separately" setting).
In the case of grouped or bundled downloadable products, this is a known bug (see The bug report describes a suitable fix for these, and although it is supposed to have been patched in newer distributions, remains unresolved in Magento ver.
To expand on Andrey's answer, if you want a configurable product in a bundle that includes required options, you'll need to modify the templates to output the product options during rendering. If there are price differences, you'll basically be rewriting the JS to support the dynamic pricing mechanism on the page.
Once the form is submitted, you'll need to modify the cart classes and controllers to support saving the product options as the items are placed in the cart. You'll also need to override pricing as before to support whatever custom pricing this entails. Make sure that the cart resource classes properly save the simple products underneath the configurable products underneath the bundle product.
I've probably missed several items. This is why it is currently not supported. :/
Magento does not support bundle products with selections of products that have some required options (configurables, downloadables with links, simple products with any required option and so on).
Your configuration is not valid for a system and not supported. In fact Magento does not show mentioned above products as a possible choice for bundle option selection. If you were able to make such a bundle using standard Magento admin panel - report a bug with detailed step-by-step case at
