Can not view products in admin of magento - magento

I am new to magento and i need little help....
Actually I added simple products in magento and was trying to add some configurable products,The simple products were working fine.
While working on configurable products something happened and I can not see any products in manage products area.
I have checked the database and products exists there.
What should I do to fix this issue.....Kindly help

you can see associated product
just click on that
then you can see yoursimple product list ,,if not then click on reset filter

Go to catalog manage products and check if the fields are blank and click search

The simple products will not show if you do not have the attribute set that links the simples to the configurable. What is the attribute you are using? Check in the simples if this is set to be a value. Then go back to the Configurable, go to the associated products and click on 'Reset'. They should now show.


Update installment price on product configuration change Product Page Magento2

I created a template to display the installments price of the product, on the product page. I need to update this price when the user clicks the configurable product option.
I created a preference for Magento\ConfigurableProduct\Block\Product\View\Type\Configurable to create a new price_type_code but debugging the product page does not pass through the getJsonConfig() method.
I also created a preference for Magento\Catalog\Block\Product\View\Options and debugging the product page also does not go through _getPriceConfiguration().
Where should I enter the values for each configurable product option?
Magento 2.2.3, PHP 7.0.28, Mysql5.6
Any help is welcome. Thanks
I solved it by creating a preference for Magento\Swatches\Block\Product\Renderer\Configurable

Magento Products are not visible in category after switching to multisite

I have recently switched to multisite functionality in magento which is working fine except one thing that I cant view product list in respective category ie. categories are displaying empty. however I can see the products individually but not in category. please let me know what is going wrong?
You need to check is, select products from product grid, click on Update Attributes, on the left hand side 'Websites' tab, check the website on which you want to upload products in. Then reindex the category products.

Bundle products in magento doesn't appear

I'm trying to configure in my magento show a bundle producto following this:
My bundle product is in stock. I've added two bundle items which are also in stock. I've add the bundle product to a category which is configured to show only products.
But my product doesn't appear. However other simple products in the same category appear correctly. Has anyone any idea of what I'm doing wrong or if I'm missing any configuration?
Ensure that status of the product is 'enabled' and visibility is 'catalog, search' and that you have selected a store on the 'websites' tab of the product if you are using multiple store config.
I am working on the same issue and it seems to be a design template issue.
if visit your base url /catalog/product/view/id/{insert your product id.}
My guess is that you will get a page that shows no formatting but has the product.
then if you change the bundled product design to default you will see updated formatting.. This will get you closer to solving the mystery

Dynamic SKU change with "Simple Configurable Products" Magento

I have the free extension "Simple Configurable Products" installed but unfortunately, any updates/responses to it over on github are slow or nonexistant.
What I need the cart to do is to dynamically update the SKU when simple products are selected within the configurable product page.
I am able to get the cart to show the configurable product SKU, but it does not dynamically update when I select any of the simple products via the dropdown menu.
How can I get around this? Thanks!
I ended up figuring this out using the steps at this URL:
However it wasn't totally accurate, so I also made the changes afterwards suggested here after placing in that code: Display Dynamic SKU on configurable product view Magento
It's a little more tricky also if you have a custom theme, you'll have to do some more work getting the dynamic SKU to show on the frontend, and place where you want it to display.

Magento - Configurable products not visible until manually saved in admin panel

I have a script that is creating a lot of configurable products and their associated simple products.
Everything goes ok and when inspecting the products in the admin section, everything is linked up and looks great.
The problem is that the products are not visible until I manually go to the admin section and save the configurable product - without changing any options - and then each simple product that is associated with it. After each simple product is saved, its option becomes available on the from end for the configurable product.
Does anyone have any ideas on this?
Solved this by going through the saveAction in the Mage_Adminhtml_Catalog_ProductController.
I wasn't setting the websiteIds correctly so the new products were never getting added to the site correctly.
Magento uses this piece of code to get the correct website:
Drew's answer above worked for me. For those using the REST API, this option is under extension_attributes like so:
"extension_attributes": {
"website_ids": [1]
Where 1 (for me) was the id of the website where I wanted the product to appear.
