How do I replace all non-word chars (\W) that are also not space characters (\s)?
This is the desired functionality:
"the (quick)! brown \n fox".gsub(regex, "#")
"the #quick## brown \n fox"
"the (quick)! brown \n fox".gsub(/[^\w\s]/, "#")
By making the regex replace anything that is NOT a word character OR a space character.
I think you need a regex like this one:
When you add a circumflex ^ to the start of a character set, it negates the expression so that anything except characters in the set are matched.
How I can convert string -
text = "test test1 \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n test2 \n"
test test1 \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n test2\n
I tried use next - text.gsub(/\s\n/, '\n'), but it added additional slash -
test test1\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n test2\\n
Use double quotes, instead of single:
text.gsub(/\s\n/, "\n")
With single quotes, \n has the meaning of \ and n, one after another. With double, it is interpreted as new line.
I expect that either the space after "test1" is to be removed as well or the space after "test2" is not to be removed. #ndn assumed the former was intended. If the second interpretation applies, you could do the following:
r = /
(?<=\n) # match \n in a positive lookbehind
\s # match a whitespace character
(?=\n) # match \n in a positive lookahead
/x # extended/free-spacing regex definition mode
#=> "test test1 \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n test2 \n"
text.gsub(/\n\s(?=\n)/, "\n")
I'm trying to do a regex with lookbehind that changes \n to but not if it's a \\n.
My closest attempt has no effect:
text.gsub /(?<!\\)\n/, ''
Unfortunately, no number of backslashes in the lookbehind seem to fix the problem. How can I address this?
You need to double the backslash before the n in the regex, otherwise it's looking for a newline instead of a literal backslash followed by n:
irb(main):001:0> puts "hello\\nthere\\\\n".gsub(/(?<!\\)\\n/, ' ')
hello there\\n
You don't need anything special. "\n" is a single character. It does not include a "\" or "n" character.
text.gsub(/\n/, "")
But instead of that, you should do:
text.gsub("\n", "")
or"\n", "")
But I would do:$/, "")
I have a string that looks like this.
mystring="The Body of a\r\n\t\t\t\tSpider"
I want to replace all the \r, \n, \t etc with a whitespace.
The code I wrote for this is :
mystring.gsub(/\\./, " ")
But this isn't doing anything to the string.
\r, \n and \t are escape sequences representing carriage return, line feed and tab. Although they are written as two characters, they are interpreted as a single character:
"\r\n\t".codepoints #=> [13, 10, 9]
Because it is such a common requirement, there's a shortcut \s to match all whitespace characters:
mystring.gsub(/\s/, ' ')
#=> "The Body of a Spider"
Or \s+ to match multiple whitespace characters:
mystring.gsub(/\s+/, ' ')
#=> "The Body of a Spider"
/\s/ is equivalent to /[ \t\r\n\f]/
String#tr is designed for stream symbol substitution. It appears to be a bit quickier, than String#gsub: "\r", ' '
It hasan insplace version also (this will replace all carriage returns, line feed and spaces with space):! "\s\r\n\t\f", ' '
Stefen's Answer is really very Cool as always comeup with very short and clean solutions. But here what I tried to remove all special characters. [Posted as just optional solution] ;)
> a = "The Body of a\r\n\t\t\t\tSpider"
=> "The Body of a\r\n\t\t\t\tSpider"
> a.gsub(/[^0-9A-Za-z]/, ' ')
=> "The Body of a Spider"
you can use strip , then add a space to your string
mystring.strip . " "
If you literally has \r\n\t in your string:
mystring="The Body of a\r\n\t\t\t\tSpider"
Can someone explain this:
str = "hi there\r\n\r\nfoo bar"
rgx = /hi there$/
str.match rgx # => nil
rgx = /hi there\s*$/
str.match rgx # => #<MatchData "hi there\r\n\r">
On the one hand it seems like $ does not match \r. But then if I first capture all the white spaces, which also include \r, then $ suddenly does appear to match the second \r, not continuing to capture the trailing "\nfoo bar".
Is there some special rule here about consecutive \r\n sequences? The docs on $ simply say it will match "end of line" which doesn't explain this behavior.
$ is a zero-width assertion. It doesn't match any character, it matches at a position. Namely, it matches either immediately before a \n, or at the end of string.
/hi there\s*$/ matches because \s* matches "\r\n\r", which allows the $ to match at the position before the second \n. The $ could have also matched at the position before the first \n, but the \s* is greedy and matches as much as it can, while still allowing the overall regex to match.
What is the regex to match a string with at least one period and no spaces?
You can use this :
It works like this :
^ <-- Starts with
\S <-- Any character but white spaces (notice the upper case) (same as [^ \t\r\n])
* <-- Repeated but not mandatory
\. <-- A period
\S <-- Any character but white spaces
* <-- Repeated but not mandatory
$ <-- Ends here
You can replace \S by [^ ] to work strictly with spaces (not with tabs etc.)
Something like
^[^ ]*\.[^ ]*$
(match any non-spaces, then a period, then some more non-spaces)
no need regular expression. Keep it simple
>> s="test.txt"
=> "test.txt"
>> s["."] and s.count(" ")<1
=> true
>> s="test with spaces.txt"
=> "test with spaces.txt"
>> s["."] and s.count(" ")<1
=> false
Try this: