How to replace \r in a string in ruby - ruby

I have a string that looks like this.
mystring="The Body of a\r\n\t\t\t\tSpider"
I want to replace all the \r, \n, \t etc with a whitespace.
The code I wrote for this is :
mystring.gsub(/\\./, " ")
But this isn't doing anything to the string.

\r, \n and \t are escape sequences representing carriage return, line feed and tab. Although they are written as two characters, they are interpreted as a single character:
"\r\n\t".codepoints #=> [13, 10, 9]
Because it is such a common requirement, there's a shortcut \s to match all whitespace characters:
mystring.gsub(/\s/, ' ')
#=> "The Body of a Spider"
Or \s+ to match multiple whitespace characters:
mystring.gsub(/\s+/, ' ')
#=> "The Body of a Spider"
/\s/ is equivalent to /[ \t\r\n\f]/

String#tr is designed for stream symbol substitution. It appears to be a bit quickier, than String#gsub: "\r", ' '
It hasan insplace version also (this will replace all carriage returns, line feed and spaces with space):! "\s\r\n\t\f", ' '

Stefen's Answer is really very Cool as always comeup with very short and clean solutions. But here what I tried to remove all special characters. [Posted as just optional solution] ;)
> a = "The Body of a\r\n\t\t\t\tSpider"
=> "The Body of a\r\n\t\t\t\tSpider"
> a.gsub(/[^0-9A-Za-z]/, ' ')
=> "The Body of a Spider"

you can use strip , then add a space to your string
mystring.strip . " "
If you literally has \r\n\t in your string:
mystring="The Body of a\r\n\t\t\t\tSpider"


Ruby string split with space as input removes more than just spaces

I have some text that has this particular character:
When I call the string split() method (with just ' ' as the input) , the  gets removed. What should I do to keep the ?
That's the expected behavior when passing ' '. According to the docs:
If pattern is a single space, str is split on whitespace, with leading and trailing whitespace and runs of contiguous whitespace characters ignored.
With "whitespace" being space (" ") and \t, \n, \v, \f, \r.
"foo bar\nbaz \f qux".split(' ')
#=> ["foo", "bar", "baz", "qux"]
To split on space (U+0020) only, you have to use a regexp:
"foo bar\nbaz \f qux".split(/ /)
#=> ["foo", "bar\nbaz", "\f", "qux"]

Ruby - substitute \n if not \\n

I'm trying to do a regex with lookbehind that changes \n to but not if it's a \\n.
My closest attempt has no effect:
text.gsub /(?<!\\)\n/, ''
Unfortunately, no number of backslashes in the lookbehind seem to fix the problem. How can I address this?
You need to double the backslash before the n in the regex, otherwise it's looking for a newline instead of a literal backslash followed by n:
irb(main):001:0> puts "hello\\nthere\\\\n".gsub(/(?<!\\)\\n/, ' ')
hello there\\n
You don't need anything special. "\n" is a single character. It does not include a "\" or "n" character.
text.gsub(/\n/, "")
But instead of that, you should do:
text.gsub("\n", "")
or"\n", "")
But I would do:$/, "")

Ruby: Regular expression to match which strings made up either space , tab or new line and nothing else

I trying to formulate a regular expression which will match only those strings which are made up of only 3 types of characters: tab, space and new line. For ex.
String1 = " \t "
String2 = "\n\n"
String3 = " \t \n \n \n "
All above strings should match the regular expression.
I tried this : %r/[ \n]+/
But this is also matching strings having space and new line but apart from those many other characters also, like
string4 = " I am a boy \n"
My expression is also match string4 which it should not match.
I am not able to fix it. It will be great if someone could come up with a solution to fix this.
You need to tell the regex that the WHOLE string must fit, rather than part of a string. Do this with the ^ and $ operators, which mean 'start of file' and 'end of file' respectively:
/^[\t\n ]+$/
This site, and sites like it, can be useful:

How to use Ruby's gsub function to replace excessive '\n' on a string

I have this string:
string = "SEGUNDA A SEXTA\n05:24 \n05:48\n06:12\n06:36\n07:00\n07:24\n07:48\n\n08:12 \n08:36\n09:00\n09:24\n09:48\n10:12\n10:36\n11:00 \n11:24\n11:48\n12:12\n12:36\n13:00\n13:24\n13:48 \n14:12\n14:36\n15:00\n15:24\n15:48\n16:12\n16:36 \n17:00\n17:24\n17:48\n18:12\n18:36\n19:00\n19:48 \n20:36\n21:24\n22:26\n23:15\n00:00\n"
And I'd like to replace all \n\n occurrences to only one \n and if it's possible I'd like to remove also all " " (spaces) between the numbers and the newline character \n
I'm trying to do:
string.gsub(/\n\n/, '\n')
but it is replacing \n\n by \\n
Can anyone help me?
The real reason is because single quoted sting doesn't escape special characters (like \n).
string.gsub(/\n/, '\n')
It replaces one single character \n with two characters '\' and 'n'
You can see the difference by printing the string:
[302] pry(main)> puts '\n'
=> nil
[303] pry(main)> puts "\n"
=> nil
[304] pry(main)> string = '\n'
=> "\\n"
[305] pry(main)> string = "\n"
=> "\n"
I think you're looking for:
string.gsub( / *\n+/, "\n" )
This searches for zero or more spaces followed by one or more newlines, and replaces the match with a single newline.

Why does '\n' not work, and what does $/ mean?

Why doesn't this code work:
"hello \nworld".each_line(separator = '\n') {|s| p s}
while this works?
"hello \nworld".each_line(separator = $/) {|s| p s}
A 10 second google yielded this:
$/ is the input record separator, newline by default.
The first one doesn't work because you used single quotes. Backslash escape sequences are ignored in single quoted strings. Use double quotes instead:
"hello \nworld".each_line(separator = "\n") {|s| p s}
First, newline is the default. All you need is
"hello \nworld".each_line {|s| p s}
Secondly, single quotes behave differently than double quotes. '\n' means a literal backslash followed by the letter n, whereas "\n" means the newline character.
Last, the special variable $/ is the record separator which is "\n" by default, which is why you don't need to specify the separator in the above example.
Simple gsub! your string with valid "\n" new line character:
text = 'hello \nworld'
text.gsub!('\n', "\n")
After that \n character will act like newline character.
