Page personalization - personalization

My task is Personalization of page which is created using drag and drop widgets on content area.
I need to create segments based on rules so that I can personalize the page for particular segment. Here I will use Rules engine for creating rules.
I am not getting user experience in creating segments based on rules. Can anybody please put their thoughts so that I can get speed.


List available downloads per order in WooCommerce?

I know I can already list the full array of available downloads on the My Account page for a user, but what about filtering them out on a per order basis? As in...when a user views an order, the list of downloads available to them for that order are listed rather than every download for every order. I'm having trouble figuring out the right code that will filter them out. Any ideas?
Unfortunately WooCommerce don't have this kind of functionality nor any plugin which can fit your purpose.
Have check on filters to add downloads of that products below the respective orders but even filter nor actions where found.
Then a final way of achieving this is through a little customization which you have to code.
To achieve your requirement you have to override woocommerce template here its woocommerce/templates/myaccount/my-orders.php. Check on tutorials to override woocommerce templates in your custom plugin/child theme.
After you override, customize the new code and add you magic code in the loop of orders to display there respective download below each order.
Let me know it this solution works for you.

Landing pages defined by attribute for Magento

i'm looking for solution how to have a landing page with products which are filter by some attribute (ie. Brand = Addidas). I was checking advanced search but it doesnt provide layered navigation, which is requested by client.
What I found is the free module It seems to be working, but for each combination of attribute X attribute value I need to configure something in database. It's not useful if you need to maintain thousands of combinations.
My another idea is to review catalog/layer model to remove filtering by category but it probably destroy something :)
Have you any idea or direction where would I go?
Thanks, Jaro.
have a look at
i've used both and find fishpigs much better for manual creation of optimised pages, but for blasting out auto landing pages yoast is ideal.

Magento custom browse catalogue workflow

I'm evaluating Magento for a particular client of mine. They want to enforce a particular workflow for browsing the catalogue. They're a travel company which puts together custom holiday packages and want to make sure users enter things like the number of adults / children before selecting accommodation (as number of people will affect available accommodation and pricing).
Note that accommodation is just an example, there are several other different components to a holiday package. And they've given me a 7 step (mostly) linear workflow they want users to follow before we get to anything which might resemble a checkout process (and even then their concept of "checkout" is quite different to Magento's).
I'm thinking of storing accommodation (and each of the other package components) in separate product categories. Then I can restrict what users can see as they browse the catalogue based on what they've already added to their shopping cart.
My research indicates that Magento doesn't really do this kind of thing out of the box. Am I mistaken? Are there add-ons which would support this kind of thing?
If I was to go down this road, would I be redesigning (or indeed, replacing) a large chunk of Magento's catalogue browsing functionality?
Well there are several approaches that you can take to implement something like this; but all require that you do custom development work.
You could define your packages as simple products with attributes for each of the specific package options and use that to filter each package from the others, now you would need to create a new module that adds a route on the frontend that is going to be your multistep form that will get all the information once you have all the information you can get a collection of all the products(packages) that match those attributes.
Now the deal there is if that price changes depending on the options selected if that's the case then you might need configurable products or something custom to change the price of each package.
It's really hard to say without real specifications of what your client needs, but if the question is if it's possible with Magento then the answer is yes it all depends on your level of skill :)
Kind Regards
So I ended up going with Magento as a product base and extending it using some custom code (been a while since I've developed in a LAMP environment!)
I created a static block which is used as the root of the workflow. There are 8 steps in the workflow which get listed in an ordered list. Each item has two custom Magento widgets next to it, which are a) a little tick image displayed when you've completed the workflow stage and b) a link which displays when you're up to that stage, clicking the link takes you to an appropriate catalog page (eg: choose accommodation, hire car, confirm shopping cart, etc).
I disabled the normal top catalog navigation to encourage users to keep within the workflow. That is, the mouse over to see more catalog detail of the "holiday planner" is disabled (although you can just navigate to the correct urls if you know them, or are smart enough to use the SEO link at the bottom of the page!).
Everything in your holiday is added as cart products (which has the positive side effect of Magento will remember your holiday if you get part way through it).
There is a big state machine in a helper class to determine what stage of the workflow you're up to. This checks your cart to see if products with particular sku's or from a particular attribute set are added.
I also overrode many URLs and redirects (eg: after you add a product) to send the user back to the root holiday planner page. This added to the workflow as almost every action you did or product you add bounces you back to that workflow page (which always tells you what the next step is).

Product calculation by custom dimensions in Magento

I already asked this question (like many before me) in the Magento 'How do I' forums and have not received any answers/ideas.
I want to create a customisable product (picture/mirror frames) by size (height/width) enabling the user to enter the size.
I have seen this done in another Magento site with the ability to select unit of measurement which is another excellent feature I would like to use.
Any ideas on how to achieve this would be greatly appreciated.
Take a look at custom options of an product. There is little documentation, but here you can determine attributes without fixed values like normal attributes have.
You can find the 'Custom options' tab while editing a product in the menubar at the left.

Magento configurable product -> floating/sliding cart

we have a pc configurator, actually its not a "configured product" but a product with "custom options".
we want to have a "cartbox" that shows the selected attributes plus price that slides with the movement of the page down untill the user has viewed all options.
any ideas?
i am pretty sure that there is no ready module.
thanx for any help
This is a theming question for the product page template, but with some frontend programming thrown in for good measure...
You have to know a little bit about Prototype to tackle this 'purely in frontend javascript' but I think it can be done.
I am assuming you have a 'div' that is styled up to be 'position: fixed' so that it always stays to the right of the screen, no matter how you scroll down the page. Then in this div is a table (or more divs) that summarises all of your options. All of those table options are marked up with ids.
In your template code for the custom product options you can have some php code to detect the attribute-set for 'custom pc' and write out some extra front-end javascript. This is then able to listen to the changes to the custom options and update your extra summary information in the fixed position div.
Unless you are really good at Prototype you may want to give yourself 2-3 days to get the code in there, the same again for testing and putting in a modest amount of products.
