Product calculation by custom dimensions in Magento - magento

I already asked this question (like many before me) in the Magento 'How do I' forums and have not received any answers/ideas.
I want to create a customisable product (picture/mirror frames) by size (height/width) enabling the user to enter the size.
I have seen this done in another Magento site with the ability to select unit of measurement which is another excellent feature I would like to use.
Any ideas on how to achieve this would be greatly appreciated.

Take a look at custom options of an product. There is little documentation, but here you can determine attributes without fixed values like normal attributes have.
You can find the 'Custom options' tab while editing a product in the menubar at the left.


How do I override the base price against Custom option Pricing?

Hi this was a question from magento forum on their site.. However I am looking for the same thing for a while, could any answer this ?
*I need the exact area in which Magento adds Base price and Custom option price *
I have been looking across these forums so many apologies if this is a
duplicate, but I am having a lot of trouble with the custom option
pricing on front-end not being absolute, but adding itself onto the
base price of the product.
I have been looking at a few modules, which I am happy to purchase, if
easy to implement, but there are quite a few that are going around.
Attached are some images if anyone has a solution.
The base price on the product (is a product with many different custom
options, could be size options also) is £7.32, which is fine as the
page states ‘From £7.32’
However, there are a few options selectable, which rather than show
(+) and ultimately add to the base price, should show the actual price
and not onto of the base price.
So Rhynogrip 70 x 198 price is actually £48.96, however when selected
it adds this to the £7.32, rather than replace it. The attached all
show this.
If anyone could help that would be great!
Thanks in advance.
I recommend you set the price of Rhinogrip 70x198 to 48.96 - 7.32 because that is what MAgento expects.

Magento: Different sizes and colors under one simple product?

I’m setting up an online clothing store and have come across a huge problem:
When I make at product (a t-shirt for example), I want to be able to add the available sizes and colors, without having to create a product for every single option.
When I add a color or size, I need to be able to enter a SKU for each product, so I can tell which option the customer chose in the store. First I tried making 2 sets of attributes: “Color” and “Size”, so I could multi-select when adding a product. But the attributes didn’t show up as options in the store, as I had hoped.
I did a lot of searching, and found that some people used the “Costom Option” tab, to make fields for the available sizes, colors etc. - but I don’t want add those options every time I add a product. The multi-select feature I accomplished with the attributes, would have been perfect.
Also I found that someone was forced to pay for an extension to accomplish this - but as I am running on a very tight budget, so I really don’t want to pay anything to achieve this.
You can achieve this programmatically, observing the product save and generate all simple products of a configurable product. Unfortunately, you will have to manage stock for those items separately.
You can do this by creating a configurable products. For more information on how to create configurable products please refer to You can refer to for an example.

Magento configurable product -> floating/sliding cart

we have a pc configurator, actually its not a "configured product" but a product with "custom options".
we want to have a "cartbox" that shows the selected attributes plus price that slides with the movement of the page down untill the user has viewed all options.
any ideas?
i am pretty sure that there is no ready module.
thanx for any help
This is a theming question for the product page template, but with some frontend programming thrown in for good measure...
You have to know a little bit about Prototype to tackle this 'purely in frontend javascript' but I think it can be done.
I am assuming you have a 'div' that is styled up to be 'position: fixed' so that it always stays to the right of the screen, no matter how you scroll down the page. Then in this div is a table (or more divs) that summarises all of your options. All of those table options are marked up with ids.
In your template code for the custom product options you can have some php code to detect the attribute-set for 'custom pc' and write out some extra front-end javascript. This is then able to listen to the changes to the custom options and update your extra summary information in the fixed position div.
Unless you are really good at Prototype you may want to give yourself 2-3 days to get the code in there, the same again for testing and putting in a modest amount of products.

Magento - Show same item with different colors underneath the item

i’m new to magento and was wondering if someone can help me.
i have a product that comes in multiple colors, but if i set it up as a configurable product it just gives the user the option of choosing a different color (but doesn’t show an image to him/her)
what i would like to do is have the other colors appear underneath just like up sells would (the same design)
if anyone can help me i would greatly appreciate it
Use the Simple Configurable Products extension by Organic Internet, as available for free on Magento Connect and your problem should be solved.
One way to accomplish this is to store images for each color of the project. With JS, you could auto-select color options on the page, and still make use of a configurable product for this purpose. You'll need to do significant template alteration to make this work.
Another approach is to use simple products (which you've already created in this case), and list them directly in the catalog. With Magento's cross-sell functionality, you can tag the products to each other and provide links between product pages for each color. Obviously, this involves more navigation for the user, but does allow you to manage each product independently.
Both of these methods will retain normal product relationships and track inventory for each color of a product, so they are preferable to solutions that involve hacking the framework.
Hope that helps!
Joseph Mastey

Magento: Configurable products without setting up each simple product?

I need to set up hundreds of products, each of which need an drop down that has from a few to twenty or thirty options so I refuse to use configurable products to set these up. I just want a product to use all the options in an attribute.
For example, I want to let customers pick from colors and sizes for a product, but I don't want to have to individually create products for each option. The pricing is the same for everyone and I don't need to track inventory for the options, so there's no benefits in using configurable products.
Is this possible?
Either use simple products and utilize the custom options tab (you will not be able to track inventory of each variant if you go this route). I have seen a number of ways to do this programatically via magento's product creation API or custom code. There is also a number of extensions that make it easier to to do but they do not fully automate the process. One of the automated ways to do it very fast can be found here.
The tutorial is setup exactly the way you want (color & size). Once you create this page make sure you are logged into the admin and open it with your browser. It will work it's magic.
Here are most of the extensions that do it, but they are not as automated as the custom coding methods such as the one linked above:
Product Creator
Automatic Configurables
Better Configurable Products
Perhaps instead of configurable products you could use simple products with custom options instead. There are even ways of importing products with options intact, most of the work is done by copy & paste in a spreadsheet which is much quicker.
If you're looking for a more programmatic way of doing things then you might think of making a custom product type which adds the same options every time so you never need to specify them again. Modifying the product type would modify all options at once too.
Yes, this is possible, just make attributes and note that this is a programming forum, for general questions head to magento forums
Simple product with custom option is not === configurable product as each option do not have Magento stock control, as you can never say Size "Small" sold out as there is no stock for options, that is the main reason why Magento has to use simple product to be the option of the configurable product as simple has stock.
If you have unlimited stock then using simple product plus custom option is the best solution for performance.
