Can't install Mono on Mac - macos

I have tried many times to install Mono, using the current and beta builds. Every time I install it, it says that it's successful, but I go to the /Library/Frameworks folder and Mono just isn't there. I ran the uninstall script, but it said that permission was denied. I even tried turning on AppleShowAllFiles, and it still wasn't there. I am running OSX Lion.

Check under /Users/_your_name_/Library/Frameworks
Regarding "permissions denied" try running the script with sudo command with terminal.


Brew install on Mojave

I did these steps:
Updated to Mojave
Installed Xcode 10 beta3
Ran this command: sudo xcode-select -switch /Applications/
Now I'm trying to install node8:
brew install node#8
And it gives me this error:
Error: The Command Line Tools header package must be installed on Mojave.
The installer is located at: /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/Packages/macOS_SDK_headers_for_macOS_10.14.pkg
Still, doing
install -pkg /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/Packages/macOS_SDK_headers_for_macOS_10.14.pkg
does nothing, since there's no such file in my system. Where could I get it?
Go to /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/Packages/macOS_SDK_headers_for_macOS_10.14.pkg location and install package manually. And brew will start working.
I want to try and answer this question and also for those that come later that installed Mojave and had an older Xcode version installed. The process is the same minus that if you have Xcode 10, you don't need to install it again from my understanding.
The folder is hidden and was not accessible even with a sudo find command, however, I figured out that copying the absolute path and then pasting it in your browser address bar will give you the download and access to the folder that you need to fix brew install.
I posted a video here- that walks you thru part of my steps above. After you do the SDK headers download, its likely that unless you already are running Xcode 9.4, you will need to visit, and look for Xcode 9.4 to install. Also grab the 10.14 command line tools as well. The lesson that should be learned here is that Apple calls it "Beta" for a reason and if you are a developer that knows the pains of setup, it is a bad idea. I hope that I was helpful! The last thing is, INSTALL XCODE THEN COMMAND LINE TOOLS-IN THAT ORDER OR IT ERRORS OUT! and then we do this all over again. Cheers!
It appears as though Apple has released a patch for the bug and it is available through the system preferences. 14 July 2018
Broken command line tools:
Xcode Location on the Apple developers website:
Location of command line tools:
Do not install Xcode from the Mac App Store because a different version is required!
Command line tools 10.14 update:
As of October 2018, the solution for making brew and brew install succeed is to:
install latest Xcode fom AppStore
run Xcode and install command line tools
add the line before to your profile or somethign similar
export CFLAGS="-I/usr/local/include -L/usr/local/lib -I$(brew --prefix openssl)/include -I$(xcrun --show-sdk-path)/usr/include"
No need to download Xcode manually, but you may want to remove the beta version if you installed it.
The magic part is at the end, where xcrun obtains the correct location of the SDK.
In terminal, you should first input the commands below
cd /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/Packages
open .
you will open the directory on desktop,
then double click the pkg file to install it.

Xcode 6.1: Loading a plug-in failed

I updated Xcode from AppStore but I couldn't open it due to this error message:
"Loading a plug-in failed
The plug-in or one of its prerequisite plug-ins may be missing or damaged and may need to be reinstalled"
I tried uninstalling Xcode by deleting it from Application folder and reinstall it but the problem is still the same.
Can anyone figure out what's wrong, and how to fix this? Thank you.
Did you by any chance update your Python? Anyway, I did and I think I also removed python 2.7 for some reason. Turns out, Xcode uses python 2.7 and is required for Xcode 6.0 onwards.
Simply download python 2.7, install it and all should be good.
I have run into the exact same issue with XCode 6.3 and brew upgrade python to version 2.7.10.
For whatever reason the symlinks at /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/ were not updated...
The fix:
sudo rm -f /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7
sudo ln -s /usr/local/Cellar/python/2.7.10/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7 /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7
sudo rm -f /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/Current
sudo ln -s /usr/local/Cellar/python/2.7.10/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7 /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/Current
(obviously your paths/versions might differ)
And then XCode starts working again.
For me the problem had to do with a missing I had previously deleted iTunes, but it turns out that Xcode 9 (and possibly Xcode 8) needs the, and will fail with the mysterious "Loading a plug-in failed" error if iTunes is missing on your system.
Downloading and installing iTunes from solved the issue for me.
By the way, you may be able to get more info about what's causing the plug-in error by running xcodebuild on the command line.

Xcode - Install additional required components using command line

I recently got a used Mac with Mountain Lion on it. I don't know of the admin password or anything, but I do know how to run a command line.
So here's what I am stuck on:
When I click install, it asks me for my username and password (which I don't know).
I want to install this via single-user mode (Cmd+S on Startup), which I accepted the license using it.
Do you guys know how I could achieve this?
At least on Xcode 9.2, you could use:
sudo xcodebuild -runFirstLaunch
to accept the agreement and install additional components.
Resolved this issue using the below commands, it is on OS El Capitan and Xcode beta 7.2
sudo /Applications/ -license accept
sudo installer -pkg /Applications/ -target /
sudo installer -pkg /Applications/ -target /
Change the path to your own, and you would need sudo(admin) access. Close your Xcode and open again.
I know this is a looooooong time after the original post, but just in case anyone else finds this (as I did) while trying to install Xcode 8.2.1 on El Capitan (10.11.6)…
I had all the same problems listed here – long delay for launch, then asking for additional tools to be installed, only to fail. The command line tools install also failed. I tried the various command line solutions listed, but none worked.
However, upon checking the log I saw that I was getting errors with certificates. On a hunch, I decided to put the system clock back to 20 December 2016 - voila, installs work like magic.
Put the clock back to today (30 October 2019) and still seems to work.
The commandline way to install required components is:
/Applications/ -installComponents
Here's what I ended up doing.
I went into recovery mode (CMD+R on startup), then to Terminal. I typed in
which then brought up a dialog of where I can select the user and set the password.
I then set the root password. Now when I can enter an admin password, I type in "root" and the password I set.
I got Xcode to load finally!
Xcode 5.1.1 have a new argument:
> xcode -installComponents

Unknown error when creating packages with pkgbuild

I followed several tutorials-which all appeared to say the same thing-on how to create deployable flat-packages (.pkg) using the OS X system provided pkgbuild tool. The packages was always generated just fine. They did, however, not want to be installed.
Running the graphical Apple Installer or the command line interface installer aborted the installation early on giving an generic “Unknown error” after prompting for higher permissions.
Hours later after closer investigation I discovered that I could not install other packages either. Not even updates and new installations from the OS X App Store. Why could I not install my own nor any other packages? What was going on?
The installer daemon service itself is unresponsive. Force quit the installed program from from the Activity Monitor, or from the command line with sudo killall installd.

CMake 2.8.10 installation for mac os x fails creating symlinks

I am updating Cmake in my Mac Book pro with OS X Lion 10.7.5. The old version of Cmake is 2.8.8 and the new one is 2.8.10. When I run almost to the end of the installation process, the installer prompts
for creating a Symlink to /usr/bin of several tools. After click on continue, the installer throws an exception telling that couldn't create symlinks. Previously of the process, I've moved to trash the old version of Cmake and then using finder I got nothing more files of Cmake on the machine. Any idea how Can I complete the installation succesfully?
In my case, attempting to install cmake 2.8.12 on OSX 10.8.5 failed. The cmake- installer downloaded directly from would hang while running the post install scripts. I found and removed all the symlinks described by willyMon, but it still would hang, requiring me to resort to ps + kill to unhang the installer.
For me, installing via brew did the trick:
brew install cmake
It installed in /usr/local/bin without a hitch.
Opening the Applications folder in a terminal
cd /
cd Applications/
then doing:
sudo bash
Then run from the CMake GUI:
"Tools->Install For Command Line Use"
works OK for me.
Ok, after looking in deep for this error, I found that I missed some simple detail and this was the key to solve the problem. The Cpack installer of Cmake try to create symbolic links to this files:
So, from a terminal I've removed all the previous Symlinks that the older version created, then I ran the installer again and the installation was done succesfully without any errors or warnings.
