Brew install on Mojave - macos

I did these steps:
Updated to Mojave
Installed Xcode 10 beta3
Ran this command: sudo xcode-select -switch /Applications/
Now I'm trying to install node8:
brew install node#8
And it gives me this error:
Error: The Command Line Tools header package must be installed on Mojave.
The installer is located at: /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/Packages/macOS_SDK_headers_for_macOS_10.14.pkg
Still, doing
install -pkg /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/Packages/macOS_SDK_headers_for_macOS_10.14.pkg
does nothing, since there's no such file in my system. Where could I get it?

Go to /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/Packages/macOS_SDK_headers_for_macOS_10.14.pkg location and install package manually. And brew will start working.

I want to try and answer this question and also for those that come later that installed Mojave and had an older Xcode version installed. The process is the same minus that if you have Xcode 10, you don't need to install it again from my understanding.
The folder is hidden and was not accessible even with a sudo find command, however, I figured out that copying the absolute path and then pasting it in your browser address bar will give you the download and access to the folder that you need to fix brew install.
I posted a video here- that walks you thru part of my steps above. After you do the SDK headers download, its likely that unless you already are running Xcode 9.4, you will need to visit, and look for Xcode 9.4 to install. Also grab the 10.14 command line tools as well. The lesson that should be learned here is that Apple calls it "Beta" for a reason and if you are a developer that knows the pains of setup, it is a bad idea. I hope that I was helpful! The last thing is, INSTALL XCODE THEN COMMAND LINE TOOLS-IN THAT ORDER OR IT ERRORS OUT! and then we do this all over again. Cheers!
It appears as though Apple has released a patch for the bug and it is available through the system preferences. 14 July 2018
Broken command line tools:
Xcode Location on the Apple developers website:
Location of command line tools:
Do not install Xcode from the Mac App Store because a different version is required!
Command line tools 10.14 update:

As of October 2018, the solution for making brew and brew install succeed is to:
install latest Xcode fom AppStore
run Xcode and install command line tools
add the line before to your profile or somethign similar
export CFLAGS="-I/usr/local/include -L/usr/local/lib -I$(brew --prefix openssl)/include -I$(xcrun --show-sdk-path)/usr/include"
No need to download Xcode manually, but you may want to remove the beta version if you installed it.
The magic part is at the end, where xcrun obtains the correct location of the SDK.

In terminal, you should first input the commands below
cd /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/Packages
open .
you will open the directory on desktop,
then double click the pkg file to install it.


Installing Xcode command line tools

I performed a fresh install of macOS Mojave 10.14. Immediately after that I installed Xcode Version 10.0 (10A255) from the Mac App Store.
Now, I wish to install Homebrew which requires Xcode command line tools to be installed. My understanding is that installing Xcode also installs the command line tools. Or not?
As per this answer, I checked if the command line tools are installed by running:
xcode-select -p
which printed the path for the Developer directory as follows:
As suggested in the answer, I also verified the return value by running:
echo $?
which retuned 0.
I also ran, gcc and make and bash was able to locate and execute them.
Thus far I am convinced that the Xcode command line tools are installed. Now when I execute:
xcode-select --install
I get this alert:
What's the probable reason for this disparity? Will this install Xcode command line tools twice? Or overwrite the existing installation?
As I understand, Xcode command line tools can be installed without installing Xcode. Also, from my previous experience, if the command line tools aren't installed separately from Xcode (by running xcode-select --install), they are not detected by Homebrew, i.e. when running brew config, the value for CLT: is shown as N/A.
Here's the complete picture (pardon the pun):
Although I am talking in context of macOS Mojave, the question remains the same with regard to previous versions of macOS.
What is the advisable approach to take here?
Note: After installing Xcode, I launched it, accepted license agreement and let it finish its run of installing additional tools (which is a one time activity).
Following worked for me, only command line tool can also me installed.
After you updated to Mojave 10.14 Go to search for "command line" then
Download "Command line tool for MacOS 10.14"
Once dmg is downloaded install the package.
Verify package installation

Xcode installing on mac

I am new to mac and I want to install Xcode. I have macOS Sierra Version 10.12.2. I found online that I have to run in terminal:
xcode-select --install
I did that but I get this:
xcode-select: error: command line tools are already installed, use "Software Update" to install updates
However, I can't find it in Application folder or with Spotlight Search and there is no Software Update to be done. Also, I found online that I have to download it from App Store and I am a bit confused. I can install it from terminal (and if so, why is it not working) or I have to download it from App Store?
Thank you!
xcode-select: error: command line tools are already installed, use
"Software Update" to install updates
It shows that your operating system has already installed xcode-select.
Finding your xcode-select. Go to Terminal and type
xcode-select --print-path
It shall return the location of your xcode-select to you:
Xcode: develop an app for Apple products
xcode-select: command-line tool
Depending on what you want to do with Xcode, xcode-select is way smaller than it, 8.1GB vs. nothing.
2018 and I had the same issue. Installing XCODE from the App Store did not resolve this.
I Had to download the command line tools for my XCODE and Apple Version.
Searched for XCODE on that page above and picked the right version for me.
After installation of the DMG I could continue with Brew Installation.
You don't install Xcode from terminal, you have to go to in order to download the latest versions. Here's the link to save you some time:
Link to Xcode
Plus the version available depends on what Mac Osx version you have.
Was having the same issue after some system update, cannot even run things like make install.
verify your path by xcode-select --print-path, which might be /Applications/ to be updated at last)
go to apple develper site, login, search command line tools, download the latest dmg, install. (better option than the 10+GB Xcode)
now update the path in step 1 by running sudo xcode-select --switch /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools.
verify again by running the xcode-select --print-path.
Now it should be good to go.

How to continue using Git on mac after uninstalling Xcode (with Android Studio)?

I have installed Git on my Mac. When I do a "whereis" in my terminal the route is:
I use Android Studio and the GitHub desktop client and had no problems so far.
Previously I had installed Xcode, but I uninstalled it a week ago. Since then, Android Studio does not detect Git, I get the following error:
xcrun: error: active developer path
("/Volumes/Vega/Applications/") does not
exist, use xcode-select --switch path/to/ to specify the
Xcode that you wish to use for command line developer tools (or see
man xcode-select)
Android Studio shows the same executable path to Git
indicating the terminal (/usr/bin/git), but when I click on the "test" button it displays the same error.
I do not handle very well Git from the terminal, always use the desktop client.
What do I have to do to continue using Git on my Android studio (or anywhere) now that I uninstalled Xcode?
I searched for information but I can not fix it.
If commands sudo xcode-select --reset and xcode-select --install does not work for you and you dont want to install xcode then just reinstall git manually via brew:
brew reinstall git
And open new terminal session
Worked for me
sudo xcode-select --reset
Will reset your paths to the defaults if the command line tools are already installed.
You should install the Xcode command line tools at the very least. If you're not a registered Apple Developer, however, I'm not sure how to get hold of them if Xcode is not installed. If you are a registered Apple Developer, you can get them from the Apple Developer Download site. It' probably best to re-install Xcode and you will get them as a system update.
That will give you a minimal development environment, and if you need additional tools/libraries you can build them via Macports with the command line tools installed.
Try this :
xcode-select --install

How can I find out if I have Xcode commandline tools installed?

I need to use gdb.
ps-MacBook-Air:AcoustoExport pi$ gdb
-bash: gdb: command not found
ps-MacBook-Air:AcoustoExport pi$ sudo find / -iname "*gdb*"
ps-MacBook-Air:AcoustoExport pi$ ls -la /usr/local/share/gdb
lrwxr-xr-x 1 pi admin 30 14 Jan 22:01 gdb -> ../Cellar/isl/0.12.1/share/gdb
Not quite sure what to make this, clearly it is something installed by homebrew. I don't know why it's there, I don't know whether I could use it instead. It isn't in the search path.
So I figure I need Xcode commandline tools.
Xcode is not currently available from the Software Update server
^ my current problem exactly. Comment on that question says "you can get this error if you have them already"
But how do I check whether I have them already?
/usr/bin/xcodebuild -version
will give you the xcode version, run it via Terminal command
This command allows you to retrieve Xcode version when having only the CommandLineTools version installed:
pkgutil | grep version
As per this answer to "Determine xcode command line tools version" on Ask Different
Confirmed working on maxOS Sierra and Big Sur.
When only CommandLineTools is install without Xcode, using xcodebuild returns the following error:
# /usr/bin/xcodebuild -version
xcode-select: error: tool 'xcodebuild' requires Xcode, but active developer directory '/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools' is a command line tools instance
First of all, be sure that you have downloaded it or not. Open up your terminal application, and enter $ gcc if you have not installed it you will get an alert. You can verify that you have installed it by
$ xcode-select -p
And to be sure then enter $ gcc --version
You can read more about the process here: Xcode command line tools for Mavericks
if you want to know the install version of Xcode as well as Swift
language current version:
Use below simple command by using Terminal:
1. To get install Xcode Version
xcodebuild -version
2. To get install Swift language Version
swift --version
Thanks to the folks on Freenode's #macdev, here is some information:
In the old days before Xcode was on the app-store, it included commandline tools.
Now you get it from the store, and with this new mechanism it can't install extra things outside of the, so you have to manually do it yourself, by:
xcode-select --install
On Xcode 4.x you can check to see if they are installed from within the Xcode
On Xcode 5.x it is now here:
My problem of finding gcc/gdb is that they have been superseded by clang/lldb: GDB missing in OS X v10.9 (Mavericks)
Also note that Xcode contains compiler and debugger, so one of the things installing commandline tools will do is symlink or modify $PATH. It also downloads certain things like git.
If for some reason xcode is not installed under
execute the following command
which xcodebuild
and if it is installed, you'll be prompted with it's location.
I had XCode Commandline Tools installed for sure, but not XCode itself.
None of the available answers to get the version worked. pkgutil didn't give me the package of the XCode Commandline Tools, with none of the suggested package names.
Not having XCode installed (and having no need for it), I could not look in settings dialogs of that either.
xcode-select --version only gave me the version of xcode-select itself, with no clue as to the commandline tools version.
softwareupdate --list told me everything was up to date.
However I knew that my version must be out of date as the installer for one of homebrew packages told me so!
How I finally found out what version of the XCode Commandline Tools is installed I stumbled upon the command:
softwareupdate --history
Which listed 12.3 as the last version it updated...
Display Name Version Date
------------ ------- ----
Safari 14.0 04/11/2020, 12:26:12
Command Line Tools for Xcode 12.1 04/11/2020, 22:38:33
Safari 14.0.2 15/12/2020, 16:38:27
Safari 14.0.1 15/12/2020, 16:38:27
Command Line Tools for Xcode 12.3 15/12/2020, 16:38:27
macOS Big Sur 11.2.1 14/02/2021, 20:57:56
macOS Big Sur 11.2.2 11.2.2 08/03/2021, 09:02:20
So when you know for sure the commandline tools are installed (because, for instance, xcode-select --install tells you so) but none of the other methods works, check softwareupdate --history!
You can open the Xcode app and go to preferences, the last line shows you if you have tools installed, which tools and lets you change them from the drop-down:
If you have installed Xcode but haven't set the Xcode version. then you will be getting this error. To resolve
Xcode-> preferences -> Locations -> command line Tools -> Select the Xcode version
One can have multiple installations of Xcode and multiple installations of Command Line Tools. This is where the system thinks your CLT are
xcode-select --print-path
Options to select Command Line Tools is in Xcode > Preferences > Locations, including the path for each. I found that brew complains about Xcode or Command Line Tools, and so following details how to install specific version of either.
brew doctor issues after upgrade MacOS
I have always used App store to install and update Xcode on my (2014) Macbook Pro but today after all updates brew doctor was still complaining about Xcode
Warning: Your Xcode (12.4) is outdated.
Please update to Xcode 13.2.1 (or delete it).
and complaining about Command Line Tools
Warning: A newer Command Line Tools release is available.
Get the specific version of Xcode
Download a specific version of Xcode as a xip from (I downloaded Xcode_13.2.1.xip)
Move Xcode_13.2.1.xip to /Applications
cd Applications
xip --expand /Applications/Xcode_13.2.1.xip
It takes a while to download, then a while longer to validate the application.
Open /Applications/
Check the CLT in XCode
Xcode> Preferences> Locations shows available CLT and the location (path) of each.
Select the appropriate Command Line Tools
Copy the path.
Go to Terminal and use the path in xcode-select
sudo xcode-select -s /Users/<username>/Applications/
Close Terminal and reopen.
The following was not specific enough:
pkgutil | grep version
But this is good to identify the version
$ /usr/bin/xcodebuild -version
Xcode 13.2.1
Build version 13C100
IF still showing an older version of CLT
sudo xcode-select --switch /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/
THEN try
Update to a specific version of CLT
First, remove the existing CLT with
sudo rm -rf /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools
Check which CLT updates available
softwareupdate --list
Software Update Tool
Finding available software
Software Update found the following new or updated software:
Label: Command Line Tools for Xcode-12.4
Title: Command Line Tools for Xcode, Version: 12.4, Size: 440392K,> Recommended: YES,
Label: Command Line Tools for Xcode-13.2
Title: Command Line Tools for Xcode, Version: 13.2, Size: 577329K,> Recommended: YES,
Label: Command Line Tools for Xcode-12.5
Title: Command Line Tools for Xcode, Version: 12.5, Size: 470966K,> Recommended: YES,
Label: Command Line Tools for Xcode-12.5
Title: Command Line Tools for Xcode, Version: 12.5, Size: 470820K,> Recommended: YES,
softwareupdate --install "Command Line Tools for Xcode-13.2"
Closed Terminal and reopen
/usr/bin/xcodebuild -version
Xcode 13.2.1
Build version 13C100
Output from:
$ xcode-select -p
And brew doctor shows
Your system is ready to brew.
For macOS catalina try this : open Xcode. if not existing. download from App store (about 11GB) then open Xcode>open developer tool>more developer tool and used my apple id to download a compatible command line tool. Then, after downloading, I opened Xcode>Preferences>Locations>Command Line Tool and selected the newly downloaded command line tool from downloads.

How to install Xcode 4.6 on Lion, needed for upgrading ruby with RVM

I was actually trying to update ruby on my OSX 10.7.5 with RVM, and after typing in the following command:
rvm install ruby
I got the following response:
Searching for binary rubies, this might take some time.
Checking requirements for osx.
Installing requirements for osx.
Updating system.......
Error running 'requirements_osx_brew_update_system ruby-2.0.0-p247',
please read /Users/username/.rvm/log/1381215459_ruby-2.0.0-p247/update_system.log
Requirements installation failed with status: 1.
Then, when I checked out the update_system.log, it showed me the actual code of a function called requirements_osx_brew_update_system(), which contained the following error message:
Xcode version older than 4.6.2 installed, download and install newer version from:
After installation open Xcode, go to Downloads and install Command Line Tools.
Then I proceeded to find an update for Xcode, but only found the latest Xcode 5.0, which is apparently incompatible with my OSX 10.7. Although ultimately my goal is to update ruby and install rails, which I'm sure there are many other ways to do, I'd still like to find out if I could possibly install Xcode 4.6.2 on my OSX 10.7.
UPDATE: Sorry folks, apparently my version of XCode is v4.6.1 so updating the command line tools will not work in all cases (I know for a fact it doesn't work if you're on XCode v4.3.3). YMMV
I ran into the same issue trying to do an rvm install. I got an error telling me that I needed XCode 4.6.2 or later.
Turns out all it needed was the latest version of the XCode command line tools. I followed the instructions for upgrading my command line tools from this macports article:
open the Xcode application
go to the Preferences window
open the Downloads section
click the Install button next to "Command Line Tools"
After doing this I was able to run my rvm install command and it didn't complain about upgrading XCode anymore (and finished successfully).
It seems you're going to have to install under Xcode 5. So go to and log in with your developer ID to get to the older versions. There should be a 4.6.3 that you could potentially download, or even 4.6.2.
Or you could upgrade your OSX to 10.8.
Whichever you prefer.
I can't give you a direct link to it, since you need your developer information to log in yourself. But all the downloads you need are in the link provided above once you log in.
Open xcode and update it via the app store.
xcode-select --install
This will install xcode via the command line
