ExtJS4 modularization with stand-alone controllers? - model-view-controller

I'm trying to split an ExtJS4 application into modules.
- app
- store
- controller
- model
- view
- module
- m1
- model
- view
- controller
- m2
- model
- ...
The problem is, when I start the application and it inits one of the m1 controllers, the controller has no this.control() function.
-- edit --
I defined a class inside of the controller folder.
Ext.define( 'App.module.ping.controller.Ping', {
extend: 'Ext.app.Controller',
requires: [
init: function() {
this.control( {
'#app.module.ping': {
render: this.onPanelRendered
} );
onPanelRendered: function() {
} );
Later I call
but I get this error:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method 'control' of undefined
(anonymous function)app.js:17
(anonymous function)app.js:35
Module.js is the file with the create() call
Ping.js is the file with the define() call
-- edit2 --
Pathological example:
Ext.define( 'MyController', {
extend: 'Ext.app.Controller',
init: function() { console.log('initialized'); }
function constructor() {
return this.constructor.apply(this, arguments);
-- edit3 --
The controllers require the application object in the config object when created. The application object adds itself to all the controllers, which are not manually created with create. It calls something like this:
Ext.create('App.controller.Users', { application: this, ... } );
Later it uses the application object to redirect the control call to it.
control: function ( config ) { this.application.control( config ) };
So I'm probably gonna implement some mechanism, which adds the application to those controllers automatically, when I create them.

Have you tried
var pingController = Application.getController('App.module.ping.controller.Ping');
pingController.init(); //or pingController.init(Application);
where Application is a reference to the object created during Ext.application.launch - such as
var Application = {};
//all of your settings,
Application = this;
//other launch code

To anyone else who comes here searching for a solution to:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method 'control' of undefined
Day long frustration aside, the above answer did not solve my problem, but lead me to try the following, which did fix the issue:
// app.js
launch: function(){
var me = this;
// inside controller/ControllerName.js
init: function(app){
var me = this;
'#editButton': {
click: function(){
That app variable is the same as the "var Application = {}" that's in the chosen answer for the question -- meaning I didn't need to add it globally (or at all). I must've tried a million different things, but this finally worked. Hope it saves someone else.

Don't need to call init() manually. Just call Ext.create and constructor will be called automatically.


How can i override placeOrder() action in Magento 2

I'm newbie in Magento. My shop should work with a web service. I have to check availability of products from web service before magento creates a new order. And after creating order successful i have to send the orderId back to web service. All this actions should be execute when a customer confirm a button "place order".
In a picture you see an "Place Order". I not sure how Magento does create a new order. I assume that an action placeOrder() will be call. My aim is to put a method checkAvailability() before this action and and method sendOrderId() after this action. checkAvailability() and SendOrderId() are the methods from webservice.
Has somebody an idea, how and where can i do that?
Sorry about bad english. Thank you
If you need to overwrite a function instead a class method (I used to overwrite Magento_Checkout/js/action/place-order).
var config = {
config: {
mixins: {
'Magento_Checkout/js/action/place-order': {
'My_Module/js/action/place-order': true
define(['mage/utils/wrapper'], function (wrapper) {
'use strict';
return function (placeOrderAction) {
return wrapper.wrap(placeOrderAction, function (originalAction, paymentData, redirectOnSuccess) {
// my own code here
return originalAction(paymentData, redirectOnSuccess);
For your requirement, you need to used this event.
Used this event observer to check checkAvailability()
Used this event observer to used SendOrderId()
I had a similar case. I needed to override placeOrder action that was announced in third part module (Amasty_Checkout).
So, my solution was to create mixin in my theme.
1) Announce the mixin in theme with myTheme/Amasty_Checkout/requirejs-config.js:
var config = {
config: {
mixins: {
'Amasty_Checkout/js/view/onepage': {
'Amasty_Checkout/js/view/onepage-extend': true
2) Add mixin myTheme/Amasty_Checkout/web/js/view/onepage-extend.js with code:
function (
) {
'use strict';
var mixin = {
placeOrder: function () {
// Here you put your extended code
return function (target) { // target == Result that Magento_Ui/.../default returns.
return target.extend(mixin); // new result that all other modules receive
Note that in my case I copied all content in define[...] section from original module script ('Amasty_Checkout/js/view/onepage') that I needed to override.
Here is the resource that helped me with my solution https://github.com/magento/magento2/issues/1864#issuecomment-141112927
I hope this will help someone save time.

Ember 2.5 observe session property changes

I've monkey-patched my router to store the current route components in a session variable:
var Router = Ember.Router.extend({
customSession: Ember.inject.service('session-custom'),
location: config.locationType,
didTransition: function() {
this.get('customSession').set('currentEntity', this.get('currentRouteName').split('.')[0]);
this.get('customSession').set('currentDetailView', this.get('currentRouteName').split('.')[1]);
I know that this is not the cleanest of solutions, but writing the session to the console proves that at least those parameters are set.
In my controller, I'd like to listen for changes in these parameters, but somehow this does not work:
import Ember from 'ember';
import ApplicationController from './application';
export default ApplicationController.extend({
customSession: Ember.inject.service('session-custom'),
currentRouteNameChanged: Ember.observer('customSession.currentEntity', function () {
console.log("route changed");
i.e. "route changed" is never printed to the console.
This seems quite an easy fix, but I haven't been able to find a solution on SO.
Perhaps consider using an initializer to inject your session-custom service into your application’s controllers. To get there, some suggestions…
First, in the Router, and elsewhere, use the conventional, camelized short-hand to inject your service, like this:
sessionCustom: Ember.inject.service(),
...and be sure to reference sessionCustom in your code, instead of customSession.
Next, create a session-custom initializer, and inject the service into your application’s controllers:
export function initialize(application) {
application.inject('controller', 'sessionCustom', 'service:session-custom');
export default {
name: 'session-custom',
Observing route changes from the controller should now be successful:
export default Ember.Controller.extend({
currentRouteNameChanged: Ember.observer(
'sessionCustom.currentEntity', function() {
console.log("CONTROLLER: ", this.get('sessionCustom.currentEntity'));
These changes, of course, can also be observed from the service itself:
export default Ember.Service.extend({
currentEntity: '', // <-- it's helpful to explicitly declare
currentRouteNameChanged: Ember.observer(
'currentEntity', function() {
console.log("SERVICE: ", this.get('currentEntity'));
I’ve created an Ember Twiddle to demonstrate this solution.

Angularjs caches ajax data into a service

I have such a simple scenario,
App starts from Main View (/main), then click top right button to Sub View (/sub).
During app launching app.run(), user's profile will be loaded into a service userService, once if user went to Sub View, this profile will be read from that service userService then display, here is the code,
app.run(function($http, $rootScope, userService){
app.service('userService', function(){
var user = {}
user.profile = profile;
return user.profile;
In Sub View, getProfile() was invoked to display the info.
It works if user start from Main View -> button -> Sub View, however, if user manually refreshed Sub View or just start from Sub View, getProfile() will get nothing to display,I know that's because before the promise of getting profile returned, Sub View had been proceed.
I don't like to read profile from Sub View directly and dynamically because I have other pages need profile info as well, so is there any workaround or better design? thanks.
Instead of using app.run you should probably utilize your route provider for this. Whether you use ngRoute or ui-router they both have resolve functionality. Instead of getting your profile in app.run you should probably move that to userService as well.
app.service('userService', function(){
var self = this;
self.user = {};
self.getProfile = function() {
return self.user.profile;
self.init = function() {
return $http.get('/profile').then(function(result){
self.user.profile = result.data.profile;
Now that your service is more factory like, you can utilize the initialization of it in the route provider. I use ui-router but this can easily be applied to ngRoute as well.
I start by creating an abstract state that handles the resolve which I can than 'import' in whichever other states I need.
.state('init', {
abstract: true,
resolve: ['userService', function(userService) {
return userService.init();
Now I just use it in other states and I can assure that the userService is initialized.
.state('subView', {
parent: 'init',
url: '/subView'
//other state stuff like template, controller, etc
The way I've worked around that is add the relevant data to $window.sessionStorage, roughly like this (you'll need to make $window available):
app.service('userService', function(){
var user = {}
if ($window.sessionStorage.profile)
this.user.profile = JSON.parse($window.sessionStorage.profile)
user.profile = profile;
this.$window.sessionStorage.profile = JSON.stringify(profile)
return user.profile;

Using a ui-router resolve to wait for a google map to load

I'm trying to load a google map before loading the dashboard state. Seems like the perfect use for a ui-router resolve.
Unfortunately, the uiGmapIsReady promise is never resolving.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
state('app.dashboard', {
url: '/dashboard',
templateUrl: 'partials/dashboard.html',
controller: 'dashCtrl',
data: {
authorizedRoles: [USER_ROLES.all]
resolve: {
getGoogleMap: function(MapService){
return MapService.getMap();
.factory('MapService', function(uiGmapIsReady, $q) {
var obj = {};
//returns a promise that is resolved only after the google map object created by angular-google-maps is loaded
obj.getMap = function(){
var deferred = $q.defer();
return deferred.promise;
return obj;
The controller that was waiting on the resolve was also the controller that establishes the scope variables needed by angular-google-maps to draw the map. That caused this: resolve cause the controller to not get called --> map never gets drawn because it is waiting on the controller to set some scope objects--> resolve that is waiting for map to be drawn never triggers --> controller never gets called

Backbone.js : change not firing on model.change()

I'm facing a "change event not firing" issue on Backbone.js =/
Here my view of User model :
window.UserView = Backbone.View.extend({
initialize: function()
this.model.on('destroy', this.remove, this);
this.model.on('change', function()
render: function(selected)
var view = this.template(this.model.toJSON());
return this;
transfer: function(e)
var cas = listofcas;
var transferTo = Users.getByCid('c1');
var transferToCas = transferTo.get('cas');
this.model.set('cas', cas);
console.log('current model');
console.log('trigger change');
transferTo.set('cas', transferToCas);
console.log('transferto model');
console.log('trigger change');
Here, the User model :
window.User = Backbone.Model.extend({
urlRoot: $('#pilote-manager-app').attr('data-src'),
initialize: function()
this.set('rand', 1);
this.set('specialite', this.get('sfGuardUser').specialite);
this.set('name', this.get('sfGuardUser').first_name + ' ' + this.get('sfGuardUser').last_name);
this.set('userid', this.get('sfGuardUser').id);
this.set('avatarsrc', this.get('sfGuardUser').avatarsrc);
this.set('cas', new Array());
if (undefined != this.get('sfGuardUser').SignalisationBouclePorteur) {
var cas = new Array();
_.each(this.get('sfGuardUser').SignalisationBouclePorteur, function(value)
this.set('cas', cas);
In User model, there is "cas" attribute, which is an array of objects.
I read in others topics that change events are not fire on model.set if attributes are not a value.
So, I try to trigger directly the change event with model.change() method.
But, I have no "foo" log in my console ...
I'm pretty new to backbone and I was having this same problem.
After doing some research, I found a few posts that shed a little bit more light on why this was happening, and eventually things started to make sense:
Question 1
Question 2
The core reason has to do with the notion of reference equality versus set/member equality. It appears that to a large extent, reference equality is one of the primary techniques backbone uses to figure out when an attribute has changed.
I find that if I use techniques that generate a new reference like Array.slice() or _.clone(), the change event is recognized.
So for example, the following code does not trigger the event because I'm altering the same array reference:
this.collection.each(function (caseFileModel) {
var labelArray = caseFileModel.get("labels");
labelArray.push({ Key: 1, DisplayValue: messageData });
caseFileModel.set({ "labels": labelArray });
While this code does trigger the event:
this.collection.each(function (caseFileModel) {
var labelArray = _.clone(caseFileModel.get("labels")); // The clone() call ensures we get a new array reference - a requirement for the change event
labelArray.push({ Key: 1, DisplayValue: messageData });
caseFileModel.set({ "labels": labelArray });
NOTE: According to the Underscore API, _.clone() copies certain nested items by reference. The root/parent object is cloned though, so it will work fine for backbone. That is, if your array is very simple and does not have nested structures e.g. [1, 2, 3].
While my improved code above triggered the change event, the following did not because my array contained nested objects:
var labelArray = _.clone(this.model.get("labels"));
_.each(labelArray, function (label) {
label.isSelected = (_.isEqual(label, selectedLabel));
this.model.set({ "labels": labelArray });
Now why does this matter? After debugging very carefully, I noticed that in my iterator I was referencing the same object reference backbone was storing. In other words, I had inadvertently reached into the innards of my model and flipped a bit. When I called setLabels(), backbone correctly recognized that nothing changed because it already knew I flipped that bit.
After looking around some more, people seem to generally say that deep copy operations in javascript are a real pain - nothing built-in to do it. So I did this, which worked fine for me - general applicability may vary:
var labelArray = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.model.get("labels")));
_.each(labelArray, function (label) {
label.isSelected = (_.isEqual(label, selectedLabel));
this.model.set({ "labels": labelArray });
Interesting. I would have thought that .set({cas:someArray}) would have fired off a change event. Like you said, it doesn't seem to, and I can't get it to fire with .change() BUT, I can get the events to work if I just do model.trigger('change') or model.trigger('change:attribute')
This would allow you to trigger the change event without that random attribute hack.
If someone could explain what is going on with events, Backbone, and this code, that would help me learn something too... Here is some code.
Ship = Backbone.Model.extend({
defaults: {
cas: new Array()
initialize: function() {
this.on('change:cas', this.notify, this);
this.on('change', this.notifyGeneral, this);
notify: function() {
console.log('cas changed');
notifyGeneral: function() {
console.log('general change');
myShip = new Ship();
myShip.set('cas',new Array());
// No event fired off
myShip.set({cas: [1,2,3]}); // <- Why? Compared to next "Why?", why does this work?
// cas changed
// general change
myArray = new Array();
myShip.set({cas:myArray}); // <- Why?
// No event fired off
// Array[3] is definitely there
// No event fired off
The interesting part that might help you:
// general change
// cas changed
I find this interesting and I hope this answer will also spawn some insightful explanation in comments which I don't have.
