Backbone.js : change not firing on model.change() - events

I'm facing a "change event not firing" issue on Backbone.js =/
Here my view of User model :
window.UserView = Backbone.View.extend({
initialize: function()
this.model.on('destroy', this.remove, this);
this.model.on('change', function()
render: function(selected)
var view = this.template(this.model.toJSON());
return this;
transfer: function(e)
var cas = listofcas;
var transferTo = Users.getByCid('c1');
var transferToCas = transferTo.get('cas');
this.model.set('cas', cas);
console.log('current model');
console.log('trigger change');
transferTo.set('cas', transferToCas);
console.log('transferto model');
console.log('trigger change');
Here, the User model :
window.User = Backbone.Model.extend({
urlRoot: $('#pilote-manager-app').attr('data-src'),
initialize: function()
this.set('rand', 1);
this.set('specialite', this.get('sfGuardUser').specialite);
this.set('name', this.get('sfGuardUser').first_name + ' ' + this.get('sfGuardUser').last_name);
this.set('userid', this.get('sfGuardUser').id);
this.set('avatarsrc', this.get('sfGuardUser').avatarsrc);
this.set('cas', new Array());
if (undefined != this.get('sfGuardUser').SignalisationBouclePorteur) {
var cas = new Array();
_.each(this.get('sfGuardUser').SignalisationBouclePorteur, function(value)
this.set('cas', cas);
In User model, there is "cas" attribute, which is an array of objects.
I read in others topics that change events are not fire on model.set if attributes are not a value.
So, I try to trigger directly the change event with model.change() method.
But, I have no "foo" log in my console ...

I'm pretty new to backbone and I was having this same problem.
After doing some research, I found a few posts that shed a little bit more light on why this was happening, and eventually things started to make sense:
Question 1
Question 2
The core reason has to do with the notion of reference equality versus set/member equality. It appears that to a large extent, reference equality is one of the primary techniques backbone uses to figure out when an attribute has changed.
I find that if I use techniques that generate a new reference like Array.slice() or _.clone(), the change event is recognized.
So for example, the following code does not trigger the event because I'm altering the same array reference:
this.collection.each(function (caseFileModel) {
var labelArray = caseFileModel.get("labels");
labelArray.push({ Key: 1, DisplayValue: messageData });
caseFileModel.set({ "labels": labelArray });
While this code does trigger the event:
this.collection.each(function (caseFileModel) {
var labelArray = _.clone(caseFileModel.get("labels")); // The clone() call ensures we get a new array reference - a requirement for the change event
labelArray.push({ Key: 1, DisplayValue: messageData });
caseFileModel.set({ "labels": labelArray });
NOTE: According to the Underscore API, _.clone() copies certain nested items by reference. The root/parent object is cloned though, so it will work fine for backbone. That is, if your array is very simple and does not have nested structures e.g. [1, 2, 3].
While my improved code above triggered the change event, the following did not because my array contained nested objects:
var labelArray = _.clone(this.model.get("labels"));
_.each(labelArray, function (label) {
label.isSelected = (_.isEqual(label, selectedLabel));
this.model.set({ "labels": labelArray });
Now why does this matter? After debugging very carefully, I noticed that in my iterator I was referencing the same object reference backbone was storing. In other words, I had inadvertently reached into the innards of my model and flipped a bit. When I called setLabels(), backbone correctly recognized that nothing changed because it already knew I flipped that bit.
After looking around some more, people seem to generally say that deep copy operations in javascript are a real pain - nothing built-in to do it. So I did this, which worked fine for me - general applicability may vary:
var labelArray = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.model.get("labels")));
_.each(labelArray, function (label) {
label.isSelected = (_.isEqual(label, selectedLabel));
this.model.set({ "labels": labelArray });

Interesting. I would have thought that .set({cas:someArray}) would have fired off a change event. Like you said, it doesn't seem to, and I can't get it to fire with .change() BUT, I can get the events to work if I just do model.trigger('change') or model.trigger('change:attribute')
This would allow you to trigger the change event without that random attribute hack.
If someone could explain what is going on with events, Backbone, and this code, that would help me learn something too... Here is some code.
Ship = Backbone.Model.extend({
defaults: {
cas: new Array()
initialize: function() {
this.on('change:cas', this.notify, this);
this.on('change', this.notifyGeneral, this);
notify: function() {
console.log('cas changed');
notifyGeneral: function() {
console.log('general change');
myShip = new Ship();
myShip.set('cas',new Array());
// No event fired off
myShip.set({cas: [1,2,3]}); // <- Why? Compared to next "Why?", why does this work?
// cas changed
// general change
myArray = new Array();
myShip.set({cas:myArray}); // <- Why?
// No event fired off
// Array[3] is definitely there
// No event fired off
The interesting part that might help you:
// general change
// cas changed
I find this interesting and I hope this answer will also spawn some insightful explanation in comments which I don't have.


unable to pull data from

trying to implement options page for a firefox addon/extension version 64.0. I am using to store data. but when I use to pull the data, the result is <unavailable> on the console log.
the following is the function i run in my options.js file (i entered njnj on the form field gateway and hit the submit button)
function saveOptions(e) {
console.log("you are here")
"gateway": document.querySelector("#gateway").value });
document.querySelector("form").addEventListener("submit", saveOptions);
my actual output in the console log is as follows :
you are here options.js:4:3
njnj options.js:5:3
<unavailable> options.js:8:3
ok so I did figure out partly why the above code is not working. the problem is that returns a 'promise' in javascript (I dont actually know what it means yet). So you have to have a code that will actually retrieve the answer/saved value from this 'promise'. I will give you an example on how to retrieve the value:
// first save a key value pair into storage{"key": 'value'})
// to retrieve this value, first declare a new variable
var savedvalue = "zero"
// retrieve the 'promise' of key value pair, then run the associated function to get
//the savedvalue and set it equal to previously declared variable.['key'], function(result) {savedvalue = result.key});
// now, when you call savedvalue (even outside the function above), it will return 'value'
output>> value
You could use async function and await, like this
async function saveOptions(e) {
{ "gateway": document.querySelector("#gateway").value }
document.querySelector("form").addEventListener("submit", async saveOptions);
You don't need to pass the 'e' to the function, you're not doing anything with it.
You could also refactor it this way, if the mood took you
document.querySelector("form").addEventListener( "submit", async ()=> {
{ "gateway": document.querySelector("#gateway").value }
The question is really about how to get/handle the value of a Promise in async Javascript (which the method is).'gateway').then(
function (result) {
// code goes here
}).catch(function (error) {
// error code
see How can I access the value of a promise?

Vue.js: How to pass in data that isn't a parent / access vue methods?

I'm working on a simple timer app. I'm getting 3 pieces of data from the server: timers, projects and users. I believe I'm looping through timers correctly, but I'm not sure if I should be passing in data this way. I want different parts of my app to use the same dataset for users and projects in case a project name changes for example. Here's the code so far with questions embedded. I would like to do a single call for now for all the data at once.
Vue.component('sidebar-timer', {
props: ['timer','projects','users'],
computed: {
project: function () {
return this.projects[this.timer.project_id.toString()];
user: function () {
return this.users[this.timer.user_id.toString()];
template: '<li class="project-item"><div class="timer-proj-name"> #{{ }}</div><div class="timer-name"> #{{ }}</div> <button class="timer-start-btn">Start</button><div class="timer-duration">#{{ timer.duration }}</div><div class="timer-status">#{{ timer.status }}</div><div id="toggle-timer-notes"><div class="timer-task"> #{{ timer.notes }}</div><div>timer id: #{{ }}<input :value=""></li></div>',
var TimerSidebar = Vue.extend({
methods: {
updateData: function () { // GET DATA FROM THE SERVER
var self = this;
$.get('/timers/getJson', function(response){
var userObj = response.users;
var projectObj = response.projects;
var timerObj = response.timers;
var timerArr = Object.keys(timerObj).map(function (key) {return timerObj[key]; });
/***** IS THERE A WAY TO SET projects AND users AT A LEVEL OUTSIDE OF TimerSidebar? *****/
self.$set(self, 'users', userObj);
self.$set(self, 'projects', projectObj);
self.$set(self, 'timers', timerArr);
var timerSidebar = new TimerSidebar({
el: '#timer-sidebar',
data: {
timers: [],
projects: [],
users: []
methods: {
updateTimers: function(){ // ADD TIME RECORD FROM CLICK EVENT
var newTimers = this.timers;
newTimers.push({id: 166, project_id: 123, user_id: 1});
newTimers.sort(function(timer1, timer2){
if( >{
return 1;
} else if( <{
return -1;
} else {
return 0;
this.timers = newTimers;
This is the standard case when you should be going for a centralised state management. As you have data which is going to be used by multiple components, If the data flow is just limited to one way: parent to child, it can be manageable, but as soon as you get the requirement of updating the parent data when child changes it, or worse, updating the sibling data when another sibling changes it, it becomes messy.
Vue provides it own Flux like implementation, but the general practice is to go with vuex. With this, you store all your projects/users etc in vuex state, and each component can read/update from the central state. If its changed by one component, updated version is available to all components reactively. You can initiate the data in one place using actions in vuex itself.
Following is the architecture diagram:
You can have a look at my answer here on similar question and have a look at example on how to call api and save data in store.

RxJS: How would I "manually" update an Observable?

I think I must be misunderstanding something fundamental, because in my mind this should be the most basic case for an observable, but for the life of my I can't figure out how to do it from the docs.
Basically, I want to be able to do this:
// create a dummy observable, which I would update manually
var eventObservable = rx.Observable.create(function(observer){});
var observer = eventObservable.subscribe(
console.log('next: ' + x);
var my_function = function(){
//'push' adds an event to the datastream, the observer gets it and prints
// next: foo
But I have not been able to find a method like push. I'm using this for a click handler, and I know they have Observable.fromEvent for that, but I'm trying to use it with React and I'd rather be able to simply update the datastream in a callback, instead of using a completely different event handling system. So basically I want this:
$( "#target" ).click(function(e) {
The closest I got was using observer.onNext('foo'), but that didn't seem to actually work and that's called on the observer, which doesn't seem right. The observer should be the thing reacting to the data stream, not changing it, right?
Do I just not understand the observer/observable relationship?
In RX, Observer and Observable are distinct entities. An observer subscribes to an Observable. An Observable emits items to its observers by calling the observers' methods. If you need to call the observer methods outside the scope of Observable.create() you can use a Subject, which is a proxy that acts as an observer and Observable at the same time.
You can do like this:
var eventStream = new Rx.Subject();
var subscription = eventStream.subscribe(
function (x) {
console.log('Next: ' + x);
function (err) {
console.log('Error: ' + err);
function () {
var my_function = function() {'foo');
You can find more information about subjects here:
I believe Observable.create() does not take an observer as callback param but an emitter. So if you want to add a new value to your Observable try this instead:
var emitter;
var observable = Rx.Observable.create(e => emitter = e);
var observer = {
next: function(next) {
error: function(error) {
complete: function() {
//console output
Yes Subject makes it easier, providing Observable and Observer in the same object, but it's not exactly the same, as Subject allows you to subscribe multiple observers to the same observable when an observable only send data to the last subscribed observer, so use it consciously.
Here's a JsBin if you want to tinker with it.
var observer = Observable.subscribe(
console.log('next: ' +
var my_function = function(){
One of the way to update an observable.

Backbone pass object with event

Reading up on tutorials of Backbone, it seems that when the add event is fired from a collection, the item added is sent along with the event (same goes for remove). I can't find any documentation on this feature on the site and was curious if there was a way I could send an object along with my custom events. Secondly, is something like this possible in Marionette?
Each object defined by Backbone mixes in Backbone.Events which means you can trigger events with object.trigger. It is defined as
trigger object.trigger(event, [*args])
Trigger callbacks for the given event, or space-delimited list of events. Subsequent arguments
to trigger will be passed along to the event callbacks.
You just have to pass additional arguments to get them in your callbacks.
For example,
var m = new Backbone.Model();
m.on('custom', function(more) {
m.trigger('custom', 'more info');
will log more info
See for a demo
You would trigger an event with a reference to the object to emulate the behavior of backbone :
var m = new Backbone.Model();
m.on('custom', function(model, more) {
m.trigger('custom', m, 'more info');
And in a derived model:
var M = Backbone.Model.extend({
custom: function() {
this.trigger('custom', this);
var m = new M();
m.on('custom', function(model, more) {
Yes of course, you can use Backbone.Event
var collection = Backbone.Collection.extend();
collection = new collection();
collection.on("message", function(message){
var model = new Backbone.Model();
model.trigger("message", "This is message");
About what types of events you can see to backbone documentation.
This is demo
Also you can use Event Aggregator from Marionette.js
An event aggregator implementation. It extends from Backbone.Events to provide the core event handling code in an object that can itself be extended and instantiated as needed.
var vent = new Backbone.Wreqr.EventAggregator();
vent.on("foo", function(){
console.log("foo event");

Backbone: how the trigger function works

I'm trying to learn Backbone by looking at an app that someone I know made together with the backbone documentation. The app has a Bucket model and a Company model (i.e. you put companies in the bucket). There's one thing in this bit that I'm unclear about, namely, how it uses the trigger method.
Backbone documentation has this to say about trigger:
trigger object.trigger(event, [*args])
Trigger callbacks for the given event, or space-delimited list of events. Subsequent arguments to trigger will be passed along to the event callbacks.
In the code I'm looking at, trigger is called like this:
this.trigger("add:companies", Companies.get(companyId));
Two questions:
The event I assume is adding a company, but at what point in the code below does that actually happen? Is it when this.set({ "companies": arr }, { silent: true }); is run or when; is run (or something else)?
If Companies.get(companyId) is the optional argument, what function is it actually passed to?
Excerpt from original code
window.Bucket = Backbone.Model.extend({
defaults: function() {
return {
companies: []
addCompany: function(companyId) {
var arr = this.get("companies");
this.set({ "companies": arr }, { silent: true });;
this.trigger("add:companies", Companies.get(companyId));
// ...
The companies property of the bucket is being updated in the addCompany method you describe. An annotated version of your example shows what's taking place:
// 1. get array of companies currently included in the bucket:
var arr = this.get("companies");
// 2. add a company to the array
// 3. replace the bucket's company list with the array,
// suppressing validation and events:
this.set({"companies": arr}, {silent: true});
// 4. save the bucket:;
trigger isn't actually affecting the model--it's just a way of letting other pieces of the application know that the company has been added. You could turn around and catch it somewhere else using on with the bucket model:
var bucket = new window.Bucket();
// do stuff
bucket.on('add:companies', function(company) {
alert('a new company has been added to the bucket.');
