Localization of the Application Title for Windows Phone 7 app - windows marketplace hickup - windows-phone-7

Basically, I followed that Microsoft provided How-to
to localize my applications title.
Worked like a charm, but now I wanted to upload my app to the windows marketplace for publishing and there my application title is shown everywhere as
#AppResLib.dll, -100
Should I just ignore it?
Will it magically work "later"?
Did I do something wrong or is it just impossible to have localized app titles in the marketplace?

Okay, with a hint from the WP7 developer forum I found out that in the WMAppManifest.xml / the entry
Title="#AppResLib.dll, -100"
will never work because the correct one has to be


Authenticate with webauthn using iphone on windows?

I have been investigating using webauthn for MFA in my company's application. It looked like a great fit when I started investigating it and I got really excited about the prospect of our users being able to use their phones as authenticators.
However, a colleague with an iPhone pointed out to me that when he tried the example application on https://webauthn.io/ he were not able to select his iPhone and there were only options to add a Android phone to his account. As many of our users he was using chrome on a Windows computer but has a iPhone 12.
To me it seems unthinkable that this scenario wouldn't be supported? Lots of users use Windows and have iOS devices. Am I missing something obvious?
The wording will change with Chrome 103 to something like „use your phone“.
It already works with an iPhone as well, though. You may need to enable Platform Authenticator Syncing, as the feature is currently only in testing. In iOS 15, turn on the Syncing Platform Authenticator switch under Settings > Developer. The Developer menu is available on your device when you set it up as a development device in Xcode.
Edit: seems like Chrome 103 still uses the "Add a new Android phone" wording :/ I already saw a screenshot somewhere teasing the change so I guess it will come rather sooner than later.

Silverlight and Windows 8 Consumer Preview working?

The Windows 8 Consumer Preview is now available. It is known that Silverlight will not run in metrostylemode, but with legacy/desktopmode it is working?
Anything unusual to keep in mind?
Are you able to access Silverlight applications?
(sorry for my bad english)
I have an medium sized SL5 LOB RIA Services app that runs OOB and it is working fine on windows 8 CP. The only thing that did not worked as I expected is that the on-screen keyboard do not show when I enter a text field. probably there is a way to p/invoke this but it would be nice if this happens by default.
I don't think there was anything new posted to that effect (but then the story was already explained in Dev Preview). It basically works the way you describe in Beta.
Apparently you can add a meta tag which causes the metro browser to prompt the user, but I have not yet tested.
Check out the following link:-

Blackberry and Windows phone 7 publishing of trivial app

We have a mobile version of our web site which works well on all mobile screen resolutions and sizes. Now, we would like to build a very simple app for Blackberry and Windows Phone 7. The app would be trivial - after you click on its icon, it opens a web browser and send you to our mobile web site. Just like a Windows OS shortcut that you place on your desktop.
Can you tell me if Blackberry and Windows Phone 7 policies allow such app be published? For example, Apple rejected us.
I can't speak for Blackberry, but Requirement 2.10 from the WP7 Application Certification Requirements:
Your application must have distinct,
substantial and legitimate content and
purpose other than merely launching a webpage.
So the answer seems to be no on the WP7 marketplace. Is there a reason you want to create an app like that anyway? On WP7, users can pin a tile to their home screen that will launch the website they've pinned. You could simply encourage users to do that on their WP7 and you'll get the same effect (except your site won't appear in the app list).
Seems this is okay for BlackBerry. See section 4.b of the App World FAQ.
Very strange. Our company has placed a similar application on Android Market and the Appstore and they have been resolved and now they available at stores. Also, I had a similar application for Windovs Phone, and it was also allowed.
P.S. Our application is not just a browser window, it has custom control panel in bottom. Also it has the communication protocol with the site - such a sending pictures from camera and phone and access to phone contacts.

WP7 Deeplink to Marketplace

Does anyone know what code to use specifically to jump from within a Windows Phone 7 application to the application's listing in the Marketplace?
Refer to the sample code for MarketplaceDetailTask here.
How to: Use Launchers for Windows Phone

Marketplace in Windows Phone 7 Emulator

I'm just wondering if there is a way to download some apps for the emulator. The thing is that we're about to start our own application and we want to make sure we're doing everything 'Windows Phone 7 Compliant'. I want to go through some apps and see what / how they do stuff; like going to the settings, animations, navigations, etc.
Chris is correct, there's no marketplace access in the emulator.
The best thing you could do to check compliance of your app is to review the UI Design Guidelines and App Certification Requirements.
Please note that, you will not able to donwload app there, but this code will help to see MarketPlace on the Emulator.
Create a Sample Console App, Add Reference to C:\Program Files (x86)\Common
Files\microsoft shared\Phone Tools\CoreCon\10.0\Bin\Microsoft.Smartdevice.Connectivity.dll 
In the main method paste following code.
DatastoreManager datastoreManager = new DatastoreManager(1033);
Platform platform = datastoreManager.GetPlatforms().Single(p => p.Name == "Windows Phone 7");
Device device = platform.GetDevices().Single(d => d.Name == "Windows Phone Emulator");
Guid appID = new Guid("{5B04B775-356B-4AA0-AAF8-6491FFEA5630}");
if (device.IsApplicationInstalled(appID))
RemoteApplication app = device.GetApplication(appID);
I got the appid by using ILSPy for Windows Phone Library.
Links which helped me.
No, you can't today. You can check out design guidelines at developer.windowsphone.com.
Windows Phone 7 devices have started appearing in the market. You should plan to get hold of one. I have done most of my Windows Phone 7 app development using the emulator. When I got my hands on a device few weeks ago, I started testing testing the apps and found a number of issues related to performance, network connectivity, etc. Therefore, it is really beneficial to test applications on a real device before submitting to the Marketplace.
Though the question was initially targeting Windows Phone 7, it might be interesting to other visitors to know that the WP8 emulator does have marketplace access.
