Load Testing in VS2010 doesn't seem to report results - visual-studio-2010

I do the following:
Create a Web Performance Test. Browse around cnn.com while the recorder records the steps.
Create a Load Test. Go through the wizard, attach the Web Perf Test created in the previous step.
Run the Load Test. It seems to run fine with all kinds of colorful statistics and I can see requests going out via TcpView utility. The screen looks like this, while running:
When it's all done, I get a blank screen without any results (see below).
Am I missing something simple?

Load Tests results need to be stored in a database. Have you configure the connection string for the sql server where the LoadTests2010 database exists?
If not, check these links to see how to create the database and configure the connection string:
How to: Create a Load Test Results Repository Using SQL
How to: Select a Load Test Results Repository


Can i have Test execution (Robot FR) statistics as custom statistics chart in teamcity statistics Tab?

i'm trying to display test results statistics in the statistics tab in Teamcity, so i will be able to see if a test is always failed (for example) via the static chart.
I'm not trying to have dashboard of the last tests executed (LINK) can't help me.
I can't use Robot Framework listeners because i use scheduletask on the remote machine to run test cases.
Any suggestions?
Solved by using the : "Providing data using the teamcity-info.xml file" here
after creating the "teamcity-info.xml" file in the root of the build, i create a custom chart with the keys : chart1Key / chart2Key (existing in the "teamcity-info.xml" file). So i will be able to see the OK/KO tests percents.
Find here the Result

Unable to get performance counters from certain servers when running load tests

I am running load tests using the built in system in Visual Studio 2010. The setup is a test controller with four agents. The tests that I am running will put load on an application server and a database server. The problem I am having is that I am unable to get values from the performance counters on the application server and the database server. I have followed the instructions on http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms404661%28v=vs.100%29.aspx and http://blogs.catapultsystems.com/tlingenfelder/archive/2009/06/18/performance-counters-timeouts-and-load-testing-with-visual-studio-2008.aspx in order to troubleshoot, but to no avail.
Using Performance Monitor (perfmon) I can connect and get values from the performance counters on the application server and database, tested from several computers. But when running the load tests, I get nothing.
I am trying to get system performance counters like CPU% and memory usage, so there are no custom counters involved.
Any hints as to what I shoud do next?
The main problem was that I was not aware of that in order to get performance data from a computer during load testing it should have a test agent (or controller) installed on it.
Install test agents and register them with the controller on all machines used for load testing (for me, the appserver and the database, those did not have test agents installed)
In the actual load test in Visual Studio, remove the appserver and database from the counter sets
Add them again
Run the test!
Seems like the old reference to the appserver and database in the load test did not work as expected, hence the need to remove and add them again.
Voila! Performance counters appears and returns values!
I have also the same problem.
The only solution I found is to remove some counters in counter sets and also increase the sampling interval (see here).
Another things that i have in my rig are Roles : agents will run tests but not collect data ; this will be done by my web server (installed a test agent on it). Please look at the link.

How to get the test outcome programmatically?

I am using the Visual Studio agents to run VS coded UI tests on a remote test server (the test agent) from my own developer machine (the test controller).
When running tests locally, I was able to access and read the TRX results file that is created once the test had completed, but I am unable to access this file on the remote test server since the TRX results file remains within the Visual Studio folder on the test controller.
The reason I want to access the results file programmatically as I have code to read the file and then to send out the result as an automated email.
So, is there any way to get the outcome of the test programmatically so that I can send out the results email automatically?
Ideally, I would be able to get access to the TRX results file from the test server but I'm not sure if this is feasible or possible.
If you run the coded ui inside of a load test, you can set it to write to the LoadTest2010 database. From there you can set up ways to get the results and trigger events as with any database.

VS2010 Load Test Failing - Cannot Open Database - NOT The Load Test Results database

Hi I have been battling with this issue all day. I have a vs2010 load test which consists of three scenarios which are composed of three different web performance tests.
Each of the web performance tests select urls from a database which is configured correctly and runs locally. However when the load test is run remotely it fails with the error:
Could not run load test 'Load Test' on agent 'AGENTSERVER'. Could not open the database 'URLSDB' requested by the login. login failed for useraccount
In an attempt to get this working the agents and controller are set to run under a domain admin account, I can login to the database through Management Studio. I've checked the connection string and can run the test locally but not remotely. Does anyone have any ideas? My next step is to set the connection string to the UrlsDB to use SQL Authentication
Finally managed to resolve it at 01:20AM. When checking the datasources of three individual tests which made up the mixes in the scenario, I found that the UI was showing that once one had been updated all three updated the connection string so that is why I was baffled as to why I was getting these errors, plus the error doesn't indicate which connection was having the issue.
So to eliminate the tests as being the issue I removed the datasource from each test and created individually named brand new datasources all till effectively pointing to the same sql server and the same database. Then I ran the tests and all performed correctly, finally!!
So the core issue was the connection strings in the underlying tests were incorrect. Will be testing the UI further to check if I was just my own error or there may actually be a bug in the UI, if I find a bug I'll report it.
Thanks to those who took the time to try to help me solve it, gutted that the issue was so minor when it had me baffled for nearly 20 hours :/
The domain admin account you are running the test from cannot connect to the database server from the agent machine.
Log into the agent and debug the database connection from there.
Please be aware that a thread blocking call inside a web test, such as this may cause issues with your load test. I recommend that you load all test url's during the test instanciation if at all possible.
Essentially minimise the database calls to as few as possible.

Cannot store load test results in a TFS 2005 results store

I've setup a results store and when I publish results of a load test, I can't view the published test details.
From the test run section of the build report I click on the published build and when I choose View Test Results Details from the Test Runs shortcut menu I get an error that the test results details cannot be viewed because the results were not stored in a results store.
I've looked for the data in the results store database and I don't anything there so the error makes sense.
I've setup a connection string to the results store in the Administer Test Controller dialog. Is this the only thing that needs to be done to get test results into the store?
The reports aren't going to be available until after the data has been copied to the data warehouse. This can typically take up to one hour to do.
See http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms404692(VS.80).aspx
