Can i have Test execution (Robot FR) statistics as custom statistics chart in teamcity statistics Tab? - continuous-integration

i'm trying to display test results statistics in the statistics tab in Teamcity, so i will be able to see if a test is always failed (for example) via the static chart.
I'm not trying to have dashboard of the last tests executed (LINK) can't help me.
I can't use Robot Framework listeners because i use scheduletask on the remote machine to run test cases.
Any suggestions?

Solved by using the : "Providing data using the teamcity-info.xml file" here
after creating the "teamcity-info.xml" file in the root of the build, i create a custom chart with the keys : chart1Key / chart2Key (existing in the "teamcity-info.xml" file). So i will be able to see the OK/KO tests percents.
Find here the Result


REG: Jmeter Test reporting framework

I am trying build a report that gives comparison of response time between selected test runs. do we have any such extension or reporting framework which will take Test Run JtL files as input and generate comparison report of different response time ?
If you have a an output csv then create a dashboard report and jmeter response graph will give you comparison results
Use this command in cmd- i think you can also use jtl in this
jmeter -g C:\Users\output.csv -o C:\Users\Report
open an html file and check Response time graph.
and if don't have consolidated csv try consolidating manually and check graph of response time.
The ready solution is BM.Sense results analysis platform
If you're trying to build your own "framework" and would like to copy paste the main logic from somewhere you can take a look at Merge Results plugin
You can put your test under Jenkins orchestration and use Performance Plugin for building performance trends charts, the comparison logic is also there and the plugin is open source
You can use Backend Listener and store the execution results to an external source like InfluxDB and then visualize/compare them using Grafana

How I can set up Jmeter to give me daily results

I've started using Jmeter to run daily performance tests, and have also just figured out how to produce an HTML dashboard.
What I need to do now is find a way to run Jmeter every day, producing an HMTL dashboard of the results, but with comparisons of the results of the last few days. This would mean adding to the data of existing files instead of creating a new HTML dashboard every day.
Can anyone help me with this?
The easiest solution is adding your JMeter test under Jenkins control.
Jenkins provides:
Flexible mechanism of scheduling a job
There is a Performance Plugin for Jenkins which automatically analyses current and previous builds and displays performance trend chart on JMeter Dashboard
Alternatively you can schedule JMeter runs using i.e. Windows Task Scheduler and compare the current run with the previous one using Merge Results plugin

JMeter aggregate report does not aggregate in non-gui mode

I have a JMeter test plan which is running two thread groups, with each thread group containing a controller and HTTP cookie manager. The controller is a custom controller, but I don't think this should affect JMeter's output.
Outside the two thread groups, I have an Aggregate Report component. Here is a screenshot of my TestPlan:
If I run the test in GUI mode, as you would expect, the Aggregate Report creates an.... aggregate report. That is, the results are aggregated on my test/sample labels, and I get one row for each test, and a range of attributes, as below:
I also have configured this Aggregate Report component to output to a file, by entering a filename in the "Filename" section, and pressing the "Configure" button and checking the attributes I'd like to be output (I've kept it simple for now with just the label, elapsed time and response code).
When I run my test from non-gui mode, this output file is the only way to view the results. However, the output file is rather useless and it does not aggregate the results, but instead gives me output similar to the usual jtl output, i.e. it doesn't aggregate the results at all. Pretty useless. Here is the top few lines of my output file, you can clearly see they are not aggregated:
So, the obvious question, am I doing something wrong here? Why is my aggregate report output not an aggregate report? Surely JMeter has a way for producing aggregate output in non-gui mode, without me adding any plug-in or extensions. For the record I need to script this process at some point, so opening a JTL in gui mode is not acceptable, I need this entire process to occur within non-gui JMeter and scripts.
The values you see in the Aggregate Report GUI are calculated from the raw data which is stored in the .jtl file.
If you need to make the process unattended, depending on metrics you need to obtain here are the options:
Since JMeter 3.0 there is a HTML Reporting Dashboard which contains some tables and charts. You can either generate a dashboard from existing results file or make it a part of your test. See Generating Reports chapter for the relevant commands.
Another way to get basic HTML report is running JMeter via Ant Task or Maven Plugin - in both cases you'll get test output like:
See Five Ways To Launch a JMeter Test without Using the JMeter GUI guide for details on configuring a JMeter test run through Ant and/or Maven. There is a number of pre-defined .xsl stylesheets in "extras" folder, you can take whatever you like and customize if needed.
You can also consider running your JMeter test via Taurus tool, it provides interactive console and web-based reporting and has few more options to export test results.

View result file in Jmeter

Need a help in jmeter. When we run jmeter from GUI mode, we can see the instant results in UI and that gets auto refreshed in milliseconds or lesser.
But when I run jmeter from command line , in non GUI mode it still creates the result file and I can view it by another jmeter and with the adding an aggregate report listener to it. It opens the results with a pop up alert message but does not refresh it. For getting the updated results , need to browse and open it again .
So is there any way/plugin to open the file to view with auto refreshed as we can view while running in GUI mode.
It is not recommended to use listeners during test run, even if it is done via another instance of JMeter. Wait for the test to finish and then perform the analysis.
If for some reason looking into interim stats is absolutely required I would recommend running your JMeter test using Taurus tool as a wrapper, you'll be able to see some statistics and graphs this way:

Load Testing in VS2010 doesn't seem to report results

I do the following:
Create a Web Performance Test. Browse around while the recorder records the steps.
Create a Load Test. Go through the wizard, attach the Web Perf Test created in the previous step.
Run the Load Test. It seems to run fine with all kinds of colorful statistics and I can see requests going out via TcpView utility. The screen looks like this, while running:
When it's all done, I get a blank screen without any results (see below).
Am I missing something simple?
Load Tests results need to be stored in a database. Have you configure the connection string for the sql server where the LoadTests2010 database exists?
If not, check these links to see how to create the database and configure the connection string:
How to: Create a Load Test Results Repository Using SQL
How to: Select a Load Test Results Repository
