Cannot store load test results in a TFS 2005 results store - visual-studio-2005

I've setup a results store and when I publish results of a load test, I can't view the published test details.
From the test run section of the build report I click on the published build and when I choose View Test Results Details from the Test Runs shortcut menu I get an error that the test results details cannot be viewed because the results were not stored in a results store.
I've looked for the data in the results store database and I don't anything there so the error makes sense.
I've setup a connection string to the results store in the Administer Test Controller dialog. Is this the only thing that needs to be done to get test results into the store?

The reports aren't going to be available until after the data has been copied to the data warehouse. This can typically take up to one hour to do.


Can I create a report that will list all previously run reports?

I'm using Dynamics CRM 2015 and want to create a report that will show all reports run in the last 12 months.
I've been using the Report Wizard and can't seem to find the entity that is created when a report is run. I can find when a report was created but not every time it has been run.
Example of expected results:
Report X
4/3/2019 Admin 1
4/2/2019 Admin 3
Report Y
4/3/2019 Admin 2
4/2/2019 Admin 1
I'm not worried about the formats, I will most likely tinker with it after. I simply want to find a way to display every instance any report has been run.
Since you're on CRM 2015, it would follow that your system is on-prem.
That means you're not able to use the relatively new Activity Logging a.k.a. Read Auditing that's available in D365 Online, which seems to have what you're looking for.
The out-of-box audit in CRM 2015 would give you some kind of "user access" auditing (i.e. when people login), but not show you specific report runs. It's really designed to capture changes to the data for audited entities.
As far as I know there is no entity record created when a user runs a report. Provided you were willing to hook into and/or replace all the report triggers throughout the system (i.e. in all ribbons), you could hypothetically build something to track report runs. But it seems like that would be cost prohibitive.
According to this article you should be able to pull this info out of the ReportServer DB. I'd quote the relevant parts here but it seems very involved - creating temp tables, etc.

VS Load Tests without database

I have a load test, but it wants to save data in a database. We're still 'getting started' and really want the results either on the screen or in a file right now.
How do I tell the load test not to write to a database and to just show me the results instead?
In the properties of the "Run settings" set the Storage type to be None.
I do not recommend doing this. Much of the result detail is not preserved or graphed properly when not saved to the database. For the same reason I normally run test with the Timing details storage property of the "Run settings" set to All individual details.
The database is not large and the results from unwanted runs can easily be deleted. See also here and here for some notes on managing the results database.

Storing ssrs reports in a file that can be called immediately

Hi Fellow SSRS Developers,
I have a scenario that I'm trying to tend to but need to know if what I want to do is even possible.
I have 4 reports that I would like to have run and then store the actual report in a file on a server. The reason for this need is because the response time on the reports is a bit long and I've done everything in SQL to speed it up.
What I want to have happen, is when a user clicks on the report name, instead of rendering the report on their screen I simply want to call the report that is already in a file so that it will load in lightning quick time.
Has anyone ever done this with SSRS and is it even possible?
Other than running reports on demand, there are two specific options: Running from a Cached report and running from a Snapshot.
You can see details on all of this in Setting Report Processing Properties.
From Books Online:
To enhance performance, you can specify a report (and data) to be
cached temporarily when a user runs the report. The cached copy is
subsequently available to other users who access the same report. With
this approach, if ten users open the report, only the first request
results in report processing. The report is subsequently cached, and
the remaining nine users view the cached report.
So here you can see that it is a specific user action that causes a stored report to be created.
See Report Caching in Reporting Services.
From Books Online:
A report snapshot is a report that contains layout information and
data that is retrieved at a specific point in time. You can run a
report as a report snapshot to prevent the report from being run at
arbitrary times (for example, during a scheduled backup). A report
snapshot is usually created and subsequently refreshed on a schedule,
allowing you to time exactly when report and data processing will
occur. If a report is based on queries that take a long time to run,
or on queries that use data from a data source that you prefer no one
access during certain hours, you should run the report as a snapshot.
Here you can see that these are these are generally set up on a regular schedule, i.e. independent of user activity.
See Creating, Modifying, and Deleting Snapshots in Report History.
In this case it seems like Snapshots might be your best option so you have more control of when the stored report is created. The main issue with Snapshots is that they need either stored credentials or an unattended execution account so might not be possible in all cases.

How to get the test outcome programmatically?

I am using the Visual Studio agents to run VS coded UI tests on a remote test server (the test agent) from my own developer machine (the test controller).
When running tests locally, I was able to access and read the TRX results file that is created once the test had completed, but I am unable to access this file on the remote test server since the TRX results file remains within the Visual Studio folder on the test controller.
The reason I want to access the results file programmatically as I have code to read the file and then to send out the result as an automated email.
So, is there any way to get the outcome of the test programmatically so that I can send out the results email automatically?
Ideally, I would be able to get access to the TRX results file from the test server but I'm not sure if this is feasible or possible.
If you run the coded ui inside of a load test, you can set it to write to the LoadTest2010 database. From there you can set up ways to get the results and trigger events as with any database.

Load Testing in VS2010 doesn't seem to report results

I do the following:
Create a Web Performance Test. Browse around while the recorder records the steps.
Create a Load Test. Go through the wizard, attach the Web Perf Test created in the previous step.
Run the Load Test. It seems to run fine with all kinds of colorful statistics and I can see requests going out via TcpView utility. The screen looks like this, while running:
When it's all done, I get a blank screen without any results (see below).
Am I missing something simple?
Load Tests results need to be stored in a database. Have you configure the connection string for the sql server where the LoadTests2010 database exists?
If not, check these links to see how to create the database and configure the connection string:
How to: Create a Load Test Results Repository Using SQL
How to: Select a Load Test Results Repository
