Is there a better tool compared to Oracle SQL Developer? [closed] - oracle

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I'm just starting to learn Oracle SQL Developer as I develop PL/SQL code at my new job, and while it's an okay tool, it lacks a lot of the conveniences and features that you'd want when writing programs using a different IDE (such as IDEA).
Is there a different tool out there that really assists when building large packages/procedures/functions of PL/SQL code compared to Oracle's SQL developer 3? It would be great to get features like code completion, or to have the ability to CTRL-click a procedure name to quickly jump to a piece of code, and other nice features of this type?

PL/SQL Developer by AllroundAutomations its really good one. Provides all the basic features that other tools provides. And very good while debugging your stored procedures, functions and triggers. But it is also a licensed version. There are no. of add-ons are available which makes tool more powerful and You can customize your Plsql developer as shown in following links.
here and here

I think Oracle SQL Developer is okay to develop PL/SQL code, It is a free software produced by Oracle org, it might lack of some specific features. but it satisfies most of common usages and functionality.
Toad is a more powerful tool with very widely used. but you need get a license.

PL/SQL developer was interesting to try out a couple years ago, but I'm always finding myself doing a decent amount of DBA type work, and it wasn't very helpful with that.
My DBA skills are not particularly strong, so that area, Toad and SQL Developer definitely come out ahead.
Overall, I prefer Toad (though it can be a resource hog, and getting everything working the way you want can be a pain). There's different versions (one specifically for developers) so one of those might suit you.
I recently started a new job, and decided to give SQL Developer a run (this is primarily because Toad is expensive enough that some places won't spend the money on my last it seemed like a good idea to pick a tool I knew I'd have everywhere). It certainly has its issues (it seems to be rather stubborn about breaking a connection if a query is running...but its possible thats a java thing), but it is free, lightweight, and gets the job done.
A note on Toad: At this point (possibly for the forseeable future) is strictly a 32-bit app. It'll run on a 64-bit windows box and connect to a 64-bit Oracle database, but the Oracle client must be 32-bit


Oracle PL/SQL package version control [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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We are building an automation process which needs to be version controlled so we can rerun it with certain parameters potentially even years later. We have been discussing ways to achieve a level of "version control". We would like to keep the versions in Oracle in some form so you can relatively easily get them running again.
The decision was that we will need to use different names for the different versions like *_1, *_2, etc.
I have a couple of concerns with this. Firstly it requires diligence to always make a new version of the package, no matter how small the change would be, so the number of versions can easily get out of hand. Secondly you have no way of knowing if somebody has touched that version since it has been created and ran against a particular set of parameters. (You can get the last updated dates in Oracle tables and compare to the original run time but that's not particularly efficient and you don't know if it was just deleting a space or actual code change.)
Is there a tried and tested good alternative to this?
You may use EBR (Edition-Based Redefinition).
It is likely to solve all your problems.
Edition-based redefinition allows multiple versions of PL/SQL objects, views, and synonyms in a single schema, which makes it possible to perform upgrades of database applications with zero downtime.
If changes are small you can recompile your objects in the same edition.
You can create editions and actualize only those objects you want to change.
Changes will be isolated until you make your new edition available for other users and applications.
You can change edition using ALTER DATABASE DEFAULT EDITION = edition-name; statement
You can read more about EBR here
You may want to take a look at Gitora It helps managing Oracle PL/SQL packages with Git. Full disclosure: I am the developer.

Oracle forms and reports documentation [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I am lookin for a documentation on Oracle forms and reports? I have been trying to find out for quite some time, but could not find any.Is there any from Oracle or any other good source?
Well, Forms nor Report didn't change a lot (from developer's perspective) during their history.
up to 3.0 version, it was character mode tool. I doubt you use any of these versions
from 4.5 to 6.0, it was a modern GUI, running in client-server architecture. That's not being used much any more; however, I know (by reading Oracle Forums) that people still do use it
since 10g onwards (the first version was 9.0.4, but its market name was 10g), Forms applications are deployed on the web (true, you can do that with version 6 as well)
I guess you're not using anything lower than version 6. If that's so, as I said - from developer's point of view - you still have data and control blocks, triggers, procedures; in Reports, there are still queries, frames, anchors and stuff. Almost any documentation would do, more or less.
You should probably want to read documentation related to version you use. Here's Documentation for Oracle Forms and Reports (
Also, note that both Forms and Reports have really good online help system - navigate to their "Help" menu, open it and start reading or simply search for what you're interested in. There are a lot of examples within help.
Nearly all the current and previous Forms/Reports docs are linked from the Forms product page on

SQL*Plus usability [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I'm new in Oracle Database studies and I would like to know about the advantages to use SQL*Plus until today? People use it only when they do not have an interface to work or it really has great advantages that we don't find in visual softwares (like PL/SQL, DBeaver, Enterprise Manager, etc.)?
There's two bits to your question: why SQLPlus but also, why use a Command Line Interface?
SQL*Plus was an early command-line interface for Oracle Database. And back in the day, having a terminal and a CLI was as good as it got.
It teaches you to be efficient with the keystrokes. It forces you to memorize commands (and more importantly, patterns). And it gives you a stripped-down, bare bones experience.
Now, when Windows really took off, GUIs became all the rage. A mouse!
So we built GUIs - today we have Enterprise Manager and SQL Developer.
And SQLPlus continued on.
GUIs can make it easier to get started. They can also obscure 'how things work.' They're also heavier, and more involved than a CLI.
There's no right or wrong here - it's about the right tool for the job.
More than a few years ago, we built a NEW CLI for the Database, it's called Oracle SQLcl. It gives you everything you like about SQLPlus WITH everything you like about SQL Developer.
So, as a new person to Oracle - WELCOME! However, if you're going to be using a cli, use SQLcl. It's going to be MUCH more user friendly.
Basic Example #1, SQLPlus and query output
SQLcl and the same query

Good Oracle database development and management tool on Windows [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I'm looking for an Oracle database management tool like sql server management studio.
I've searched the internet and found a lot of tools on the following link:
But I don't know which one is better.
I need a stable and easy-to-use GUI tool for working on windows.
The best free ones are (in no particular order)
SQL Developer
Oracle Enterprise Manager (parts are included in the licence)
Eclipse plugin - SQL Explorer
The best commercial ones are (in no particular order)
Oracle Enterprise Manager
PL/SQL Developer
My shop uses an open-source Eclipse plugin called SQL Explorer: It has good stuff for examining schemata; it integrates with your source code control system; it works on other database table servers too.
We also use a commercial tool called PL/SQL Developer:
This tool has a "SQL Beautifier" which can tidy up some of the hairiest queries you can imagine. In tidying them up, it helps the one writing the query find typos. It also has a context menu that will do "EXPLAIN PLAN" on a query that's already running, and a way to stop a running query. Those are incredibly handy tools.
Carpenteri mentioned Oracle Enterprise Manager. That comes with your Oracle thick client. I find it helpful for getting an instance-wide view of what's going on in your server.
If you are looking for a system management tool for your Oracle database it is worth looking at the Oracle Enterprise Manager
You could use a combination of some tools like SQL Developer, SQLTools and Aqua Data Studio

Formatting Stored Procedures [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I currently work with an Oracle database and we use stored procedures for all our SQL queries. The problem I have is that we do not really having a coding standard for our packages. So what happens is that every developer has a different style (or in some cases no sense of style) in how they format there packages. Making them difficult to read and work on with out first reformatting. We all pretty much just use Notepad or Notepad2 to write our packages.
I am unfortunately not in a position to mandate a coding standard and enforce it (just a code monkey at this point) so I was hoping to find a free SQL code formatter that I can use myself, and possibly suggest to others on the team to use, to make my life easier.
I have considered writing a small application that would essentially take a file as input and reformat everything, but before I did this I figured I would ask if anyone new of such a tool that is already available and is free.
So does anyone now of any such tools available?
There is a free one online sqlformatter, also SQLinForm, personally i use TOAD and have done since before it was bought by Quest (10 years?)
VIM script
Aqua Data studio $ I use this one all the time.
I like TOAD for Oracle. It has a format feature that's decent. I see there's a freeware version, though I have not used it.
Toad for Oracle
nicest, most mature
Toad for Oracle, free version
this will do what you want
limitations are related to number of connections, size of data mods, etc.
Oracle SQL Developer (up and coming, free!)
from Oracle
cross platform
I had the exact same experience from Day One working with Oracle stored procedures - "I have to use NOTEPAD?! Oh HELL no."
So I hopped on the internets and what I found were people saying "Hey, I have to create stored procedures in Oracle, isn't there anything better than NOTEPAD?!"
And the canonical answer was: "Download TOAD, you'll be glad you did". So I followed their advice, was very happy with it, and I'm pleased (if a bit amazed) to see it is still a popular answer.
